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Forest of Fog

A god arises

By Shawn LowryPublished 2 years ago 21 min read
Made with the Dall-E AI image generator

Thick layers of white fog hovered above a decorative basket, swirling around in a dew moistened cloud rendering it invisible to the harsh unforgiving woods. Three year old Adira rubbed her eyes, yawning with contentment, under a blanket, tucked inside a basket, without a care in the world.

Thirty yards away her father lay motionless, clinging to life. A steady flow of blood coming from a large gash in his stomach ran down his shirt soaking his pants. He crawled further from the basket several Majestic-Demon, shawdow creatures swopped down from the treetops surrounding him. Circling several times emitting an ear splitting scream. He covered his ears, one of them grabbed him. It dragged his beleaguered body across the ground away from his daughter. Another creature broke formation and dove directly into his chest. He convulced wildly. Vegetables spewed from his mouth, along with a few small undigested chunks of dried meat, painting the forest floor with a decoupage of green and red.

The shadow beast took control of his mind and body. Take me to the girl! A voice inside his head demanded. No, never! he focused his thoughts away from his daughter. Take me to her! Never! He closed his mind to that thought. Reaching down, he pulled a twin-edged hunting knife from a leather pouch and raised it up and out. He held it, momentarily, above his chest. You will never find her. The words filled his head; he repeated them over and over. With a burst of courage, he plunged the knife into his heart. As his body slumped to the ground the shadow jumped out of his body rejoining the others. More Intense wailing echoed through the woods while the beings circled aimlessly around, phasing through the trees. Shortly after he gasped for his final breath the creatures disappeared back into the treetops.

Moments later as instantaneous rigor mortis brought him back to an upright sitting position mighty trees began to bend and crack. Some, uprooted altogether. A fifty-foot-tall White Dragon with horns and wings of gold meandered through the fog sniffing about the forest floor searching for some special magical spores that were only available in this forest.

"Human blood, I haven't smelled that smokey sweet goodness in over a hundred years." The Dragon's eyes widened as he lowered his head closer to the forest floor begining to track it's scent. He was surprisingly startled, when the trail led him to the human body sitting upright with a hunting knife plunged into his heart. So much so that he reared up like a massive snake about to strike. His wings unfurled themselves from his side and flapped uncontrollably. This caused such a stir that the entirety of fog in a one-hundred-yard radius cleared instantly, revealing the basket about Thirty-five yards away.

"What do we have here?" The smile morphed into an inquisitive facial expression. The Dragon approached the basket and peered at the blanket. He poked it ever so gently with a golden clawed finger. The toddler giggled as the Dragon poked at her again. Joy spread over the Dragon's face as he poked at the girl one more time.

One hour earlier...

Hundreds of oversized black crows darkened the sky over Dragonsvane, eerily cawing their siren songs. A spotted white owl with spectacular wingtips brushed with silver and bronze emerged, parting the black swarm. Remy raised his arm high into the air, then watched intently as Freckles the owl came to rest on his forearm. A small parchment rolled into a scroll was tied to the owl's leg. Remy wasn’t expecting any messages from anyone until month’s end. He was at the town's center to pray at the altar of Dragonsvane. He carefully untied the owl's offering, then pulled a bright green emerald from his pouch and dropped it into a small carrying sack that hung about Freckles' neck. The owl nodded in approval, then took to the sky joining the scattered mass of crows. Remy unrolled the scroll and began to read:

Your child is in grave danger, Dragonsvane is no longer safe. You must escort your daughter Adira to the forest of fog immediately. Further instructions to come. Do not delay as this would have catastrophic consequences. Talk to no one, ask no questions. We have arranged a guide to ensure safe passage for your daughter.

Signed Counsel of Kings, Falcon Greentree of Valspar and Demitri Darkbrood of Willow Pass…

Remy rushed through the small town. His human heart thumped wildly, as he approached his home. Arcami, his Elven wife, was in the kitchen mixing some vegetables and wild roots to add to their pot of rabbit stew. Remy crept straight to the study where Adira was flipping through the pages of her favorite comic: Human tales, tales of fact and fiction. He pulled her close and then kissed her on the forehead. He scanned the room and spotted her favorite blanket rolled in a decorative basket at the end of a large wooden bookcase. Remy took the blanket and draped it over his daughter's shoulders. He raised his pointer finger to his mouth alerting Adira to keep quiet, then motioned her to follow. He grabbed the basket, they eased out the back door.

