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Endless Purpose of Human Life

The long history of human journey, from setting foot on the earth to ending up in utopia paradox.

By Yusdi AlbayaniPublished about a year ago 21 min read
Endless Purpose of Human Life
Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Hello readers, as a disclaimer, I want to remind you that this article contains knowledge that may not be necessary for everyone to know because some information about the future can ruin the spontaneity of life. However, I am sure that after you finish reading this article, you will feel happy. Please remember to read the entire article without skipping anything. This article only moves in one direction, so if you don't want to diminish the excitement of your life, you can decide to leave this article now. If you still want to continue reading, it means you agree.

Utopia is a perfect life that is coveted by every human; a life without suffering, full of equality, abundance, and happiness like heaven on earth. This is the kind of life that has always been desired by all human beings from time immemorial. However, the biggest question is, can human beings achieve a utopian condition? The answer is no. Sorry if this is surprising, but I will explain why humans will never be in a utopian condition, even when everything is much easier, even when we are in the 25th century.

Before I take you to the future, let's go back to the past first. Did you know that humans have always pursued happiness since prehistoric times thousands of years ago? To achieve that condition, there are several basic human needs that must be met, starting from physical needs, security, love, recognition, to self-existence. If one of these basic needs is not fulfilled, it will be difficult for humans to enjoy true happiness.

By Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

Let's start the journey of humankind in pursuit of happiness since prehistoric times thousands of years ago, when humans still had to struggle with physical needs until centuries later, when humans felt capable of living like gods. In the past, human life and animals were almost equal because humans still couldn't control the natural ecosystem like they do now. Sometimes, wild animals held more control of the food chain as apex predators because this was a time when the strongest would win.

A time when humans had to always be on guard against threats from every wild animal because they were just a small part of this wild ecosystem. To eat every day, they had to hunt, which sometimes became the prey of stronger creatures. The weather conditions were still very cold in various parts of the world, and when winter came, they had to find a place to live in another part of the earth. If they didn't want to die freezing, they had to walk in an uncertain direction with the risk of their entire family being attacked by wild animals. During the journey, not only were there threats from wild animals, but humans were also very primitive at that time.

Killing each other just to have something they wanted, whether it be food, clothes, or even wives and children. If a human was injured just because they were scratched or stabbed by a sharp object, the chance of death was very high because there was no good medical system. The same went for women giving birth, death was a common occurrence at that time. Just like animals and plants that died every day, every human had to be responsible for their own life.

For them, being able to live and eat for one more day was already good enough for tomorrow. Natural selection occurred all the time, so death could come to them anytime and anywhere. That's what our ancestors faced in the past, struggling to survive so as not to die of hunger and to find a safe place to shelter from the still-wild natural selection.

But humans are intelligent creatures who are always able to adapt to the challenges of their lives in the wild. Humans began to think beyond survival, and with the increasing warmth of the climate, population growth, and shared fate, they began to unite in communities to strengthen their species' survival in the wild. During this time, humans had to cultivate crops and fish for food. At least with the civilization they had developed, they no longer had to face wild animals every day just to eat. They no longer had to move around just to avoid the cold weather and the migration of prey animals.

At least during this time, the basic physical needs of humans had improved, from food, shelter, and decent clothing, but new problems arose due to the increasing population of humans. More settlements and different cultures emerged, and humans were now faced with new problems such as territorial disputes and power struggles. A settlement could be attacked and wiped out by people from neighboring villages at any time without warning. Murder, rape, and human trafficking became common sights in this era because there were not many laws governing each region. Eventually, transformation occurred again from communities, villages, cities, and eventually grew stronger into empires. Finally, laws and social strata were created to regulate the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and belief in the gods was used as a tool to make more people submit to the rules of the time, especially the kings who were considered representatives of God and greatly feared. Don't expect freedom of speech here. If you don't want to end up on the cross.

But thanks to the existence of laws and military power of an empire, as long as they are obedient and obedient, at least the security of all families will be more guaranteed. However, because of the growing power struggle between one kingdom and another, a new problem arises for humanity, which is war. Humans in this era still continue to be in the midst of war for the sake of competing for power. In the past, humans had to survive with wild animals in the wild. After they united to defend their species, now that they have more power over the natural world, their next enemy is actually their fellow species. It seems that being in a comfortable zone is never suitable for humanity.

