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Due Date

Even the best deals can be broken when things are not properly handled

By Alex TorresPublished 2 years ago 19 min read
Lake Orion, MI

You could easily say, without hesitation, that I take pride in using my time wisely while reviewing every little detail on all the contracts I handle, day in and day out. No matter the size of the agreement, the time frame, or the name of the requestor signing over the dotted line at the end of the document. A deal is a deal and I follow my own rules to the letter. So, it is no surprise when I take a day off to pay a visit to one of my "customers" long before the due date, just to see how their part of the agreement is being honored by them. Usually, they are chill with me and even understand why I got there earlier than expected but of course, sometimes there are exceptions where the patron is not that happy to see me. And on some rare occasions, they even try the hardest to hide and see if I will miss them somehow. Don't they learn already that I am the Master of the game? But what would you expect from desperate humans trying to get ahead of the horrors of Life?

The place was all I would have expected and more. The shady street on the skirts of Town was a given, but I was not expecting to see that many little houses around the area. And although I was kind of amused to find that many people walking around drinking, it still surprised me how young they all looked to my taste. Lots of potential call for help shortly for sure, but that would be material for another story. For now, the entrance to the place was calling my name - literally - with glowing red letters on top of a falling marquee which looked like it already saw its glory days a long time ago. The guy at the entrance took a glance at me, didn't ask for any kind of ID - not that I would have or need one - and just pointed to the door with a grunt. He seemed tired and a little out of place, but that was not what I was here for. I had a 100 dollar bill on my hand just in case, but I thought that it would be a waste if I give it to him anyway. So, it went back to my pocket and stayed there as I walked inside, following the smell of cigarettes, piss, and cheap tequila. Just what daddy wanted for me.

Not surprising, the interior was quite similar to the exterior in a very depressing way, with tables arranged all over the place surrounding a central stage where a very young girl was dancing to a slow song, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but there. She looked somehow familiar like I saw that face before, but I couldn't recall where. The lights were dim and barely enough to see where I was walking, and the carpet felt like it was damp and dirty. I cursed myself for bringing the new shoes but it was too late to change them. Hopefully, my pants would not be touching anything a good dry cleaning would not be able to remove. Kept walking with my hands in my pockets - as I always do - while looking around at the faces of everybody attending that night. Found a space by the corner away from the DJ and sat down in silence for a minute or two before an older lady approached me and asked if I was new in town.

-"You could say that I am local, although I don't live here if that makes some sense to you" -. She wasn't amused at all and gave me a fake smile while pointing to a drinks menu hanging from the wall behind me. All those names for shoots were intended to be funny for sure but failed miserably in my humble opinion. Maybe I am too picky, or maybe they just lack imagination.

-"You let me know If you want some company, and I'll make sure our best girl, or man if that's your thing, comes over and sits for a while. My name is Candance, and I'll take good care of you tonight honey" -. That open option sounded promissory, and I tough for a few seconds about it before thanking her and saying - "maybe later" - in a tone that didn't convince her at all. But what kind of dirty watering hole this would be if it doesn't have a waitress like that judging you at every minute, right?

Many tequilas later I finally saw her, not on the stage but rather in the back, as one of the dancing girls opened the curtain when her act ended. She looked like she was helping somebody with the shoes, and she was wearing a scant bikini with a blonde wig. Not exactly how I remember her. I wasn't sure if she will be next, but given that there was nobody else with them, I got ready to enjoy her show. And gladly I was not disappointed. The DJ made an introduction that was probably written by an 11th-grade horny student and the music started blasting the area. She walked onto the stage and the entire room looked at her at once. And nobody moved a muscle for what it felt like an eternity. I can say that: I know about that shit for sure.

By the time she was done, the stage floor was covered on bills of all values, but I could tell there was plenty of 20's - probably more than singles - and a skinny guy was helping her put them all in a pretty handbag. She thanked the patrons and left through the same curtains I saw before but nobody was waiting to be next. She was the closing act although nobody stood up and I saw Candance bringing more drinks out to some of the tables so I assumed that I could stay a little longer. Not that I would be leaving, but it is better when I don't need to force them into letting me stay. Although that would have been funnier, honestly.

