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Eerie Mysteries That Still Haunt Germany

Germany's Enigmatic Haunts: Unveiling the Unsettling Mysteries That Continue to Intrigue

By HalintonePublished about a year ago 12 min read

Eerie Mysteries That Still Haunt Germany

Unveiling the Hair-raising Conundrum: The Mysterious Riddle of Male Pattern Baldness

Prepare to be captivated by a perplexing revelation that will leave you pondering the fate of your locks. Did you know that an astonishing two out of every three gentlemen will encounter the enigmatic phenomenon known as male pattern baldness by the tender age of 35? Embark on a journey to unravel this hair-raising puzzle that has puzzled countless individuals throughout history. Explore the secrets behind receding hairlines, delving into the intriguing realm of follicular fate. Get ready to uncover the elusive truth lurking beneath the surface of this baffling hair loss conundrum.

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and let's get into today's video and

welcome back to our series where we

explore some of the strangest mysteries

legends and unexplained phenomenon

from a particular country and on today's



number 8 the yogtsy case we're starting

with one of the most puzzling deaths in

germany's modern history which may or

may not have been a murder

known as the yogtsy case on october 26

1984 unemployed food technician gunther


died on the way to the hospital after

being found severely injured in his

crashed volkswagen gulf

at first glance this looked like a

typical automobile accident but the

circumstances that led up to it

were anything but stahl had developed a

paranoia mentioning to his wife on

several occasions that

they were after him although he never

specified who they were exactly

on the night of october 25th he was

seated in his chair when all of a sudden

he rose up

and exclaimed now i get it before

writing down the letters you'll see on a

piece of paper he then crossed them out

and abruptly left his home

never to return stole first drove to a

bar then to his hometown where he tried

to visit a woman he knew from his

childhood but

she refused to see him because it was

one in the morning then about two hours

later two truck drivers found him in the

wreckage of his car

stole was completely naked and barely

hanging onto life but insisted that four

strangers have been in the car with him

all of these bizarre events could

potentially be explained by a severe

psychotic episode but there is one final

clue to consider

the police investigation concluded that

stoll had been fatally injured in a

different accident as a pedestrian they

believed that stoll was run over by a

car while on foot and then

placed inside his volkswagen his death

was ruled a crime and remains unsolved

becoming the target of online crime

buffs who

believed that the scribbled letters

could be the key to solving the mystery

number 7. the basement of cellar news

rat house

strange stories involving the nazis are

a popular topic among mystery solvers

and conspiracy theorists and so is the

occult so it's unsurprising that some

peculiar tales involve both of them

one such mystery concerns the cellar

news rat house aka the new town hall of

celer a town in lower saxony built

during the 19th century it was soon

taken over by the military because it

could house a large number of soldiers

thanks to its multiple subterranean


during world war ii it became the

headquarters for the ss when american

troops took over the town they

discovered that the nazis had flooded

the sprawling subterranean levels and

then sealed them off with concrete they

thought that artworks and other

treasures may be hidden in there so in

april of 1945

us forces organized a dive to explore

the depths of the building

what exactly happened next has never

been officially explained but according

to the story three divers went into the


and two of them never came out with

their bodies never being recovered while

the third came up in a state of shock

raving like a lunatic about the horrors

that he saw down there these included

pentagrams and other demonic symbols

inscribed on many walls and ceilings

as well as corpses tied to chairs and

mutilated in horrific ways such as

having animal parts sewn to their bodies

the diver believed that he saw them move


he began swimming back to the surface in

a panic at which point he

noticed a dark shadow chasing him the

americans decided not to investigate

further and turn the town hall over to

the british who sealed off the

subterranean levels once again

during the cold war the building once

again housed soldiers this time nato

troops and several reported experiencing

various paranormal phenomena

even to this day people struggle to

explain what horrific experiments the

ss were conducting down there 6. death

of a politician

german newspapers have labelled the

death of uber bashal as the greatest

political crime story in postwar germany

back during the 1987 federal election

bartle was serving as the minister


at the state of schleswig-holstein when

he was

embroiled in a scandal accused of spying

