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Flight of Venom

We Don't need a civil war

By Jim MoonPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Flight of Venom
Photo by Terence Burke on Unsplash

“The use and possession of chemical weapons is prohibited under international law. However, several nations continue to maintain active chemical weapons programs, despite a prevailing norm against the use of chemical weapons and international efforts to destroy existing stockpiles.” That is a direct quote from the Arms Control Association under Chemical Weapons: Frequently Asked Questions.

Yet here we are, my Captain The United States Air Force, carrying the largest payload of the deadliest nerve agent known to man. I mean it’s absurd when you crunch the numbers. We are carrying 6 tons of VX. That is half the amount that Germany produced in World War II. The rated Officer then chimed in…They never used it. I don’t believe that we will today. This has to be a training mission. They are just testing our ability to follow orders. We’ve not been given a destination. No target has been revealed and we are flying over U.S. soil. We are over the Bible Belt, what could be safer? (chuckles from all Airmen in earshot of the pilot.)

The First Lieutenant was more skeptical. It’s not just us he said. Over 100 aircraft were deployed this morning in the same fashion. No details , all were just instructed to fly and they would be given information on a need to know basis. And why was this plane named Chemlab 2 years ago. Boy did somebody see this day coming.

For God’s sake Eddie, I thought conspiracy theories were for those with weaker minds. Now pull yourself together Lieutenant. You’re right Cap’n. With all the tension in our country over the digital dollar compromising an individual's privacy and the shroud of controversy surrounding the Second Amendment. Well I guess my backwoods roots just showed up and seeped out. My brother painted the side of his barn with the NRA bumper sticker that says ”you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands.” lol.

Anyway enough of my hillbilly rhetoric, how much longer do you think we will be on this mission. Till it ends Eddie, until it ends. For now regale me with some more of your homespun humor. Not now Cap’n. My mind may wander and I might go along for the ride. I’ve got to stay vigilant just like I promised Uncle Sam. You speak the truth, lieutenant. You hear that boys? Keep your eye on the prize.

Your commander and chief will now be addressing all 128 aircraft simultaneously. He is safely aboard Air Force One and is flying in an undisclosed location. At this time, give your undivided attention to The President of the United States of America.

Good morning to all you brave men and women of the armed forces. I salute you. Let there be no qualms about it, we are at war. The enemy is not foreign, but rather a homegrown militia that has taken up arms in defiance of everything we hold dear. So today, I utter the same concept as did Abraham Lincoln before me. “War Power is mine for the purpose of suppressing rebellions.”

In 1863 the court sided with that philosophy and Justice Robert Grier exclaimed…”If a war is made by invasion of a foreign nation, the President is not only authorized but bound to resist force by force. He does not initiate the war but is bound to accept the challenge without waiting for any special legislative authority. And whether the hostile party be a foreign invader or states organized in rebellion, it is nonetheless a war.”

I call upon you today, to vanquish our foe with extreme prejudice. I know what you’re thinking. These are Americans and you think you should not be asked to kill your countrymen. But these men, women and children are not worthy to be called citizens of this great land. They are rogues, rebels and vagabonds. They are less than human. They are dogs, the infidel. It has been determined by me and a few others in Washington, that it is easier to kill them than to control them. You all will be given longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates momentarily. All southern states will be targeted save for Delaware, Maryland, Florida and The District of Columbia.

I pray that there are no rebel sympathizers among you. Let me give you this ominous warning. That wingman you see outside your cockpit window is not there for your protection. He is in place to shoot you down should you decide to abort your mission. I hate to be so stern with you but you need to be aware of the consequences for disobedience. I thank you for your service to the United States government. And I wish you Godspeed.

What is he saying Cap’n? What is he saying!?! Eddie, he is saying we got to do his dirty work. What are we gonna do? We are going to await further instructions. We can’t do this Cap’n. We have no choice lieutenant.

(Another radio contact from Air Force One) This is Chief of Staff of the Air Force addressing Chemlab 1 niner. This is the Chemlab Captain, go ahead sir. Your coordinates are 33.9490 degrees North 85.3877 degrees West. High noon is the go time for all aerial assaults. Don't be late.

At 12 pm Chemlab dropped its load on a rural town in Georgia. The remaining 127 aircraft hit their targets as well. It was a total moral sell out on the part of the government and the military. In the last known transmission from Chemlab 1 niner, the Captain is recorded saying, we have committed the greatest atrocity in the history of civilization. Today boys, we go straight to hell for we have killed those we were sworn to protect. (Dead air silence falls on the frequency.) It is unclear what happened to the plane and airmen. Did the pilot crash it intentionally, or were they shot down by the wingman? What is clear is that an evil and corrupt government will go to any lengths necessary in order to continue its reign of tyranny.

Edmund Burke is credited with saying “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


About the Creator

Jim Moon

Redeeming my past, 1 day at a time.

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