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Engaging the marigold effect in your life

What would it be like if we could live joyfully in every moment?

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
Engaging the marigold effect in your life
Photo by Wander Fleur on Unsplash

It has been more than a decade since Ruby read the book 'The Marigold Effect' that influenced her to change the way she lived her life and created her reality. She discovered that if she truly became the creator source of her life, she got to choose anything and everything.

Ruby regularly faced numerous obstacles throughout the course of her life. She had her share of disappointments. Ruby had been impelled by circumstances to believe that life must be based on trauma and drama. She used to get a lot of mileage out of disturbing dramas when they happened. In fact she actually thrived on drama and adversity, although she was totally unaware of that.

When Ruby was 10 years old, her parents separated from each other. The anguish and sadness she felt about the breakup were huge, and it was debilitating. This experience shattered her existence, the regret took root inside and started to spread. She resented anyone who actually enjoyed their lives. The charge of her emotions remained intense throughout her teenage years.

In her early twenties, Ruby moved from a small town in the middle of the outback of Australia to the city of Melbourne to take a new job. That was her first realisation that another world existed beyond the life she knew growing up. She thought that Melbourne would be an amazing place to live. One of the world's most livable cities, with outstanding arts, food, wine, and the best shopping, had seemed a fabulous reward, a radical change.

After only 6 months in her new job, Ruby decided that the job wasn't what she expected. Actually, the job itself was okay, but her boss and her co-workers were awful. The frustration of working at a place she disliked was very hard for her to handle. She often overreacted over minor incidents, was hypersensitive and highly emotional.

Ruby had been drained by the sheer pace of her stressful life. When Ruby experienced a stressful situation, her body went into fight-or-flight mode and caused red rashes and inflammatory responses in her skin.

She had gone through turbulent times with stress-induced eczema. Anxiety and stress often caused the eczema to flare up, which then created more anxiety and stress, which then led to more eczema flare-ups. Symptoms vacillated from worse to better to worse again, which caused upheaval in many ways in her life. She constantly felt that the bottom was about to fall out of her life.

As time wore on, one minor obstacle arose after another. Her life in Melbourne was one with plenty of twists and turns. There were always curveballs in her life and naturally plenty of obstacles to challenge her. She was insecure and joyless. Disenchanted with her life. Stuck in a dead-end job. Feeling trapped in a dire existence. Had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.

When Ruby managed to make it home for a visit during summer vacation, she enjoyed spending each night absorbed in conversation with her mother. The last night of her visit, she said to her mother "I wish I could live joyfully in every moment..."

Her mother put her hand on Ruby's arm and said "Ruby darling... if you would like to live joyfully in every moment, you have to be willing to make a choice to create it for yourself. Please remember that you cannot control what happens around you, but you have the power to control what you make of it".

Ruby stopped talking and listened intently.

Her mother then said - "My darling girl. I really wish I could make everything better for you. I am so sorry that the problems between your dad and I have caused so much pain for you.

Listening to her mother's comment, Ruby found herself contemplating her life as a whole. She felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Until that moment, she hadn't paid much attention to the way she was creating her life.

Ruby began to see that she had blamed her childhood predicament for every problem she had in adulthood. She often undermined a situation by letting her choices be dictated by the negative experiences she had growing up.

With a sigh, Ruby hugged her mother and quietly whispered, "Oh mum, I just realized that I had been blaming you and dad for my unhappiness. I haven't been taking responsibility for my own life......"

It was a great insight, but Ruby felt her guts twisting momentarily. She was tired of the life she was leading. She wanted more. She didn't want to live a humdrum and monotonous life.

Ruby was still lost in thought when her mother asked "Do you think that you can now choose to gain equilibrium and move on with your own life?"

Ruby just nodded her willingness. Her mother's question was interesting but complicated. She recognised that changing the way she thought about herself and her situation was the key to transform everything. She realized that the first step to real change was to shift herself.

Ruby was able to finally acknowledge to herself that what was not working in her life was her creation and she could create what she would like to have, but it required her to choose differently! However, she didn’t have any idea about what she would like to create as her life.

After that conversation, Ruby thought a lot about what her mother had said. She came to realize that it was up to her to create change in herself so that she could increase the possibility of changing the trauma, drama and insanities that were ever-present in her life.

By Jackson David on Unsplash

What else is possible?

Ruby desperately wanted to change her life, but she didn’t know what she could do. Yet, she never gave up nor lost hope in her life.

Ruby was thinking to herself "What else is possible here?" She loved asking this question when she felt down, frustrated, gloomy, and particularly during the tough moments in her life. This question was powerful because it was her recharge and it gave her a space to connect with her awareness and allowed her to face the difficulty and walk through it.

Then something occurred in Ruby's life that made her see the world through different eyes and allowed her to look at the world differently.