on his opponent in order to obtain

information for a smear campaign

less than a month later marshall was

dead on october 11 1987 his body was

found in the bathtub of room

317 of the burravage hotel in geneva

it was fully clothed and an autopsy

revealed that he had a lethal cocktail

of barbiturates in his system

so his death was ruled as suicide but

not everyone agreed with this verdict

the political scandal surrounding

bartle was big news in germany and was

compared to watergate in america

it's unsurprising that conspiracy

theories soon popped up about various

groups or individuals who may have

wanted martial out of the way

the most pervasive one suggested that

the german politician had some kind of

connection to the iran contra deal

which saw the u.s use israel to secretly

funnel weapons to iran therefore bartle

could have been assassinated either by

the c.i.a

iran or mossad agents unsurprisingly

none of them ever claimed responsibility

the case has been reopened a few times

since it happened

and new clues have been found which keep

fanning the flames of the mystery such

as unidentified fingerprints at the

scene a bottle of pills missing from the

hotel room

chief among them however is testimony

from a leading toxicologist who claimed

that bartle could not have ingested the

fatal barbiturate dose on his own

as he already had several powerful

sedatives in his system chances are that

uber bartle's death will

remain an enigma for the foreseeable


5. the bad center of berlin the 2011

christmas holidays were a time of


but also caution and fear for the people

of berlin as they were

dealing with a cereal poisoner who

spiked at least 13 victims before

disappearing forever as is tradition

around christmas time germans often met


city markets for a cup of mulled wine or

perhaps something a bit stronger like

schnapps one man in berlin however had

crueler intentions on his mind as the

drinks he was handing out were laced

with ghb

or liquid ecstasy at least 13 people

unwittingly drank his spiked beverages

and became ill with some of them needing

hospital treatment and one even

suffering from partial memory loss none

of the victims died but

german authorities remained puzzled over

the man's actions and his motives and

cautioned the public not to accept free

drinks from strangers the poison became

known as bad santa because

on at least one occasion he was dressed

as santa claus while handing out the

booze he told his victims that he was

doing it to toast the recent birth of

his child

despite multiple people getting a good

look at his face and the police having a

composite of the bad santa the poisoner

has never been identified number four

the drowning of diesel

even if you are unfamiliar with the

german engineer rudolph diesel it should

be pretty obvious what his main claim to


was the invention of the internal

combustion engine that bears his name

today however we are interested in his

mysterious death that

happened aboard a steamer while crossing

the english channel born in paris in

1858 to german parents diesel moved to

england when the franco-prussian war


once he was over he was sent back to

germany to continue his studies in

augsburg and munich before

finally settling in berlin where he

worked for carl von linde

by 1913 diesel was a well-known man

thanks to his patent and engine

on september 29th a 55-year-old inventor

boarded the ss dresden a

steamship that was supposed to take him

from antwerp to london for a business

meeting but when the ship arrived in

port the next day diesel was gone

he had last been seen going to his cabin

the previous night but his room had not

been slept in and his night shirt was

laid out on his bed

over a week later his body was seen

floating in the sea and although it was

too decomposed for an id

his personal belongings confirmed that

it was rudolph diesel

now the question was well what happened

to him the simplest and most common

story says that diesel killed himself

later investigations revealed that he

was in heavy debt due to bad investments

and that

prior to leaving he left his wife with a

bag with twenty thousand german marks

inside it however a different idea

suggested that diesel was killed by his

own government

with world war one looming they did not

want the english to get their hands on

the diesel engine inventor thrown into

the sea to stop sailor patents to

british government was one newspaper

headline as

the idea went beyond your standard

conspiracy theory and gained a lot of

traction with the general public

other stories say that diesel was killed

by big oil interest groups or the

disturbance was an accident as the

engineer was prone to insomnia or

even that he faked his own death but

it's unlikely we'll ever have a

definitive answer

number three fears and fights at

frankenstein castle germany is full of

places with dark and mysterious past but

perhaps none is greater than the

infamous frankenstein castle

located in the odenwald mountain range

overlooking the city of darmstadt

as you might expect from the name it has

often been suggested as the inspiration