However, after the fall of the Roman Empire, during the Dark Ages when the system of government was decided by the council of the church rather than parliamentary democracy like in the Roman Empire, humans in that era struggled with freedom of thought, politics, and socialization due to the strict role and doctrine of religion. This made civilization difficult to advance and considered worldly things to be useless. The government policies during the ancient Dark Ages brought humanity to face the worst pandemic in world history, because the degradation of secularism and the development of advanced technology allowed bacteria carried by rats to kill more than 100 million lives in just 7 years at that time.

Imagine from a world population of only 175,000,000 people at that time, over 100 million lives were lost due to the lack of a vaccine. This was the worst pandemic in history, the Black Death. However, it gave birth to a new era, the Renaissance, which prioritized rationality and secularism, freedom to think and create in politics, economics, social and cultural fields. This was a turning point for humanity, also known as "The Age of Enlightenment," which produced various new breakthroughs in technology and gave rise to great philosophers and artists such as Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci. It was a time when people had more freedom to think and express themselves, which led to the fulfillment of not only physical needs but also spiritual ones.

But what never changed during this time was that people still had to live with the threat of war between countries. In fact, the scope of war became narrower, as it also occurred between brothers within their own country who demanded revolution. And of course, during this time, many soldiers died and could not be saved due to being pierced or scratched on the battlefield, dying in agony because there was no anesthesia and succumbing to infections because there were no antibiotics. Similarly, the maternal mortality rate was still too high at that time because appropriate medical treatment was not yet available.

By Valentin Petkov on Unsplash

Along with the technological advancements of vaccines, antibiotics, and anesthesia, hundreds of millions of human lives were saved. Thanks to the progress in health technology, since that time, the human mortality rate has decreased and birth rates have skyrocketed, leading to the generation known as the baby boomers. With the growing population on this planet, humans faced a new problem in meeting the needs of billions of lives, requiring faster, more massive, and more efficient technology. This led to the discovery that revolutionized the history of human civilization, the steam engine. The invention of the steam engine was the beginning of the massive Industrial Revolution worldwide. The incredible work efficiency quickly spread across the world, and political and government systems advanced, improving the standard of living at that time. Although it eventually gave birth to the modern capitalist economic system for the first time in civilization's history, there was a significant social inequality between entrepreneurs and laborers.

Cities crowded with people, mostly low-wage workers without proper healthcare benefits and inadequate sanitation, adorned every corner of the city during that time. Laborers were employed and squeezed dry by capitalists with a huge gap between them. This was an era where humans became victims of society, where humans lived only to work and survive only to follow a new system of civilization, until they forgot essential things about happiness and the purpose of life. Because they were already trapped in a new cycle, whether they agreed or not, they had to follow this system in order to survive. Here is a new irony, human life has actually become more decent compared to previous civilizations. But because of the new, more comfortable lifestyle, humans have more desires in their lives, which actually distances them from the essence of happiness they are looking for. This proves that humans never feel satisfied in pursuing happiness from time to time, no matter how good their living conditions are.

By Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Entering the 20th century, things got even worse. In the mid-1914s, one of the largest wars in world history, World War I, broke out, claiming the lives of up to 40 million people. It lasted for 4 years and ended in 1918, when the world cheered and began to rebuild civilization amidst lingering sorrow. However, unfortunately, luck still did not favor humans in that era, as in early 1918, they were hit by the second biggest pandemic in human history, the Spanish Flu influenza virus, which had no vaccine at the time. This virus infected up to 500 million people out of a total world population of 1.8 billion people. This pandemic was so severe that it infected nearly 30% of the world's population and claimed an estimated 100 million lives. Just imagine how difficult life was for people in that era, facing two of the greatest tragedies in history in the same year, for a period of 6 years. The Spanish Flu and World War I ended in 1926. However, after that, they still had to face the world's largest economic crisis in history.

