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Episode #9 Following Footpath to the Haunted Doctor's House

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Episode #9 Following Footpath to the Haunted Doctor's House
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

So, you decided to take that footpath and check out the haunted doctor’s house, did you? Just a word of caution, never enter this place at night, there are things going on at night that are extremely evil! Also make sure to bring a friend, just in case! It is always safer to avoid evil, and always smarter to have somebody with you, especially if for some reason you just have that urge to confront evil!

Guess it is really smart to thank God that Jordan is just as excited to see the haunted House as you are, eh? If it weren’t for a light shining so brightly off a white sign with black writing along the path stating, “NO ENTRANCE AFTER DARK!”, you would have never seen it!

Darkness continues too only make it unable to tell where the footpath starts and absolutely unable to possibly see where the footpath ends! Making it rather difficult to follow, that’s for sure. Less then twenty feet from the house all hair on your body, suddenly stands straight up, feeling like pointy needles!

Jordan, “Did your hair just stand up like mine just did?” “Actually, now that you mention it. My hair is standing straight up! Right now, as you are speaking to me! What do you think that means?” “To be honest, it is starting to make me really nervous, like we are being watched by something. Kind of like an evilness is now beginning to swarm all around us.”

Looking at your surroundings, you realize how dark it has actually become, all berry bushes, grass, flowers, trees, even the weeds, everything around you that contains some form of life are now all dried up and are dead! As though now being held in stone! The closer you get; an image appears before you. The most beautiful olden style home, with a big picture window, doors leading out both north and south sides, braced atop a hill surrounded by a never-ending landscape.

Next to the front door you find a hand-built bridge draped with dead weeping willows. It curves down towards the house ending at the base of a herb garden. Round stones show you a way through to a back driveway leading out to a highway. Lined with honey suckle and crab apple trees, Saskatoon berry and choke cherry bushes giving the entire place a perfect shelter belt. Following around the back of the house you notice how the bottom half of the house is built into the side of a hill. With windows from roof to ground, giving a perfect sunning room.

Continuing to North side of driveway you climb stone stairs hand carved out of rock within the hill itself, leading through hordes of multicolored flowers to another door. All destroyed by vandalism a broken bridge, kicked in doors, smashed in windows, dead trees, dead bushes and dead flowers, nothing more than death and destruction all around you? As though something swarmed over every piece of life and zapped it away forever!


You crawl through what was left of the back door entering a kitchen. On the floor sits a smashed sink ripped from the wall. By habit you flick the light switch on, to your surprise, they turn on! An eerie darkness radiates from the kitchen corner, sweating negative energies, catching your eye. Avoiding it you walk through the dining room area, thinking of how nice it once must have looked with oak cupboards, a marble countertop and double porcelain sink with a built-in China cabinet.

Seeing no major sign of destruction until, entering the living room. You stand facing a mirrored wall covering all but where the fireplace resides. No wait! It is not around a fireplace rather it is only a reflection of the fireplace? Turning to get a better look, you notice the word REDRUM written, in blood, above the fireplace.

Looking back into the mirror you again read it, MURDER! Next to this is a hand drawn upside-down picture of a cross with Lucifer written in blood circling around it. OMG! What the hell has been going on in this home of the doctor?

Your stomach twinges, almost a cramp, begging to repeat in your head instantly, “I pray the Great Devin may stop any evil being used within these walls. Keep it free from harm. No evil may ever roam freely within this home, again! Ever!

From the hallway comes a voice, its not Jordan. You call out for Jordan, getting no response. Instead, all you hear is a man sobbing over his handmade spindles being damaged. Walking towards a winding staircase you find Jordan in tears sitting on a stair with a broken spindle in her hands. Again, you hear a man’s voice, “Please, you have to help! They are destroying my home! Please help me!” Jordan is the one talking not some old man! Yet she sounds just like a man?

Trying to keep faith, you ask Jordan. “Can you hear me? Are you alright? Jordan doesn’t respond. She just continues sobbing uncontrollably with a spindle in her hands. Thinking this to all be just a joke and Jordan is having some fun at your expense, you walk past her on your way to the second floor.

The harmony of baby birds chirping run rampant through all three bedrooms, two smaller ones on your left with master bedroom on your right. Both smaller rooms have one window with a bird’s nest nuzzled close to the wall. Each containing two baby birds. Sparrows in one and Robins in the other. The master bedroom contains two windows both with Blue Jays hovering above nests feeding their young. Such a beautiful sight.

Sobbing breaks through your train of thought, it’s Jordan still crying, over how she can’t fix her staircase. Goose bumps engulf your entire body, from bottom up, filled with an overwhelming urge to run. You race over to Jordan, grab her by the arm and drag her with all your might out the back door! Running straight down the hill back to safety….

You are met by Ralph, who has escorted you both of the premisses for not abiding by the Rules! You should have never gone to the doctor’s house after dark!

ADVENTURE OVER, please try again. Better luck next time. !?Sorry your story is now over. Please feel free to check out another episode and maybe find your way to the end!?!

Enjoying my stories, even though you got sent home? Awesome, head on off to another episode and see where that one might take you! You were getting close!

While I have your attention, might you be so kind as to hit the share and like button so others can see if they can find their way through my adventure stories! Thanks for your support, tips go directly to myself! Thanks for Being You! Stay Safe and Smart! Love Peace and Harmony to you All!!!!


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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