for mary shelley's iconic eponymous

gothic novel thanks mainly to the

castle's most infamous resident

johann conrad dipple a 17th century

alchemist died almost 100 years before

the book came out

but his activities would have been well

known to shelly although a definitive

link has never been established dipple

certainly fits the archetype of the mad

scientist he lived isolated in the

castle where he performed numerous


leading the townsfolk to fear that he

was involved in all sorts of dark

sorceries and

had made a deal with the devil it is

confirmed that dipple used animal

carcasses in his pursuit of immortality

creating a concoction named dipple's oil


he claimed was an elixir of life however

there were accusations that

he went much further than that and dug

up human cadavers to use in his

experiments trying to transfer the soul

from one body to another

since dipple's death people have

continuously reported ghostly sightings

in that area but he is hardly the only

legend surrounding frankenstein castle

some say that which is congregated in

the forest behind the castle and

while purge's night while others say

that the grounds of the castle contain

the tomb of a lord who fought a dragon

number two the sky battle over nuremberg

on the morning of april 14 1561

the residents of nuremberg were treated

to a cosmic spectacle unlike any other

an amalgam of light sorbs fireballs and

other shapes moving erratically in the

sky followed by a loud crash somewhere

outside the city limits

a local man named hans glaser published

a broadsheet with

the description of the peculiar events

which said at first there appeared in

the middle of the sun two blood-red

semi-circular arcs just like

the moon in its last quarter and in the

sun above and below on both sides the

color was blood there

stood a round ball of partly dull partly

black ferrous colour

likewise there stood on both sides and

as they taurus about the sun such

blood-red ones and

other balls in large number about three

and a line and four in a square

and some alone in between these globes

there were visible a few blood-red


between which there were blood-red

strips becoming thicker to the rear and

in the front malleable like rods of

breed grass which were intermingled

among them two big rods one on the right

the other

to the left and within the small and big

rods there were three

also four or more globes these all

started to fight among themselves so

that the globes which were

first in the sun flew out to the ones

standing on both sides thereafter the

globe standing outside the sun and the

small and large rods flew into the sun

that's just part of the description but

you get the idea back then the

phenomenon was interpreted religiously

but in the 20th century

it has become a favorite event of

ufologists who believe

that the people of nuremberg witnessed

an extraterrestrial battle taking place

in the sky above them

unsurprisingly scientists aren't

convinced and they have put forward the

possibility that the whole thing was a

rare but

natural celestial phenomenon known as

perihelia or sun dog and that his

appearance could have been exaggerated

by glasses since his is the only

surviving account

1. the death of the mad king ludwig ii

reigned as king of bavaria for 22 years


1864 and 1886. he was also known as the

fairytale king because he was more

concerned with building beautiful

castles than he was with the state of

his kingdom

his crowning achievement was the

magnificent neuschwanstein castle but

his spending put a strain on bavaria's

coffers so when the king was declared

insane deposed and then found dead just

days later few believed the official

story that ludwig committed suicide

instead tales of conspiracies and

assassination soon sprang up and they

still pervade to this day

on june 10th 1886 the bavarian

government declared ludwig insane with

royal psychiatrist bernard von garden

diagnosing the king with paranoia after

a two-day standoff ludwig was taken into

custody and transported to burg castle

on the shores of lake steinberg

on the evening of the 13th ludwig and

gooden went for a walk but did not


a search party was sent out for them and

both their bodies were found in the

shallow water of the lake the official

conclusion was that the king attacked

his doctor and then drowned himself but

proponents of the murder theory say that

there is evidence that ludwig was shot

including testimony from fishermen who

heard the gunshots a

medical report which suggested that the

king had no water in his lungs and

a deathbed confession from a man who

allegedly saw the whole thing

as the possible culprit the most obvious

suspect was his uncle lootpold who

took power after ludwig's death an

examination of the body could tell us

whether the king died by gunshot or

drowning but his descendants have

refused to have

ludwig exhumed so for now the truth

remains as elusive as ever

so i really hope you found that video

interesting if you did please do hit

that thumbs up button below don't forget

to subscribe and as always

thank you for watching


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