Thirty minutes later fires swept through the streets of Dragonsvane consuming one building after another. Gershawn, a dark wizard, summoned fireballs from his hands conjuring crisp white-hot flames at will. The clan of Ogres he brought with him pillaged each home before Gershawn set it aflame. He was searching for something, or someone to be more specific. He was searching for a child, a product of a forbidden affair, she was half-human and half-elf.

Counsel of Kings was paying a handsome reward, great and powerful seers of mighty Valspar had foretold that this child would have unrivaled powers. The so-called irrevocable balance from light to dark could be shifted if this child fell into the wrong hands…

Remy arrived at the edge of the Forest of Fog at precisely the same time Gershawn began to set his hometown ablaze. He, like so many others, dreaded this place. There was no word or emotion strong enough to convey how one felt just standing near it.

He reached into his leather pouch and pulled out a hunting knife and a chunk of dried meat. He cut off a sizable chunk and tossed it in the air. He leaned his head back and caught it in his mouth then began to chew slowly. His mind was racing thinking about the stories- legends if you will- about this place. It housed the dark and forgotten. Vampires and werewolves, beings that could suck the soul from unsuspecting prey. Mysterious creatures of all shapes and sizes, all the banished creatures and gods alike. It was a gateway to the 2nd and 3rd realms. Some claim its fog could drive you mad in mere minutes.

He unrolled the scroll he studied the words intently

Further instructions to come:

"What's wrong daddy?" She asked innocently.

Remy rolled the parchment and tucked it into his pouch.

"Everything is fine, we are going to play a game okay?" He took her hand and led her to the basket.

"You are going to hide in there and keep real quiet until I take the blanket off okay?" She did exactly as she was told. Remy covered her and tucked in the sides leaving only her face exposed. He knelt down next to the basket and began to pray. "I have dutifully and faithfully followed your instructions, now give me the Counsel I seek."

"You musssst be Rrrremy I pre-ssssume!" Snapped a voice from somewhere out of the fog.

"Wh-who is it, whose th-there?" Remy asked, nervously. He looked down at the face of his daughter and pulled the basket close. Am I insane he thought. What if this was a sick joke, some kind of prank?

"I can assssure you thisss isss no prank Rrrremy!" The voice boomed again. "I am your liasssson, ssstep into the fffffog, and ffffollow meeee!" The unknown voice bellowed.

"Come out of the fog and show yourself, How do I know I can trust you? Who sent you?"

Meanwhile back at Dragonsvane…

Gershawn had intentions for evil. If he had it his way he would be the one to shift light to dark and open the gates of outer darkness so that all creatures could roam free once again. King's ransom be damned, It was not riches he sought, but revenge. Revenge on the Mighty King of Valspar, King Falcon Greentree. The Valsparian Army had single-handedly thinned the Ogre population, from half a million to a few disbanded groups totaling four thousand at best. The small group of ten that Gershawn brought with him was the last group that had not been tagged and tracked like wild animals of old. They were the last of the free.

Humans, Dwarves and Elves alike scattered through the streets. Some gathering what possessions they could save from the burning buildings while others ran in fear for their lives.

Dragonsvane was a small mining town with no known warriors or wizards, to protect them. A decree and some powerful magic from the counsel of Kings had kept it safe for a century. As long as the citizens gathered and sent the precious gems from the mines to Valspar and Willow Pass, it would remain under the protection spell. If this stopped or any of the provisions of the magical contract were violated the contracted decree would be lawfully considered null and void.

Dragonsvane was one of the last places where Humans, Dwarves and Elves lived and worked together. However sexual contact or intermixing of the races was strictly forbidden and any such conduct was a breach of the stated contract.