That is the Great Depression which destroyed the world GDP by more than 15%, which of course greatly shook the balance of the world economy considering that the unexpected event that occurred in 2008 alone has caused many world stock markets to experience a decline in GDP by only 1%. Thanks to this depression, many wealthy people became poor, suicide cases occurred everywhere, employees lost their jobs, and unemployment rates rose by up to 30% in many countries around the world. It was truly a very powerful shock, death occurred everywhere, and it changed the lives of people at that time. It means that fixing this had a long-term impact, lasting up to 10 years. They only started to breathe a sigh of relief and began to formulate a new hope for life. However, unfortunately in the same year, the world actually experienced a far more devastating tragedy in the history of mankind, namely World War II which claimed the lives of up to 75 million people and lasted for 6 years. Seriously, the generation of people born in the early 20th century was truly tested mentally and physically in an extraordinary way. Imagine how humans lived in this era and still had the hope to survive after going through four of the biggest tragedies in the history of mankind for 30 consecutive years. Perhaps if this continues until World War III, it can be certain that it will lead to an extension of our current civilization.

However, there is always a lesson behind every event because this madness has made people around the world realize how war and epidemics have devastated human civilization. If they cannot unite, then destroying each other is not the right way. In a world system that is already interlinked, sometimes we only want to listen to desperation in a quiet condition, not in a tumultuous condition full of upheaval.

The tragedies of the early 20th century have taught many nations that if they do not unite, the entire world will become their victim, not just one or two interests. So, they began to establish the United Nations or UN in 1945, aimed at addressing the pandemic that occurred in the early 20th century. They learned from their mistakes and gave birth to the WHO in 1948. Then, because of global industrialization, driven by the interests of capitalists. If each industry player is not controlled and sits together, then no one will have control over the course of the new civilization on earth in the future. Therefore, an international organization was also established, namely the World Economic Forum in 1971. Thanks to the control and role of these organizations, health, economic, and other crises in our world today can be better controlled compared to what happened in the past. It is only because of the breakdown of unity throughout the world that human rights that we have today are also thanks to the existence of the UN.

After the highly inhumane World War II, world leaders for the first time in the history of world civilization began to agree. After being on the brink of destruction, present-day humanity began to believe in something that was previously very difficult to achieve by our predecessors, namely hope for a better future. Where we no longer have to struggle for survival just for a mouthful of food, where we can sleep at night without fear of danger like in the past, where we now have the freedom to express something we believe in. Yes, all the comforts and security we have today are the struggle of our predecessors' generations, so that humanity in the present has a stronger foundation to continue living. In our era today, we can focus more on the last human needs.

But even though the foundation for human basic needs is much stronger now, the reality is that we are still far from a utopian way of life. There is still inequality in the world, hunger, and a huge imbalance in healthcare, education, and economics. High mortality rates are still a problem due to diseases for which there are no cures. In my opinion, it is still unfair for minority groups, there are still wars happening in various parts of the world, corrupt capitalist systems, industrialization legacies that still do not favor the little people, and the most dangerous issue for the survival of humanity, which is global warming. This means that the pursuit of utopian happiness for humanity has not ended in our era, as people from generation to generation have always longed for an ideal utopian life where there is no hunger, suffering, uncertainty, inefficiency, and perhaps even injustice. Therefore, humans continue to evolve to achieve all of this with the help of technology. So, we will continue this journey towards the future.

We will start with how the World Economic Forum has created a large scenario for resetting civilization thanks to the pandemic momentum through the Presidential Decree held in June 2020. This is a non-governmental organization that previously initiated the concept of the fourth industrial revolution. It contains many influential people and companies that run the world's economy, or more simply put, the world-class capitalists who run the wheel of civilization in this world. Although in this article, I will not go too far in discussing the conspiracies behind it, what is clear is that whether you agree or disagree, our civilization will always be determined by the leaders of superpower nations and the world-class capitalists who have planned to reset many sectors in the world, starting from economics, social, geopolitical, environmental, technology, business, industry, and lastly, individual reset.

Those who will start to rearrange how our new world adapts to technology that is more environmentally friendly due to the following threat that is more severe than the current pandemic, namely global warming that will massively change the world's climate in just a few years, and the capitalist system that is more profit-centered not only benefits those in power but ultimately destroys the future of our future generations. The future of world food that is more efficient can be anticipated through biotechnology. How? By anticipating crop failure due to increasingly unfavorable climate conditions, a more open and transparent economic system through Block C technology may reduce corruption due to its openness. With the increasingly openness of a more transparent government system, it will provide a new hope for equality and justice for every citizen in need. New regulations in the digital world where every human being enters the era of the fourth industrial revolution require a digital ID so that anyone who benefits from the virtual world is no longer anonymous, thus reducing the level of crime.

