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Episode #22 Follow the Hovering Woman?

Decisions, Opportunity or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

You race back to the lodge looking for Jordan, running into her in the hallway, “Jordan, perfect! I was just looking for you, there is a woman outside that I believe is a ghost! Will you come with me please I don’t want to follow her alone.”

Jordan hesitates a little bit, “I’m not sure if I want to meet a ghost. Oh, what the hell, why not? Let’s go!”

There hovering is a woman obviously very agitated, whipping her head back and forth searching down the dirt pathway leading into Village and pathway leading to the bonfire area. Wondering what she might be looking for heading towards her you ask, “HI you are alright? Can I help you find something?”

She doesn’t answer, instead she starts yelling out, “Alice where are you? You know we are on a time limit here! Come here, I found where they have your Dad, lets go see him!” She turns to your right, moving so fast you can’t even tell where she went.

“Wow she moved so fast I can’t see her any where can you?” Jordan answers, “I think so, is that her over there heading for the recreational room?” “Don’t know but we better be quick, or we are going to lose her again!”

You both run as fast as possible across the dirt pathways, through the bonfire area to the South recreational room door, just as it slams behind the woman. Jordan grabs the door swinging it wide open with hope of seeing where she is heading to next, only to hear the second door of laundry room slam behind her.

Again, you both run through the small laundry room and Jordan swings the next door open, giving just a glimpse of the woman looking back saying, “Alice where did you go? I don’t have time for this girl. Let’s go!” Before reaching for the North door of recreational room and disappearing yet again.

“Oh my God Jordan, we are never going to catch up with woman. Who is this Alice person that she can see and we can’t?” Jordan responds the same time you open the next door, “I’m thinking that might be her daughter and she is trying to take her to see her Dad. Somewhere in the hospital, maybe?”

You reach into your backpack before entering what looks like a very dark hallway. “Good thing we got this handy flashlight, it should help get us through here much faster.”

Then you can hear her, “Alice, stop lollygagging around." You both make your way down a thin hallway passing through kitchen area. But no sign of the woman. You can hear her again; "This will be the only time I can take you to see your Dad. Now come here already.”

The woman reappears right in front of you. With a quick spin around, she is gone again. You and Jordan race after her, right through the kitchen, Mess Hall and stopping in front foyer of the hospital. Finding the woman trying to open the ‘Restricted Area’ doors using all of her might, with no avail, becoming very frustrated, the woman heads for the right side of the staircase looking back and forth before running downstairs.

By Nathan Wright on Unsplash

You and Jordan look at each other and start following, almost jumping your way down two, sometimes three stairs at a time, pushing the door open landing in pure darkness. The bright beam of Jordan’s flashlight reveals a dark and damp, musty smelling hallway giving forth a sense of death. Far down at end of the hallway you see yet another door closing.

You speak out loud in a quiet voice, “I think she just went through that other door, better run again Jordan or we will lose her for sure this time.” “Right behind you! Lets go!” Holding her flashlight higher to see more ahead of you.

You sprint your way down the long hallway, feeling as if you almost flew to the door, grabbing it just as its closing. Thinking to yourself, wow lucky me, this doorknob is locked. We would have never got through this way. God must be on our side.

Shaking it all off as you start running up stairs, again not sure where the woman ended up going. Just as your foot hits the last step of the first landing you hear a door close above you. Looking up to notice there is only one more flight of stairs, you think she couldn’t have gotten too far, making it to the second door.

“I figure she went this way. Might as well see what we can find. Right? Jordan? Hello, are you alright?” shaking Jordan a bit to get her attention. “I’m alright, I guess. You really think we should go in there? Isn’t it restricted?”

By Andy Li on Unsplash

You shine your flashlight across the door double checking for any sign, stating, “I think we are alright, there isn’t any sign telling us to stay out,” opening door you walk in.

Wow Jordan, come on in, its so clean in here its amazing!”

You have entered a large area with many beds side by side, your nose twitches with the smell of bleach and disinfectant. A nurse is making her way to each bed acting like she is looking at charts and talking to patients. Propping up invisible pillows and tucking invisible people in their beds. At some beds she seems to kneel next to the bed, bow her head to pray and pulling possible sheets to head of the bed, walking away with a tear in her eye. She then takes what seems to be a chart with her to the next bed.

You and Jordan follow, watching closely as she walks right though Jordan to her next destination. “Wholly crap Jordan, did you feel her go through you? Are you alright?”

“Okay, now that was weird, I didn’t even feel her go through me. Matter of fact, I feel less scared now. Let’s go find that woman.” “I think we just did.” You stand in the same place pointing behind Jordan.

There behind Jordan is the crazed woman and now a girl about the same age of you sitting next to a hospital bed, a man lays frail and weak with pain, trying to smile. A conversation can be heard.

“Mom, is Dad dying? Like all those other people that come here to live?” “Yes, Alice. Dad is not going to survive the illness we all have. Some day it will be me in here.” “Mom, I promise I will sneak in to come and visit you, just like we are sneaking in to visit Daddy now. I promise.”

Crying can be heard. You notice the nurse coming their way. Conversation continues.

The Nurse can be heard sharply stating “Alice! What are you doing here with your daughter no less? You know this is not allowed.” Alice responds, “Hi Nurse Jan. Can we speak over here please? I need my daughter to understand why she can’t see her Dad anymore.

How this is where I will be soon and then of course she too will end up here. Please Nurse Jan, I promise to not bring her back again.” Nurse Jan asks, “What’s your name little one?”

“Hi, I’m Alice, just like my Mom. Can I stay and visit with my Dad? Just one last time please? I understand he is dying. I just wanted to say goodbye.” A tear can be seen in Nurse Jan’s eye as she says, “Nice to meet you, Alice. You sure are very smart, would you like a cup of hot coco while you visit?”

“Thanks Nurse Jan, I would love a hot coco and thanks for letting me stay. I promise to be good.” Nurse Jan pats Alice on the head as she walks by to get the hot coco.

Sadness inches its way through your mind when you notice a living plant on the nurses desk. The only living thing around, you walk closer motioning with your hand for Jordan to follow. “What the hell? How come this is here?” Noticing a note sitting in front of a water canter next to a plant. You pick it up to read it.

‘If you have found yourself in this area, please water plant, giving ability to get closer to nature.’

Grabbing a water canter, you pour water in the pot of the plant, within seconds a small gold leaf appears on the plant! You watch as it grows larger, falling off and burying itself in the rich soil. As though through instinct Jordan reaches over your right shoulder, sticking her finger in the soil, pulling a gold leaf out and handing it to you. The room fills with such a bright color of gold once it touches your hand, your eyes close instantly! You feel the leaf changing size and shape as though now a key, a large skeleton shaped key!

“Jordan quick open your eyes! I think we found the Golden Key!” She opens her eyes, “What? Let me see that! Where do you think the door might be?” Before you can even respond, poof you find yourselves teleported right into a very dark and cramped space.

“What the hell happened? Where are we? Jordan are you still with me?” you ask reaching into your backpack for a flashlight, turning it on immediately shining it around looking for Jordan. “Oh my God, Jordan where did you go now? Can you hear me?”

Wholly Crap! What the hell just happpened to you and Jordan? Want to find out where you just fell into with, or is it without your best Buddy Jordan?


Remember, we do not judge here so if you are wanting to check out another episode, by all mean head on over, just also remember, not all will get you to the end! Good Luck and Have some Fun!

If you are enjoying my adventure stories please smash or lightly tap that heart and share! Sweet, thanks a bunch, tips appreciated. Thanks for Being You, Stay Safe and Smart. Love Peace and Self Respect goes a long ways....


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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