Gershawn had waited decades for a moment like this…

“Round up all the citizens, bring them to me.” He held up a hand and materialized another fireball. “We must find a human male named Remy. It is his child who we seek.” He released the fireball and watched it crash into another home engulfing it in flame. The Ogres began to round up the citizens and bring them to the Dragonsvane statue in the center of town.

"We have a mouthy one here." Said a particularly large dumb Ogre. He held an Elven woman by her hair. She struggled to free herself.

"Ahhh Nak-Nar, well done" exclaimed Gershawn, he leaned in close and tapped her on the mouth. "Where is your husband, more importantly, where is the baby?" He held out his hand and materialized another fireball. It leapt out of his hand and hovered next to her face. "I asked you a question Arcami, hand over the child and I'll consider letting you serve me when I unleash the fog. Taking my rightful spot as King. A new era is among us, the dark and forgotten ones will be at my side. Mighty Valspar will fall and King Falcon will answer for the lives he and his army have taken from the planet."

Forest of Fog…

Remy continued the conversation with the unknown voice. "I will enter when the guide arrives."

"Oh but I am your liasssson, trussssst me come in King Falcon hassss ssssent for meee!" Thin strands of fog seeped out of the wooded perimeter where it lived. Remy looked at the basket where his daughter lay then watched as the fog swirled around him enveloping him in cloud and mist. "It is proof you sssseeek, here isss your proof Remy." A crystal clear orb dropped from somewhere above and landed precisely in front of Remy. "Gazzze into the orb, you sssstand here while your precioussss Dragonsvane burnsss!"

Images filled the orb starting with Remy leaving his house as he carried his baby out of town. As Remy watched and became engaged in the mystical imagery the woods and fog expanded surrounding him. He hadn't even noticed the change until the woods and fog were so thick that light no longer entered. Bright white fire filled Remy's mind as a fireball crashed through his house. An Ogre grabbed his wife by the throat and lifted her off her feet. He tried to stand and look away from the images. He felt as though he was in slow motion, he stood and grabbed the basket he tried to run, but the woods and fog had other plans. A tree branch took a swipe at his head. He narrowly avoided with an instinctive well-timed parry.

"By the protection of the King's decree of Dragonsvane, I plead to the authority of the Counsel of Kings to protect my daughter and I will lay down my life!" Just then the orb exploded in a colorful burst sending shards of glass everywhere. One of them sliced a deep gash across his stomach. The basket with his daughter inside slid away from him as he fell to the mud-hardened ground. Immediately pure, bright white fog enveloped the basket and it disappeared from his sight. He sighed in relief as he slumped back to the ground.

Ten minutes later, back at Dragonsvane…

"What do you want with my daughter? The fact that you are here tells me that something has changed." Arcami struggled to free herself again, but Nak-Nar held firm.

"You are very observant, but my patience is wearing thin, where is the girl." The fireball blazed hotter and brighter next to her face. "I can't hold it much longer, tell me now!"

"I - don't - know." She said slowly, emphasizing each word hoping he would get the point. "That fireball isn't going to make a damn bit of difference. I hope Remy has her far away from here. I pray you shall never find her."

"Have it your wa-" Before he could finish his sentence the fireball turned to ice and fell at Nak-Nar's feet. Several large masses darkened the sky above them. Nak-Nar's grip released and Arcami hit the ground running.

Gershawn and the Ogres peered at the sky above as a band of Dragons flew overhead. One of the Dragons dove out of the sky and brushed past the dark wizard, almost knocking him off his feet. The Red Dragon landed gracefully with a flourish from his immense wings. Arcami stopped quickly in her tracks and bowed down before him.

"King Falcon of Valspar has requested your presence Arcami Archerus of Dragonsvane." Three other Dragons landed in the village streets and began to breathe a soft forgiving mist onto the burning houses and buildings that were engulfed in flame. The mist not only extinguished the fires, it began a restoration process, the buildings were healing and slowly returning to their former states.

Ogres rallied together at Dragonsvane statue, Gershawn filled their ears with a message of encouragement. "This is far from over, Your days of hiding in the mystical fog will be over, girl or no girl. Without their precious Jem's to sustain and magnify the King's abilities I will find a way to release the fog upon all the world! I will sit as the head of the Counsel of Kings this I solemnly promise!" He raised his fist in the air and the Ogres grunted their approval. Mist rose from the ground and swirled around them forming a tornado. As quickly as it had arrived it was gone, taking Gershawn and the Ogres with it.