With this digital ID, it is also expected that the distribution of needs for every citizen will be much more concentrated. No more wrong targets, especially with the new digital economic system, which can then be used to live throughout the world. New regulations for global corporations regarding industrialization that do not inconvenience me do not harm the world's climate with renewable energy. Similarly, with the equalization of education for global citizens through information technology in an increasingly fast and massive era. The current pandemic situation will be used as a turning point to reset the corruption of government and capitalism systems that have damaged our world for the past hundreds of years. In order to usher in a new civilization era that is more humanistic and environmentally friendly, we will feel the impact of our hope in 2050 if humans agree to sit together for the same goal. Because division, power struggles, and power have always collided with humans since ancient times when their conditions were good, so humans were complacent.

For the past hundreds of years, humans have only been concerned with satisfying their own interests and egos, pretending not to hear the cries of the Earth. The Earth, which is almost at the brink of anger, so for now, let's assume that the scenario of global warming will threaten the extinction of human civilization. However, if we succeed in becoming a turning point to unite humanity, similar to the scenario that occurred after World War II, then perhaps humanity still has hope and will not end up in a dystopian scenario where natural selection can regress our technology back to the age of bows and arrows, meaning that we may continue to progress towards a utopian stage in the next few centuries.

However, with a bold emphasis that needs to be underlined, this utopian scenario can only be achieved if humanity agrees on a common goal, with no differences regarding social status, economy, culture, and even perhaps religion. Because without equality and a shared goal, don't ever expect that utopian conditions will happen during the life of humanity. Haven't we learned enough from thousands of years of experience after that, which is perhaps more ironic, that its governance system no longer has to be run by humans, but rather entrusted to the control of an AI computational system agreed upon to regulate the course of a new civilization programmed based on the principles of humanism. It adheres to the principles that exist in this universe, which have been proven and run harmoniously for millions of years, which emphasizes the message that without humans, this Earth will still be okay. Yes, that is the difference between human-made systems and God's, between mortal and eternal.

Because the long history of humanity has proven that they have never been successful in managing this world since humans have had civilizations and always ended up in destroying each other, even though we have gone through various types of systems starting from empires, socialism, liberalism, and even democracy. As long as abstract human free will with ego and desires as its central control is always filled with authoritarianism, power supremacy, and political dynasty, then at that time, a governance system run by "AI" seems far more relevant because it has no biased motivation and is fair, even for every living being on this earth. However, in the era when all human beings agree to unite, it will mark a new era that is very frightening.

In this era, technology has provided everything for the needs of humanity. They have future nuclear fusion that provides unlimited energy for anyone who needs it, for free. Because energy can be produced very easily, cheaply, and possibly limitlessly, almost everything in this Utopian world will be available for free. Moreover, this place is fully controlled by technology and robotics that automatically produce and provide almost every basic need of humanity, from food, health, decent housing, and even entertainment. Everything is easily obtained. Humans no longer have the mindset to do evil, and almost every human no longer works to get what they want because everything is readily available with the help of advanced quantum computer-based technology that can run the entire system in this Utopian world, starting from the economy, transportation, social needs, business, and industry. This is the era where every human is considered equal in existence and only focuses on pursuing their own dreams and fantasies.

This Utopian world contains all human beings and every object in the world that can connect with the human mind. All objects wirelessly understand all the material needs and uses perceived by humans and immediately provide solutions instantly, so that humans no longer experience difficulties and suffering. Advanced nanotechnology-based medical treatments mean that cancer cells are no longer a threat, and genetics can be modified using Crispr technology, which is far more advanced in the future, so potential cancer can be modified as if it were new again. The same goes for physical genetic modifications, from the face, hair color, and body posture, so that humans can have the physical condition they desire. There is no need to be envious and jealous of other humans just to gain self-existence in society, because now everyone is equal. Super advanced cell regeneration technology allows us to live in a youthful condition that will make life and death just an option. Furthermore, death due to disease and childbirth are possible outside the mother's womb and all nutrients are provided by technology from embryos to become fully genetically modified humans, eliminating birth defects or physical disabilities in this utopian world.

