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Episode #13 Fallen into a Dark and Musty Tunnel!

Decisions, Opportunty or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 11 min read
Episode #13 Fallen into a Dark and Musty Tunnel!
Photo by Margaux Bellott on Unsplash

Panic is raising in your voice, "Jordan! Where the hell are you!" "Stop freaking out already! I’m right here behind you. I don’t have a clue where we are. It kind of looks like a tunnel don’t you think.” Jordan grabs her flashlight, turns it on and starts walking. “It does, doesn’t it. Let’s go check it out.”

Following Jordan down a dark, musty dirt tunnel coming to an end, Jordan leans against the wall looking at you, “Well I guess we’re in a conundrum after all. Now, aren’t we? We are never going to find that secret door for sure.”

Suddenly, Jordan falls through the wall landing who knows where, as it closes behind her. Fear starts inching its way closer and closer as you reach out touching the wall. “Oh my God, Jordan where did you go now? Can you hear me? “I’m right here behind the wall. You won’t believe what I found, come on just lean against the wall like I did.”

Positioning yourself with your back against the wall and lean back, instantly the wall flips around ending up right in front of a Speak Easy. There stands two goons on either side of the swinging salon style doors, dressed in their black and chalk striped three-piece suits. A white pocket square nonchalantly folded in their pockets, black fedora upon their heads, a cigar hanging from their mouth and Tommy guns in their hands.

“What, where are we now Jordan?”

“I have no idea, that is an underground bar though, right?” Pointing in front of herself, continuing, “I don’t think they can see us. Do you think that means we are ghosts now?”

“Well, I sure the hell hope not Jordan, only other choice is what? We went back in time maybe?” “Sure, lets go with that, I don’t want to be a ghost. Well not yet anyway.” “So, Tommy gun, Speakeasy, their clothes, it all tells me we went back to what. Prohibition time, maybe?”

Jordan gives you a sigh of relief, “Prohibition time, hmmm, perfect. So, it’s what between 1920 and 1933? Great this should be fun don’t you figure? How are we ever going to find the secret door now?”

You both stand back, listening in on a conversation between the goons. You can also hear jazzy music, laughing, clinking of glasses and smell of cigar smoke. All radiating from the Speak Easy.

“Can you believe our Boss’s brother Sergeant Major, D. Otis plans to arrest him for bootlegging.” “Amazing isn’t it, good thing we have everything setup underground now. It will be much easier to avoid him.” “One would think so, but still, I don’t trust his brother won’t be able to find him.”

A handful of men stumble in front of the Speakeasy, digging in their pockets, pulling out silver coins, paper money, whatever they have handing everything to the goons on their way in.

“Well Jordan, I’m convinced they can’t see or hear us, so let’s go check out the Speakeasy.” You and Jordan walk right by the two goons without a thought directly into the Speak Easy.


There before you is gangsters playing poker, smoking cigars, laughing and grabbing every waitress that walks by. They don’t seem to mind, rather they are more than happy to appease their patrons. A woman standing behind the bar, wears a gorgeous black and gold beaded flapper dress with beaded hanky hemlines exposing her thighs, a feather boa drapes over her shoulders, long pearl necklace hangs loosely around her neck with long dangling pearl earrings to match.

She wears heavy makeup with bright red lipstick, a feather forehead band beaded gold sits lightly upon her bobbed hairdo and the most amazingly fancy gold, t-strap pumps with moderate heels for dancing purposes.

With a long, slender black and gold cigarette holder between her fingertips she serves all the male drunks with a smile on her face motioning for waitresses to take care of these very men. All waitresses wear the same style of flapper dress only difference being, where hers has gold beading, they have jade beading.

To the left of the bar, a well-dressed man sits at a piano with another well-dressed man standing next to him producing the most amazing jazz music! Three flapper women can be seen dancing, drinking and enjoying the attention they are getting from the men around them reacting to the swishing noise made when twisting their bodies, back and forth as they dance.

Flapper Girls 1920-1930

A man sits passed out with his head on the- table, nobody seems to care. All of a sudden, the mood in the Speak Easy changes, whispering is heard instead of music and all seem ready to run.

“Hey Jordan, this is quite the place. Can you hear what they are saying, it got pretty quiet in here?” “I think they are whispering something about cops.”