As I was raising my hand to call the waitress and ask specifically for her, I felt a touch on my shoulder; turned around and smiled. No wig this time, and the bikini was covered with a long dark dress that sparkled like those spheres they had back in the good old Disco days. She sat down next to me with one hand on her chin and a drink on the other.

-"Can't tell I am surprised, but I wasn't expecting you until later next year. Is anything wrong with our arrangement? Anything else I need to do? Are you taking it back?" - She didn't look afraid but rather confused. And all those were very valid questions. But I was a little lost in her eyes. She was one of my favorites, and when she called me back then, I wasn't that sure this was what she wanted or even that she needed me at all. She had it on her as one could tell just by watching her performing on that stage.

-"Nothing wrong and nothing to worry about. Just visiting you as I do with everybody. I like to keep an eye on my investments, see how they're doing and check if they need anything else from me. You know, good old professional courtesy" -.

-"And the fact that you were enjoying my show maybe too much is a happy byproduct, right? -. She was on point, of course. I enjoyed it a lot and wanted to see more. I was already planning a second or third visit soon but I would not let that interfere with my business. Whoever said that you can mix business with pleasure had no idea what he or she was talking about.

-"How are you doing? Still working your ass off to pay your dad's debt?" - I didn't want to sound so silly, but I wanted to start a conversation just to get her closer to me. The music was loud and she smelled like a mix of imported perfume, freshly cut flowers, and the forest after rain. It was intoxicating and delicious, and welcome contrasting with the aroma I could still smell coming from the carpet under my feet.

-"That is a done deal. I finished that business a few months back. This here is just so I don't die of hunger out there. And to keep a roof over my head. Nights tend to be cold in this part of the country but I don't want to move. At least not yet. "

-"You could have had more, you know that. Looks like you asked me for the exact amount, or at least for the means to get exactly what you needed then. That's amazing, scary, and bad for my business and reputation all at once"

-"I know, and I thank you for helping me. After he died, I was not sure how I would be able to escape the Hell he left behind for me. I tried everything I could imagine and in the end called you in a desperate moment, probably when my mind was not thinking clearly. But heck, it helped and I was able to recover. No doubts in my mind now".

-"Then what are you doing here, of all places? - She looked angry at me for asking, but I was genuinely curious. When we meet for the first time I actually suggested this line of work to her and she refused emphatically, saying something about old traditions, good manners, and some other non-sense. But here we were, sitting at the corner, drinking and talking like good old friends.

-"Honestly? This is easy money. I realized that too late. I was already hooked with you when a friend of mine brought me one night for fun. Well, it was fun for him. I didn't like it at all but then I saw the girls making bills raining on them and tough long and deep about it. It took me a whole year to make a move and at the end asked the owner for a job as a waitress, just to see how the place was. Then when I moved to the back area to help them with their clothes changes and such, I realize that I could do it too, although I didn't want to sit with the customers at all. Just dance. The owner was not happy with me at first, but then he noticed how the door was getting more visitors and how his alcohol sales increased and he left me alone. I'm not planning on doing this for much longer, but it is helping me now. Sometimes I get to meet good people just looking for an escape" - Her eyes gave a subtle sparkle, so I was sure there was somebody special already.

-"Just remember the fine print and we should be good. No tricks or surprises. You know that" -. She gave me an "I know, I'm not stupid" look that made me chuckle. -"Seen that before, and it never works. There is always a clause for that too" -. Made a mental note to review her document again, just to be safe.

-"Yeah, don't worry. I take precautions. Let me go to the bathroom and I'll come back to say goodbye to you before you go. Don't leave until I am back" - Was she kicking me out already? That was a surprise to me, but I had to accept her terms at least for tonight. She was doing good on her part and I was really happy to see that. There will be time later on. Lots and lots of time to spend with her. I was not worried at all. Not a bit.