Humans are only busy pursuing dreams and imaginations that they have never experienced before, but now this sensation can be easily obtained thanks to the increasingly advanced neuroscience technology that allows every human to experience any sensation they want in their life. Simply by consuming a substance that will work in our subconscious, they will fully experience that sensation without the need for a long process, for example, the sensation of achieving success, popularity, falling in love, and having a relationship with the person you envision, even feeling the sensation of being any creature in this world. The limits are only as far as the imagination we can think of, so it is similar to the concept of Heaven where we are no longer bound by physical limitations. Even with the advancement of quantum physics in the future, humans may be able to break and manipulate the blueprint of an atom, so that they can create various new materials in this universe, which will make humans no longer imprisoned in the physical laws that enable them to create their own new laws, and ultimately be able to rewrite a new destiny of life from Alpha to Omega.

However, have humans in this phase really achieved the peak of happiness and found the meaning of life? When they no longer even add a hope in that seamless condition, when they no longer even know what they want, at a time when all desires are easily fulfilled by technology. Initially, technology was created to simplify life and increase efficiency by speeding up or stopping a process, but when all processes are taken over by technology, leaving nothing for humans, there is nothing more terrifying than a human who always gets whatever pops up in their mind so easily. When they no longer know what they want because their desires are easily fulfilled, then everything no longer has value because value arises from a process. The more difficult the process, the higher its value. The more limited something is, the more valuable it is. They may not even understand what hope is in that flawless condition because how can someone have hope when everything is within their control?

Everything is measured systematically, there is no spontaneity, no more surprises, and no more fear. And when hope and desire no longer exist, all that remains is a void that is even more terrifying than going through a long and painful process but still having hope. Because fundamentally, that is what makes humans feel alive, a hope and a desire that we struggle to achieve which gives us a purpose in life that may ultimately make them jealous of the emotional and hopeful life of humans in the past. Even though they have reached the perfect stage, isn't that ironic?

"Perhaps they no longer have to work hard just to get some food, but they don't know how happy and enjoyable it is to have a meal after days of hard work. Perhaps they don't have to go through the painful process of childbirth for nine months, but they don't know how happy a mother feels when she sees her baby's eyes for the first time right after giving birth. But they don't know how happy a blind child who can see for the first time since birth. Maybe they have a perfect family that never runs out. But they don't know the feeling of happiness a father gets when he sees his child and wife laughing freely during a meal, even though he has to take two jobs during the day and night. Maybe they can LIVE THEIR YOUTH AS LONG AS THEY WANT. But they will never know how much more meaningful every moment in LIFE is in our short and uncertain life.

Try to feel it, isn't it beautiful?

Yes, the emotions you feel right now are truly a gift from God.

People in the past dreamed of a utopian life in the future, and people in the future envy the life of people in the past.

So, when will this search for happiness find an end? If it turns out that your ignorance about tomorrow makes tomorrow more exciting to live, your discomfort now is what keeps you motivated. The suffering you still feel is what makes your happiness far more meaningful, and your limited life is what actually makes you have priorities, so that every moment in your life becomes far more valuable.

Be grateful because all the imperfections in YOUR CURRENT LIFE are what actually PERFECT YOUR LIFE, and the good news is, after you know all of this, you don't have to live a hundred lives just to know that you can be happy starting now.

But because of human nature that never feels enough and feels capable of doing everything to make them feel alive and have a purpose,

they might create new goals themselves.

For example, by creating an ecosystem in a truly new place, where happiness can still be fought for with hope and suffering with new humans who are still innocent and without knowledge from the beginning, where happiness cannot be achieved in conditions of scarcity but also cannot be achieved even in perfect conditions of abundance, but happiness only exists in conditions that are ENOUGH and grateful so that these new humans can give a sincere love to their creator, because that is the only thing that cannot be made by them.

But this time they keep and make sure that not all knowledge is good to consume because someone who is already in a state of knowing will never be able to go back to a state of not knowing, so there is no need to repeat their mistakes and end up in a Utopia Paradox condition again.

MysteryShort StorySeriesSci FiHistoricalFantasyFan FictionClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Yusdi Albayani

I'm a content writer for multiple online media outlets. I craft engaging stories & informative articles that inform, entertain, & inspire readers.

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