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Food of God

can't break we can't break with the past. As I said earlier, we are carnivores

By Ebrahim mohammadiePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Food of God
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

can't break we can't break with the past. As I said earlier, we are carnivores. Humans have developed such habits and appetites over millions of years, and we have inherited them.

Whether we like it or not, I must tell you that hundreds of years ago our ancestors were still addicted to eating beef, lamb, and pork - as long as they could find such meat, and we still consume these meat foods today.

Oh, dear, perhaps Congressman Owen had better go out now and take a break. Maybe I shouldn't have made you all feel bad by stating our eating habits so forcefully. I mean, of course, most of the synthetic foods we taste now have the same biological structure as the natural foods of old. Some of them are simply replicas of natural foods, so much so that there is no chemical experiment to find the difference between them. This is, of course, logical and self-evident; our manufacturers have simply chosen the most popular pre-synthesized foods to look like, and then replicated their flavors and characteristics.

On top of that, we had to create names that never appeared in anatomical or zoological origin studies. In the early 21st century, if you walked into a restaurant, you would find that most of the words on the menu had only just been invented, or that there were a few words chosen from the French vocabulary that few people would recognize. If you want to test the limits of your tolerance, you can try this interesting and rather appetizing experiment. The Library of Congress has an extensive catalog of menus from major restaurants, including menus from White House banquets, that you can look up to five hundred years ago. The vocabulary used in these menus is both colloquial and straightforward, something you would only encounter in an autopsy room dismembering a corpse, and the results are unpleasant. In my opinion, these menus could not be more vividly revealing of the fact that there is a gulf between our ancestors (but a few generations ago) and us ......

Well, Mr. President, I will then mention my main point. While what I have said may be a bit offensive, it is all interrelated and illuminates each other. I am not trying to spoil your appetite. I'm just setting the stage so that I can better rebut my competitor, Tri-Wing Foods. Unless you understand the intellectual background of the formation of new artificial foods, you will think that these arguments are nothing more than a petty whine about the introduction of Ambrosia Tasty Seasoning, which has caused my company a very serious commercial loss.

Gentlemen, new foods are coming out every week. It's hard to keep up with them. They come and go, are constantly updated like women's fashions, and at best, only one out of a thousand foods will exceptionally become permanent on the menu. Very few products are available overnight to the public's taste. I can honestly say that the "Tasty Seasonings" line is the greatest success in the history of the entire food industry. You all know the reality: all the other food products were driven out of the market by "Tasty Seasonings".

Naturally, our company had to take up the challenge. Our bioscientists, no less than any other bioscientists in the solar system, quickly jumped into the development of Tasty Seasoning. When I tell you that we have figured out the structure of almost every food, it is not my intention to reveal trade secrets. These foods include natural and synthetic ones, as long as they have been eaten by human beings, and even some of them are weird and strange things that you have never heard of, such as fried squid, honeyed locusts, and pickled peacock's tongue ...... We have a large library of the tastes and characteristics of various foods, which is the basic stock of our company. shares, as is the case with other companies. We can select the data and mix several of these flavors or characteristics in any conceivable synthetic form; with little effort, we can replicate any product our competitors have introduced and recapture the market.

But the "tasty seasonings" have caused us some headaches. They broke down the protein and made their product purely meat, and the method was not complicated. But we couldn't have solved it better. It was the first time our chemists were frustrated, and none of them could explain exactly what gave this stuff such magic - as you know, the "tasty seasoning" made the corresponding food bland and tasteless. Maybe it's ...... well, maybe I'm talking too much.

Soon, Mr. President, the head of the "Triplane" food company will appear before you, and I am sure they are very reluctant, and he will tell you that the "tasty seasoning" is synthesized from the air, water, limestone, sulfur, phosphorus, and other substances. This is very true, but it is the most insignificant point in our story. For now, we have discovered that its secret is so simple that, like most secrets, it is not complicated.

I do have to congratulate my competitors. They have finally processed an unlimited amount of the ideal food for mankind from natural substances. This ideal food is still in short supply, so it can only be enjoyed by a few gourmets. No doubt they swear that nothing else can compare with this food.

Yes, the chemists of the "Triplane" food company have done a remarkable job. It is now up to you to decide on a moral and philosophical question. Mr. President, when I started my speech, I used the old term "meat-eater". Now I have to introduce you to another word, let me say it one by one, and that is "man-eater-flesh-eater".

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About the Creator

Ebrahim mohammadie

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