You try to get a little closer to one of the tables hoping to hear something, anything. When all of a sudden, the woman from behind the bar yells out, “Sylvia, hurry!” The voice from afar yells, “I’m coming Constance!”

Constance runs out from behind the bar aiming straight for Jordan saying, “Hurry quick take the hush money and pay him off. I’m sure if we pay his brother off, he will leave us all alone!” Constance tosses out a bag of money towards Jordan’s hands, so Jordan goes to grab it. When all of a sudden, an arm comes right through her stomach grabbing the bag of money pulling it right back through.

Looking at Jordan with huge eyes, “Well, I guess that really proves they can’t see us now, doesn’t it?” Jordan still looking at her stomach, “So we decided we went back in time, right? Not that, we are ghosts, right? Oh my God, I’m thinking we just might be ghosts, NOW!”

“Oh, Jordan calm down, how could we have become ghosts? Its not like we died or anything, right?”

Before she can respond the two goons guarding the Speakasy come storming through the doors; Tommy guns in their hands just aching to fire, yelling, “Get out, everybody get out! Constance get on that hush money already! Cops are coming.”

The rapid fire of Tommy guns can be heard in the distance. You stand there watching as everybody scatters, even the guy passed out face first on the table wakes up running for his life. You observe Constance and Sylvia running down the hall and into a closet.

“Did you see that, Jordan?” “Sure did, lets follow them.” You walk side by side down the hall, being a smart ass, “Hey how crazy are they running into a closet, the cops will find them for sure.”

Jordan reaches for the doorknob, pulls the door open finding it empty. “Wow, look at that, they got a way!” She walks into the closet, “There has to be a secret passage here somewhere.” Touching the top half of walls and the ceiling, finding nothing.

You make your way in, sitting on the floor with legs crossed, “Might as well get comfy, and watch the show. Since the cops are coming and all.” Leaning back to watch Jordan continue to search for the secret passage. Boom, back you go falling right into yet another tunnel!

“Jordan, get in here, there is another tunnel. JORDAN, CAN YOU HEAR ME?” “I can hear you, but the wall closed, and I don’t know where it opens?” “Just sit on the floor and lean back, you’ll fall right into it. Like I did.”

By the time Jordan falls back into the tunnel you have your flashlight out already looking around. Once again, its a dark, musty dirt tunnel leading who knows where. On the other side of the tunnel wall can be heard. “Sylvia hurry take the hush money and go pay Sergeant Major Dean Otis. Quick run do that and get out of here, so you don’t get arrested for prostitution. I can’t afford that right now too! I’m going to run to tell the Boss his brother is near.”

“Okay Constance don’t you get caught now. Will we meet above ground or in the opium den? I will meet you in the den later, now go!” You look at Jordan, “Opium den! This has to be prohibition era. Let’s follow Constance and find out who this boss guy is.”

Jordan agrees, you both head down the tunnel, listening for footsteps of Constance. When finding the end of the tunnel, you look at Jordan, “Well this time how about we just both lean against the wall and see what happens?” It works as soon as you are both leaning against the wall it flips around! Tossing you both into a large upmarket and very stylish bedroom containing all handmade and carved oak furniture. King size four posted bed with plush velvet emerald, green duvet draping over it caressing a beautiful younger woman wearing a deep purple spaghetti strap corset, laced up the front, ties hanging loosely at her cleavage.

Prostitution was rather active during Prohibition

She reaches over to the nightstand, letting her long curls brush across her shoulder, a cigarette awaits her touch, sliding it slowly into her opera style, gold plated holder. She kisses a gold plated lighter; with a quick flick she lights her cigarette. Taking a slow drag watching a very handsome man dressing in front of her, she slides her fingers slowly down her corset showing how well it shows off her perfect figure, pulling lightly on her garter belt strap, saying, “Did I do it right for you, my sex crazed man. Did you want some more, sweet cheeks?”

She continues dragging her fingertips across her deep purple, fishnet stockings going down her inner thigh. Grabbing her ankle, she pulls her leg up, holding onto her heel of the stiletto, “Want some more, big boy? I’m ready for you anytime.”

