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The Crimson Rose

A Deadly Obsession

By Julian WestPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
The Crimson Rose
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

The Crimson Rose was a rare and mysterious flower that only bloomed once every hundred years. It was said to possess magical powers that could grant eternal youth and beauty to whoever possessed it. Many had searched for the Crimson Rose, but none had ever found it.

One day, a young woman named Lily stumbled upon a hidden garden deep in the forest. In the center of the garden stood a single Crimson Rose, its petals glowing like fire in the sunlight. Lily couldn't believe her luck and reached out to pluck the flower.

Suddenly, a voice boomed out from the shadows, "Who dares to disturb the Crimson Rose?"

Lily froze in fear, but then she saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It was a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and eyes that sparkled like diamonds. She introduced herself as the guardian of the Crimson Rose and warned Lily of the consequences of taking the flower.

But Lily was determined to possess the Crimson Rose and refused to listen to the guardian's warnings. She plucked the flower and ran away, feeling triumphant.

However, as soon as she left the garden, Lily began to feel strange. Her skin started to wrinkle, and her hair turned gray. She realized too late that the Crimson Rose had cursed her instead of granting her eternal youth and beauty.

Lily spent the rest of her days searching for a way to break the curse, but it was too late. She had learned the hard way that some things were not meant to be tampered with, and the Crimson Rose was one of them.


About the Creator

Julian West

I will try to transport you to enchanting lands, evoke heartfelt emotions, and ignite your sense of wonder. Join me as we explore the limitless possibilities and get lost in the magic of words together. Thank you for reading my stories

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