On the morning of her 26th birthday, it was a gorgeous crisp summer day - lots of sunshine and blue sky. Ruby received a gift from her aunt who she hadn't seen for a long time. With this gift was a note- ......"A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled. ... This is my favourite book - 'The Marigold Effect -Be Your own Marigold'. This book has been my guide that has allowed me to live fearlessly. Enjoy and allow yourself to embody and be the greatness that you could truly be ... all my love.... Aunt Lucille."

Ruby resonated so deeply with this book and the concept of 'The Marigold Effect' that it caused a shift in the way she perceived herself. The book was essentially about 'becoming the catalyst for a different possibility in the world'.

The Marigold Effect is a metaphor for something that is often described as 'energetic entrainment frequency'. It’s about being a leader in our own life. It’s about the possibilities we are creating through entrainment.

The ancient Aztecs valued these bright, oddly-scented flowers. The Aztecs considered Marigolds a sacred flower, so they bred them to create bigger and more attractive blooms. The Marigold is also known as the Flor de Muertos, or Flower of the Dead. The Aztecs knew the fragrance as a medicinal property. They also recognized the fragrance to be more than just a smell. It has the power to promote emotional and psychological health.

The Marigold has a powerful 'energetic entrainment frequency' that affects both the body and spirit.

Entrainment is found throughout nature..... powerful vibrations of one object will actually change the vibrations of another object, causing this second object to lock in step or synchronize with the first.

Entrainment is a recognized law that affects the natural world. This is a phenomenon of nature that seems to have to do with the entrainment of a powerful vibration. For example, fireflies entrain each other by blinking on and off until they are synchronized. Muscle cells from the heart, when they move closer together, will suddenly shift in their rhythm and pulse together, perfectly synchronized.

Ruby made up her mind. 'I want to develop this powerful energetic entrainment frequency', she thought. And she knew just how to begin. She contacted Aunt Lucille and told her aunt about her decision to become her own Marigold. "I have some questions that I hope you can answer." Ruby said to her aunt.

Aunt Lucille was clearly pleased! "Would you like to come and see me this coming Saturday, and I can tell you everything I know about entrainment frequency?" she asked.

Ruby excitedly agreed. How could she say no?

When Ruby saw Aunt Lucille on Saturday, she gave her aunt a big long hug and looked at her for a moment with a sense of bemused curiosity. She grabbed her aunt's hand and looked into her eyes "Aunt Lucille, what is acoustical vibration?" Ruby asked suddenly.

Over a cup of delicious herbal tea, Aunt Lucille started into a lesson on vibration.

"All of us are functioning as an acoustical vibration," said Aunt Lucille. "Everything and everyone in the universe, every thought, and every attitude, gives off a vibration or a frequency, and all things are connected through this energy."

Aunt Lucille added, "Right now you think thoughts, feelings, emotions, need, and greed is solid. They are not. They are vibrations. Everything you think as goodness or badness, everything you judge, is what you are creating as your reality. Your reality is created from your vibration."

"Come again?" Ruby laughed "Do you mean that life keeps responding to vibrations that were already in motion."

Aunt Lucille added "Each person has a particular frequency or vibration – a consciousness or energetic signal, which we radiate or transmit to the environment and other people. It is a composite of the particular frequency or vibration of our body, our mind, our heart, and our consciousness. We can learn to control our vibration and can learn to attune to higher energetic vibrations if we choose."

Ruby was dumbfounded as she listened, stirring honey in her herbal tea. "Is that even realistic?" she asked.

Aunt Lucille didn't miss a beat. "Sure it is," she said. "Each being has the ability to control their own vibration. Just as you adjust your radio to a particular station by adjusting its frequency, you can attune to higher energetic vibrations by expanding your consciousness."

It was a piece of information that was to shape Ruby's life forevermore.

Ruby's breath caught in her throat as she recalled her own personal experiences.

Ruby discovered from talking to her aunt that she could choose her life to be anything she would like it to be. So, if she was going to create herself as the source for creating different possibilities, she would have to be willing to function at a bigger level than she had been willing to be before.

By Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

When Ruby chose to become her own Marigold, she activated her inner leadership power and realized that the only real limitations in life occurred from inside and not outside her. She discovered that she created everything in her reality, so the criterion for change was not what she could do, it was whether or not she was willing to change it.

Her understanding of the Marigold effect brought with it a blessing Ruby could not have anticipated. It led her to choices and possibilities she had never known were available.

Ruby began to open doors to everything she was capable of. Suddenly, different choices and different possibilities opened up. Ruby finally discovered the power of living joyfully and creating a life that worked for her whether anybody else liked it or not. But that's another story......

THANK YOU so much for reading 🙏 and if you like my work be sure to leave me a heart below to let me know! 🙏 if you know someone who may enjoy this article...Please share ❤️

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About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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