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A Story Every Day in 2024 July 4th 186/366

By Rachel DeemingPublished 3 days ago Updated 3 days ago 2 min read
Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash

"Sir, I think we have a problem."

"Oh yes? With what?"

"With Rachel Deeming, sir."

"Remind me - who is she?"

"She's a writer, sir. Not famous, sir but she is one of our most prolific."

"Mmmm, her name doesn't ring a bell. Should it?"

"Well, she's been responsible for quite a few creations, sir: assassins, wizards, psychopaths, mothers as well as some animal characters to name just a few, and as I said, sir, she has been prolific, writing 366 words and more a day for many days."

"Mmm, sounds hard-working and driven. Wish we had more like them!"

"Well, yes, sir, it would help with our fictional population targets, for sure."

"Sterling work then. Good on this Rebecca for her determination. Thanks for letting me know."



"There's a problem?"

"With what?"

"With Rachel?"


"Rachel Deeming, sir. The writer we were just talking about."

"Wasn't she called Rebecca a minute ago?"

"No, sir."


"She's floundering, sir."



"Floundering? Like the fish? Ah, forgive me, but could you explain?"

"I think that something may have blown inside her, sir. Something significant and important and integral, sir."

"Like what?"

"Her brain, sir."

"Oh, yes, that would be significant."


"And is it the writing that has done this, we think?"

"Yes, sir. It is believed so."

"Were there signs to indicate she was struggling?"

"Well, yes, sir. There were signs of weaker plots and less rounded characters; repeated themes and the same words being used. Motifs of dubious significance. I understand too that there were some outside factors that have had a bearing on her performance."

"Such as?"

"Interrupted work time; extra demands made on her; a nasty paper cut on her index finger which made typing tricky; trying to be healthier by sitting less."

"I see. So, where does this leave us?"

"She's committed to produce for another 65880 words."

"Mmm. So, can we get someone else in?"


"Support her?"

"In what way?"

"Financial rewards? Spa days? Gin box?"

"Er, no, sir."

"Well, then I guess we'll just have to monitor her and see how she goes."

"Yes, sir. I'll set up a live feed."

"Very good."

"Right-o, sir."


366 words

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About the Creator

Rachel Deeming

Storyteller. Poet. Reviewer. Traveller.

I love to write. Check me out in the many places where I pop up:


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Comments (15)

  • Katarzyna Popiela day ago

    Have been reading and nodding: yes, this is how it feels... But this is coming from someone who has to chew on an idea (and sit on it, and sleep with it) for a few days if not weeks before it takes shape on paper. So what do I know, really? Despite its extremely rubberbandy structure, my imagination probably doesn't stretch far enough to fathom what it's like to come up with a story every day and let's not pretend otherwise. But please, keep going! Btw.: who are these guys and why aren't they be more helpful if they are as interested as they seem to be? The Ministry of R. Deeming?

  • Well-wrought! Don't worry, probably a pizza party in your future. That's the eternal corporate band-aid, eh? Haha. All three of you are doing spectacular! Insofar as I can keep up, I've not read a bad story. It might perhaps behoove you to collect these together in a book at the end where you can revise them to your preference and release them as an unabridged anthology. It's been quite an interesting experiment all around!

  • Loved the humor in this! Kudos for sticking with the story a day pace! The seventh month must be like Wednesday in a work week when you know you just have to push through to make it to Friday and the weekend

  • Hannah Moore2 days ago

    I'm sorry to laugh, but this was quite funny. What a predicament! Perhaps you need a new strategy. Could you write several in one sitting, then take a break?

  • D.K. Shepard3 days ago

    Very humorous piece! The dialogue was wonderful! Understandable that you’d be exhausted! I’d have been incapacitated 100 stories ago! What you’re doing is no small task! Terribly sorry about some of those outside factors (except the walking more, time consuming but not inherently bad). Hope you can experience some source of reprieve! And your stories have been gems day after day!

  • Paul Stewart3 days ago

    This made me laugh a lot. Not least of all, as others have pointed out, for the old imposter syndrome and doubt-driven lines about your quality waning. uttery horsemanure, chum. I know how it feels though...when you feel like you're running on empty. From our POV...that's not the case...but internally in the mind of the Deeming, probably a bit different. It constantly ravages me. My own doubts etc. And the more I write...the more I feel I get it...doing a story a day would do that. Hang in there, you're still producing fine fine work and if it's not feeling'll know how to fix it when it's time. Paper cuts...damn them to fucking hell though. Nightmares indeed! Papercuts and when you get like a cut or sore between your fingers, like, right at the deepest part of the valley between fingers - ahfuckno, that's horrible. Anyway, sorry you're feeling as you are - know it too well and hopefully my ramblings lift or something? This was a great little story and love the self-referencial stylings!

  • "weaker plots and less rounded characters; repeated themes and the same words being used." That's bullshit in it's purest form!! Like whattttt????? Super Rach, there's these two people who are talking smack behind your back! I don't know their names but I would love to rip their heads off for you!!

  • D. J. Reddall3 days ago

    All sympathy am I. Never fear: having passed the halfway mark, we will glide to the end of this mad marathon with style and grace.

  • John Cox3 days ago

    Are we OK? I must be less observant than I’ve given myself credit for. I haven’t noticed weaker anything in regards to your writing.

  • Fly Alone3 days ago

    Incredible consistency. Splendid creative work produced. It ought to be appreciated and supported indeed ❣️

  • This is fantastic!! Very humble and self-deprecating with your claim to 'weaker plots...' but you've been churning out amazing works every day as far as I've read! Love this twist on your rhythm :)

  • Caroline Craven3 days ago

    Weaker plots. Less rounded characters. 🤣🤣 Ha! Rebecca is rubbish. Thank goodness Rachel is still writing such great stories that I can’t wait to read. Good on you! You’ve totally got this!

  • Halfway mark of the marathon! You deserve to be tired! And what a creative take on creator's fatigue.

  • I have frequently wondered how Wonder Woman manages to do it all🤔😳😵‍💫🥹! Interventions required: Ouch to the paper cut (definitely warrants a bandaid)!🥺 Your puppy or any available puppy will love to go for a brisk jaunt with you🐶. Please don’t let Rebecca…🙄… errr… Rachel burnout (for her sake & ours)🥲 I’m sure Jason & friends will survive a few days without us… it might even give them time to regroup & recoup some strength for the impending onslaught!🙀 This Rebecca/Rachel does sound like she needs to ease up a touch if she wrongly thinks: “There were signs of weaker plots and less rounded characters; repeated themes and the same words being used. Motifs of dubious significance.” 🤒 Rest up… at least 10 heartbeats a day!💖

  • angela hepworth3 days ago

    Hang in there Rachel 😂♥️

Rachel DeemingWritten by Rachel Deeming

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