She stands up and started walking in the direction of backstage - I assumed they had their restrooms over there, away from prying eyes, which makes total sense given the type of people sitting around me - and noticed that she had left a little handbag on my table - "Don't you dare to spy on my stuff!" - She yelled without even turning her face to me. And of course, me being a Gentleman, waited until she disappeared behind the curtains before I took it closer and opened it just enough to see inside. But the damn light on the place was so dim I couldn't make what she had to hide from me. I put my hand inside and slowly moved it around to check what I could feel. There was the typical cosmetics, something that felt like a pack of gum, a keychain, little plastic bags, and a piece of soft paper that seemed to be a picture. I took it carefully and looked at it for a few seconds. It was of her with a dude I had never seen before, but they looked happy together. They were standing next to some sort of a fountain in a plaza, and they had matching clothes. So disgusting. I put it back inside just in time to place the bag on the same spot where she left it before she came back and took it. She kissed me on the cheek and said good night. I wanted to say something smart, but the image of them was still dancing in front of my eyes, so I just kissed her back and waived my goodbye to her as she started walking again. Candance came back with my bill and now I assumed that I was being kicked out for good. But it was a good night, after all, the tequila tasted like the piss of a child on a hot summer night, and the music was already starting to fade. I decided to walk out before they turned the light on. I don't like it when people stare at me for no reason. I could give them some, but again, that's material for another story.

I didn't go back until at least six months had passed - I was busy for a while - but after seeing her that last time, I was sure she was doing good on her part of our little agreement. There was nothing to worry and I had to attend to a lot of new calls from that same town - I was right about it - and that kept me away from her. But I took another day off, just to see her act and enjoy some "me" time too.

The same weird dude was at the door, and he greeted me in the same way as before. Nothing new here, although I wasn't holding a bill this time. The carpet smelled and felt the same way but Candance was nowhere I could see. That was weird and I felt bad. I missed her and her charming fake smile. There was another old lady that looked like she had escaped from the same asylum anyway, and that was a good sign. But as I stayed for the whole night, she never came to the stage. I left without actually knowing where she was. And that started to worry me big time.

As I was walking out, I asked the doorman for her, and he gave me some weird description of this diner across town. I never saw it before, so my first assumption was that she did so well that she decided to open a normal business, and a diner is a good choice. People are always hungry, especially after a night of drinks with buddies. I remember somebody told me a long time ago: "street tacos never taste so good as they do at 3 am after the bar closes for the night". And he was right.

I followed the indications given by the doorman - I never asked his name, but I couldn't care less - and found the diner at a corner of a nice suburban area, right at the end of a little strip mall, next to a pharmacy, a pizza place and a vaping store - all good options for the adventurer on me - and decided to take a look inside. It had great windows and lots of light, but I noticed one table at the very end where the light was not that bright and felt more comfortable sitting on it. There were not that many people, given the time it was, and the fact that most of the bars were in the opposite direction. But it was a nice diner and the food smelled really good. As I was looking into the menu that was already there I noticed somebody getting closer and sitting across me. It was her, but this time there was no sparkling dress, and the only perfume I could make out of her presence was of pancakes, coffee, and eggs. And don't get me wrong; I love that smell, but I wasn't expecting that. Not on a woman like her.

-"This is certainly a surprise" - she seemed tired and stressed, with visible marks under her eyes and not a faint shadow of mascara on her eyelashes. Her right hand was holding a pencil, while her left was hiding a little pad -"What do you want this time? Is this another of your classical 'keeping an eye on my business' kind of trip?" -. I wasn't sure how to respond. She got me worried for a second that I may have made a mistake trusting her.

-"Just wanted to say hi. See how everything was going. So, yeah, one of my classical trips, you can say that. But I couldn't find you in the other place. Did you finally change your mind and repented of all your sins?" - I tried to sound silly again, and based on her face it looked like I failed miserably.

