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Echoes of the Digital Age

Exploring the Poetry in Technology's Tapestry

By Mr JhonPublished about a month ago 1 min read

In the realm where circuits hum,

And screens alight, our fingers drum,

Where lines of code like poetry flow,

In the language of the ones who know.

Behold the wonders, born of thought,

Innovation's tapestry, finely wrought.

A symphony of ones and zeros dance,

In the digital realm, we take our chance.

From silicon seeds, ideas sprout,

In the minds of dreamers, there's no doubt.

We sculpt the future with lines and nodes,

In the vast expanse where innovation bodes.

We build the bridges, span the gap,

Connect the dots on technology's map.

With every click, a world expands,

In the palms of our eager hands.

Social media, a digital stage,

Where voices echo in the digital age.

A network woven, far and wide,

Where thoughts and ideas collide.

From websites to apps, we navigate,

Through the digital landscape, we contemplate.

In the virtual realm, we find our way,

Guided by the light of the screen's soft sway.

So let us embrace this tech-filled space,

Where possibilities abound, and dreams take place.

For in the world of ones and zeroes, we find,

A universe of endless creativity, intertwined.

ScriptSci FiMystery

About the Creator

Mr Jhon

Mr. Jhon is a writer, Photographer, and Blogger from indonesia.

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