One hour later at Castle Willow Pass…

Dimitri Darkblood ascended the cobblestone steps of his castle's dungeon and made his way to the wizard's tower. His presence was met with an icy cold stare and a look of downright fear on the face of his estranged brother Gershawn.

"Do you bring me good news or more bold excuses for your failures?" Asked the King as he approached the twenty-foot-long dining table feast that had been prepared in anticipation of great news.

Nak-Nar the ogre stepped up to the table and ripped a rather large turkey leg from one of the turkeys on the table. He shoved the whole leg in his mouth and began to eat, bone and all. He spoke as he chewed. "We had Arcami, the girls mother," he reached back towards the table as he devoured the last of the leg. He picked up the whole carcass this time and attempted to continue his speech. "She was rescued by-"

"Silence you fool, I want to hear from my brother not his pathetic excuse of a warrior. Shut up, drop the food and leave us or I will tag you and your crew like the rest and relegate you back to the Forest of Fog." He twisted the edge of his mustache with a crooked pointer finger.

Nak-Nar placed the turkey back on the table and promptly left the room licking his fingers hungrily as the door shut behind him.

"Did you bring the girl?" Dimitri already knew the answer but he wanted his brother to stew in his incompetence for a moment. Gershawn rocked back and forth for a moment tapping his feet. Before he could stammer out an inexcusable lie the door burst open again. One of the Castle guards burst in the door frantically searching for the King.

He slid to a stop in front of Dimitri and bowed immediately. "Sorry to interrupt oh Regal King, but Tekseh the terrible is here. He says it is of dire importance that he see you now!" He took a deep breath and straightened up saluting the King.

"Let's see what that oversized rat with wings has for us now, eh brother? We will discuss your failures later."

Meanwhile at Castle Valspar…

Arcami approached, swooping through a cloud, on the back of Hesket the Humble, the Red Dragon who had picked her up at Dragonsvane. His deep growly voice cut through the wind as he spoke. "Falcon will know what to do about your husband and daughter."

"Let's hope he's the King you say he is." She retorted. As the Castle came into view an enormous white flag with three green trees in its center waved proudly in the breeze welcoming Arcami and Hesket. Elven Archers stood watch on the battlements standing in the crenels awaiting the arrival of Hesket.

Hesket landed near a tower in the courtyard's center. King Falcon and his two elven brothers (Tacklin, and Highlander Greentree) were waiting near the tower. The dragon bowed briefly, Arcami slid slowly off his neck and eased herself to the plush grass of the courtyard. Tacklin was dressed in an elaborate blue robe adorned with a diamond-studded belt. He carried a wooden staff that housed a crystal ball held in place by four dragon's teeth that curved slightly around it. Hilander was rather mundane in comparison, he wore a pair of simple grey trousers and a plain grey shirt. A small dagger hung from his hip. His boots seemed a bit out of place however, they had small wings attached to the back and seemed to illuminate an alluring soft white glow as he walked on air towards Arcami and Hesket. King Falcon wore light leather armor covered in white and gold interlaced dragon scales. The finest elven long bow Arcami had ever laid her eyes upon was slung across his shoulder.

"Arcami, I'm glad you could make it, so sorry for your loss," Tacklin spoke up as Arcami approached the three men. She was taken aback by his statement.

"My loss? There hasn't been any confirmation about a loss, with all due respect sir." She looked to Falcon who stepped forward stroking his slightly greying goatee with his thick powerful fingers.

"Forgive my dear brother Tacklin, he has all the tact of an Ogre, but he is one of the best spies a King could ask for." He chuckled uncomfortably while patting her on the back to console her. "That's why we summoned you here Arcami, we have it under good authority that your husband has," he paused and took her hand in his. "passed, they found him in the Forest of Fog. I will spare you the details, but he is here and we will give him a proper burial. There is some promising news, however." She slumped down into his arms sobbing uncontrollably. "Your daughter is alive, thanks to heroic actions taken by Remy. We just have to get her back."