He stands tall in front of a beautiful hand carved, octagon shaped mirror sitting perfectly on the dresser, reaching for his black tailored suit pants he pulls them over his, muscle bound legs, sliding them over his firm buttocks. With a slight smile he watches her every move, the smell of sweet sweat lingers in the air. He turns, leans over the woman grabbing her leg from her hand, he flips her over, playfully slaps her buttocks, “I would love to spend my entire night with you, sexy lady. But you know how it works, time to get up and make us some money.”

Just then the door swings wide open, without an introduction, Constance waltzes in straight to the handsome man taking her hand and slowly running her fingertips down the side of his face, “I trust all is going well for you tonight?”

Standing up he turns his back to the woman on the bed, grabbing Constance’s bootie pulling her close, “Perfect now that you are here, sexy.” Kissing her on the neck, looking back at young the woman and winking. She smiles back and pats the bed with her hand, as though motioning for them both to join her.


Constance begins to speak, an anxiousness is heard in her voice, “Not tonight Hans, your brother is here. We need to get you out of here immediately.”

Hans stands before the mirror looking back at the women saying, “Get yourselves out of here now! I will follow soon. We don’t need you getting arrested. I will take care of my brother if need be.”

The women race out of the bedroom, no questions asked. You both stand there in amazement watching him get dressed as if he has no care in the world. First, he reaches for his freshly pressed white shirt sliding each arm in using diamond cufflinks to keep the sleeves together at his wrists, pulling them firmly before putting a lime green tie on.

Next, he does his zipper up, tossing a vest on matching his black plants, doing up a single button. He reaches for a gold pocket watch attached with a gold chain, from the dresser. He attaches the chain to his left pocket, checking the time on the watch and putting it in his right pocket.

Next, he grabs his gold and diamond ring, putting in on his left pinky finger, shining it with a quick rub on his vest before reaching for his diamond buckled belt. He stands in front of the mirror all the while, admiring himself, with a big smile on his face.

Next reaching for his matching tailored suit jacket, topping it all off with a red rose pinned to his breast suit pocket and a black fedora with lime green silk wrapped around the base. From there he walks calmly into the next room, the smell of cigar smoke lingers in the air.

“Wow, that was rather different. Wouldn’t you agree Jordan?” Jordan sits on the cedar trunk accented with emerald color velvet, located at end of the bed, “Okay, that was just way out there. Was that all real? Where do you think we are?”

You put your hand on Jordan’s shoulder, looking for some calmness, “I have no clue where we are or why we are here. Or how to find that damn secret door. But I figure we need to keep going.”

“So what? Follow this Hans guy and see what happens with his brother?” “Might as well, right? It can’t get any worse, can it?” Sounds of Tommy guns fire in the distance, as you make your way into the next room.

There sits Hans, relaxing in his oversized armchair, reading what looks like a newspaper. Sounds of Tommy guns are getting closer with voices attached, “Hans! I’m coming for you! I will take you down!”

Hans stands, straightens his suit and grabs a dark blue overcoat, opens the door and walks through. You and Jordan both follow, realizing he was met by the same two goons who were standing at the front doors of the Speak Easy.


“Come boss, we need to get you out of here.” Nicely motioning for Hans to walk ahead of them. He surrenders to the request heading right for a wall, and walking right through, goons follow right behind.

“Okay Jordan, now this is going to be the big test, how the hell did they just walk through a wall?” Jordan walks over fading the closer she gets, you call out, “Jordan what the hell, where did you go now?” “I’m right in front of you. Can’t you see me.”

It is not until you are face to face with her that you are able to see her again. Noticing how two walls are overlapping leading into another tunnel. As you make your way through tunnels you can hear the goons suggesting that they go to the opium den and make sure all is good there before leaving. Hans disagrees and tells them its time to go above ground.

Around the next corner you begin to hear a different language, ”Jordan, can you hear that? It sounds like people speaking Chinese.” “Yes, I can hear them. Wonder why they are down here in these tunnels.” “It’s prohibition time, right? They are probably the Chinese immigrants our parents use to talk about. Remember?”

You have made it amazingly far through your adventure, some friendly advise, you can open any episode you may want to at any time. Just remember, not all of the episodes fall is order. Enjoy and have Fun! Good Luck!


Having some fun during this trying time in our world? Right on, please hit that heart, and share! Thanks for Being You! Stay Safe and Smart! Tips are appreciated, Thanks a bunch! Love Peace and Self Respect goes a long way...


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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