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Ella and the Green Light

Fairy Lily

By Ella DormanPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
Ella and the Green Light
Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

I woke to a sudden sound in the woods just outside my garden. I ventured out to see what it is. The cold crisp air dancing on my skin as I tiptoe through the garden inching towards the woods. As I reach the woods, I whisper to myself, "Why am I out here?".

Suddenly off into the distance, I see a green light dancing in the air. I quickly turn off my light and hide behind a tree. My heart is pounding in my chest as I stand in the silence of the night. The light is fastly approaching, yet I hear no footsteps. My heart races faster as I grip my flashlight. I have no idea what I to do as I look around the best I can in this dark abyss. I feel lost and hopeless until the green light is so close I can see in front of me. I grip the biggest stick I can, bracing myself for the unknown person to attack.


I am rendered unconscious after my head slams against the earthy floor. Hours later, I open my eyes, unclear what happened. I look around and realize I am not in the woods anymore. I dont recognize this place or the smell in the air. It smells earthy, a mixture of a dirt and flower smell.

"'s lilacs I smell.", I mumble to myself as I continue to look around. Then, 0ff in the distance, I see the same green light. As I slowly get up to walk towards it, I feel an overwhelming feeling that I should sit back down. But, as I sit back down, the green light approaches again. My heart begins to pound in its cage like a trapped bird.

As the light approaches, I hear a soothing sound. A melody I have never heard; however, I feel safe and at peace. My eyes must be deceiving me because I see a small human-like figure with glowing green wings. "Do not be afraid.", it whispers.

"Where am I? What are you?" I reply nervously.

"I believe your kind calls me a fairy or fae." the fairy replies.

"And where am I?" I ask again.

"You are in my home. You hit your head and I was worried to leave you there." she replied.

"Who.....Who are you? Do you have a name?" I ask as my voice cracks.

"I am Lily and you are Ella." Lily replies.

"How do you know me?" I ask in a terrified voice.

"You used to play with me in the creek when you were really young. But...then you moved away. So I was excited you moved back that I called for you last night." she explained.

"I can't believe this...this can not be real. I am dreaming! I need to wake up!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly I passed out. When I came to, I was home.

"Could it be true?" I asked myself. From that day on, I never saw the glowing green light. Lily never came to visit. So maybe it was a dream. Or was it?

I began to leave Lily flowers growing in my garden. Bells that made the most beautiful sounds in the wind. Hoping one day, she would come back. Hoping that if she is indisputably real that she would forgive me. Forgive me for questioning her existence and for calling her a liar when she said she knew me.

Every time I smell lilacs, I am reminded of my treason for how I treated her. If it was a dream, then maybe I am going mad like Alice and the mad hatter.


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About the Creator

Ella Dorman

I am a homeschooling mother of 5 by day and a college student and writer by night.

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