"Get her back? Who has her and why?" Arcami asked solemnly, fighting back more tears. Tacklin stepped forward and looked at Falcon who nodded with approval. Tacklin pushed the sleeves of his robe back and lifted his staff in front of her. A warm yellowish-orange glow filled the orb atop the staff. It began to spin wildly. The Dragon teeth that curved slightly around it opened up allowing It to separate itself from the staff. Arcami stood straight now, her gaze affixed to the floating spinning orb.

Inside she watched, but it was more than just watching, she could feel herself transitioning to something, to someplace. A large finger poked her in the belly, she laughed, and she could see and feel it. It was a dragon standing over her, she looked around, she was inside some kind of basket. The dragon poked her again, her vision was clear now. The dragon was white with horns and wings of gold.

Hilander stepped forward and tapped Falcon on the shoulder. Arcami was oblivious to the world outside of her body. Her only focus was on the connection inside the floating orb. Hilander whispered something to the King. He took a step back and motioned for Hesket to come forward.

"That is my brother Tekseh." The dragon said glancing into the orb. "Where is he off to?"

At that moment; In Willow Pass Castle…

"Is this what all the fuss is about?" Gershawn asked in a mocking tone. "She doesn't look like much to me." He finished, looking down at Adira who stood next to the basket.

"She is the one that Highlander and Tacklin sought. Because of her, I was able to lift the protection enchantment from Dragonsvane. I anticipated your incompetence so I sent Remy the letter luring him to the Forest of Fog with the girl."

"I hope she is worth the trouble. Considering you broke the covenant with Falcon." Said Gershawn. "I'm sure by now Falcon knows who has the girl, considering that Teskseh's brother was the one who picked Arcami up."

"As Long as Falcon sits as the head of the counsel the Forest of Fog will never expand. I wanted them to see you, and I knew your arrogance and need for power would have you do as I said. You have given me the perfect alibi, goodbye brother." He pulled a longsword from its sheath and in one swift motion promptly swung it at his brother's neck. The sword stopped half an inch from his throat. Adira stepped forward, her hand raised in the air. An electrical field surrounded her hand. She looked at the King, her eyes were dark and blank, and a deep sorrowful expression betrayed her emotional calm.

"I came here because I thought you could be saved. I hoped that you would have a change of heart. My mother has always said-"

Back at Valspar…

"There is a deep dark passion for power and the Omni present need to fulfill it, the question is do we feed that desire with good or evil?" Arcami said. Her mind, body, and soul were one with the crystal orb. Her eyes were filled with the same dark blank sorrow that was held on Adira's face. "I know where Adira is, my daughter, is alive." The moment she broke her concentration to speak the light from the crystal diminished, it hit the ground shattering. Tacklin swiped his hand across the air and all the pieces of glass fell harmlessly to the ground in front of him.

"That's just great," exclaimed Tacklin, "that's the third orb this week." He sighed deeply. "Wizarding is hard!"

Falcon focused his attention on Arcami. "I was hoping that you would connect with her. Why didn't you tell your husband?" Falcon stroked his goatee, he leaned in close to her.

"Tell my husband what sir?" Arcami questioned.

"That you are the reason the village was spared, that your daughter would be the key to keeping the Forest of Fog from expanding. That the very name Adira means powerful. That you are the daughter of Arcamius Archerus god of hunting. Do I need to continue?" Arcami grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Thank you, dear King, but telling him is precisely why he died. Just over a century ago, my father sacrificed his life so that I could live. He struck a deal with the darkbones. That would keep them inside the Forest for a hundred years. He did what my father did, and it's all my fault. now we must get my daughter back!"

Willow Pass…

The sword fell to the ground, clanking onto the cobblestone before coming to rest in front of Gershawn's feet. He took a nervous step back. Adira stepped towards Dimitri, her hands still glowing with electricity. "I want to see my mother!"

Dimitri raised his hand and flicked his wrist bidding the sword to rise and leap into his hand. He held it out pointing it's tip at his brother. "She has spared your life, for now. Leave us before I banish you and that clan of monstrosities to the Forest." Adira raised her hand in a mocking fashion and flicked her wrist, the sword lept from Dimitri's hand nearly pulling him flat to his face as he tightened his grip. It stopped in front of Adira balancing on its pommel.

