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Eternal Shadows

Haunting Remnants of the Past

By Julian WestPublished 12 months ago 2 min read
Eternal Shadows
Photo by Nicola Di Costanzo on Unsplash

The sun had set long ago, and the moon had risen high in the sky. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of leaves in the wind. The old mansion stood tall and proud, casting long shadows on the ground. It was said that the mansion was haunted, and that the shadows that it cast were eternal.

The young couple, Sarah and Jack, had heard the stories, but they didn't believe in ghosts. They had come to the mansion to spend the night, as part of a dare from their friends. As they walked through the dark corridors, they felt a chill run down their spines. The shadows seemed to be alive, moving and shifting as if they had a life of their own.

As they entered the grand ballroom, they saw a figure standing in the shadows. It was a woman, dressed in a long white gown, with her hair flowing down her back. She beckoned to them, and they followed her into a small room. The room was filled with old books and dusty furniture, and in the center of the room was a large mirror.

The woman spoke in a soft voice, telling them that the mirror was a portal to another world. She said that if they looked into the mirror, they would see their deepest desires, but they would also see their darkest fears. Sarah and Jack were hesitant, but the woman urged them on.

As they looked into the mirror, they saw their reflections change. Sarah saw herself as a successful writer, with books lining the shelves of her own library. Jack saw himself as a famous musician, playing to sold-out crowds around the world. But as they looked deeper, they saw their fears. Sarah saw herself alone, with no one to share her success with. Jack saw himself as a failure, unable to live up to his own expectations.

The woman smiled, and said that the mirror showed them what they wanted, but it also showed them what they needed. She said that they had to face their fears, and embrace their desires, in order to find true happiness. Sarah and Jack left the mansion that night, changed forever by their experience. They knew that the shadows were eternal, but they also knew that they could overcome them, and find the light.


About the Creator

Julian West

I will try to transport you to enchanting lands, evoke heartfelt emotions, and ignite your sense of wonder. Join me as we explore the limitless possibilities and get lost in the magic of words together. Thank you for reading my stories

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