"I said, I want to see my mother." Adira repeated.

"I have underestimated you dear child. I may reconsider my plans." Dimitri took a huge breath. He was about to speak but Adira spoke out first.

"Is this about my grandfather?"

Tekesh lowered his head toward the King. Adira climbed on his neck and held on tightly. He whispered something to Dimitri then took to the sky. A furious flapping of wings propelled them up and out of the protective walls of the castle.

Back at Valspar…

"Father is alive!" Arcami exclaimed. "Adira is going to him." Tacklin and Hilander both snapped their fingers and smiled slightly. Falcon looked at Arcami, confusion betraying his normally confident facial expression.

"Did I miss something here?" Falcon asked, shifting his curious gaze from Arcami to Tacklin and finally coming to rest on Hilander."

Highlander responded,

"Simple brother, as Arcami said her father sacrificed his life for her. Remy gave up his life for Adira, this triggered a voiding of the deal. Arcamius banishment to the outer realms has been revoked. The protection of Dragonsvane, revoked, so Dimitri saw, or thought, to be more precise that Adira was his ticket to power and being head of the Counsel of Kings. What he didn't know was that Tacklin and I saw this all unfolding. Hesket acted as a liaison and delivered the spy crystal to the Forest where Remy was to meet. The one thing we didn't foresee was it malfunctioning, due to Arcamius presence in that forest it exploded. Remy was supposed to live as a prisoner of Willow Pass. Until Dimitri could control the rise of Arcamius. Tekseh took Adira before Hesket could get there. Now Teskeh has taken the deal for himself."

Forest of Fog…

Tekseh sniffed his way back to the spot where he had discovered Adira. He could still smell Remy's fresh blood wafting through the mist. However, Remy's body was nowhere to be found. He sniffed again, taking in the scent just to be sure he was in the correct spot. "The King will not be pleased," he said aloud.

"And why would that be?" came a voice from somewhere near.

"Because Tekseh the terrible will be king?" Tekseh said matter of factly.

"You made the right choice dear friend."

"How did you know?" Tekseh asked. Stepping forward he reached out into the mist gently.

The voice spoke again, saying

"I'm not invisible, you fool, I am still in the 3rd realm awaiting my physical body. I needed a direct descendant to lift the curse ending my banishment. Tacklin and Highlander were guiding Remy here with Adira. He wasn't supposed to die. When the dark ones felt my presence they did all they could to hinder my return. The orb exploded; Tacklin and Hilander lost her location. Dimitri did not send you here for spores. He sent the letter, he knew Remy would bring her here. He knew Falcon would send your brother and the other dragons to protect Dragonsvane."

Tekseh lowered his head again, Adira slid off his neck. "Shall we begin?"

"We shall indeed!"

With that, the trees began to dance, the fog began to form mini cyclones all around the dragon and the girl. They split in all directions swirling at supersonic speeds. An orange and yellow glow illuminated an area of about a mile in all directions. The ground began to rumble it split open. A shadow emerged from the ground then rose above the dragon. A hand reached down and took Adira. "Do not be afraid, Adira, this is your right of passage."

Willow pass…

A cyclone crashed through the thick castle wall seeking Dimitri, it engulfed him in the mist, then settled into the ground leaving only his clothes and sword in a heap.


"It is finished, Willow Pass has a new King, my father has returned." Said Arcami.

"Thank you Hesket, our plan was flawless, it's a good thing your brother is on our side!" Long live the god of hunting." Falcon said as he and Arcami climbed onto Hesket.

"Let's go see my daughter. I guess he is the King you said he was." Grand wings lifted into the air and the three vanished into the sky…


About the Creator

Shawn Lowry

Shawn Lowry is a Creative Enthusiast: Writer and poet, artist, game inventor, and general creator

His first movie manuscript placed as a finalist in the Hollywood Screenplay Contest

He has a published children's book and more on the way

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    Shawn LowryWritten by Shawn Lowry

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