-"Was forced to leave, actually" - She gave me a look like I knew what she was talking about, or like I had some part on it. - "But you know about it, don't you? Otherwise, I don't see why you would come back if there is still some time remaining on my due date"

-"I have no idea what are you talking about. I have been busy and wasn't paying real attention to your case recently. I know exactly when your contract is due, but as I said, I just wanted to say hi to a good old friend, if I can call you that".

-"Contract? Who's talking about a damn contract. I'm talking about my due date" - She was carrying her voice at a slow pace and in a low volume, but I could tell that she was getting real mad at me.

-"That's what I am saying, your due..." - and then I stopped talking, keeping my mouth open and looking at her as she moved her body back, revealing a big belly visible now under her apron. I didn't notice it before because of the way she was sitting with both of her elbows on the table but now that she was on her back, well, there was nowhere to hide it.

-"I told you about the fine print" - I finally started talking again - "You knew this would not stop it and will make the situation even worse" -. My voice was deep and angry like it usually is when a customer tries to escape any of the clauses on their contracts, and I could feel my nails getting ready like they do every time I got excited - "You were aware of the consequences if you tried it, and you went for it anyway".

-"I did nothing wrong" - she sounded exhausted. Like when somebody has explained the same shit so many times, it no longer matters.

-"Yeah, I can tell"

-"I told you, I took precautions. Like with anything else. I was always on the alert and had the proper items with me at all times. I don't know what happened. It wasn't planned on my part, and I thought for a while to put an end to it, but I just couldn't. Do whatever you need to do if that gives you any satisfaction" - Her eyes were lacking that sparkle I saw every time I was with her before. Her pain was showing, and it was a lot. I could tell: I know one or two things about pain and how to infringe it on people. This was real. Even for me.

-"You understand this doesn't change anything, right? I just need to work extra to do my part but still will do it" - I was adamant and firm, but was starting to feel a strange sensation under my skin. And this shit covering my body is thick.

-"I understand. I kind of expect no less. I lost hope a long time ago. But I just couldn't do it myself, even after all I had to do in the first two months just to keep it going. I am not like you" - She was now looking into her hands, scratching them after leaving both the pencil and the little pad on the table. It then hit me: she was not the owner as I was assuming so far, but she was simply working there. I pride myself to be good at reading people, but I was so mad at her that I didn't notice all the little details that were right in front of me. I was so lost in my desire to take her right there that I didn't stop to think for a minute. I lost my composure but was fighting hard to have it back again. She looked at me for a couple of seconds and to my surprise, that look made me feel uneasy and out of place. Like I had nothing else to do in there.

-"Does he know about...this?" -. I was thinking of that little picture I saw on her purse, and how happy they looked together. Of course, I wouldn't know if he was the father - or maybe I would? - but I was curious like with anything else related to the interactions between humans.

-"This, as you call it, is not an 'it'... And yes, my friend knows about".

-"Just 'friend'? Not even 'boyfriend' or something like that? What kind of couple are you guys?".

-"Not that matters anymore, but we were just friends passing a good time together. He understood from the beginning and accepted my conditions. And it took him by surprise too. Especially after how careful we were all the time".

-"You keep saying that, but I don't see you being so cautious after all. To me, it looks like you just did it out of spite, or to see if you could bend the rules just enough for me to walk back from our agreement. And besides, taking actual cautions means taking them at all times".

-"I always carried new condoms in my purse, if that's what you are asking. Never leave them more than a couple of days in there, if not used".

-"Well, somehow you failed, and now look at this. You failed like..." - As I pointed to her belly, I noticed that my nails were back to normal. I was no longer feeling excited but rather starting to feel sad. And I didn't like that. I like excitement, like when I am angry, or happy, or horny, - "...failed like..." - the music started to sound in my brain, the dim light was surrounding me again and started to smell the combination of perfume, flowers, and the forest after the rain - "" - I was having a hard time finding the right words to follow the mess I was creating inside of me.

-"Failed how, exactly?" - she asked.

-"Like when I do something I am not supposed to do".

My eyes were now glued to my nails, thinking how sharp they could become when needed. And how easy they can rip through flesh, clothes, or anything else that may be on their way. They were really beautiful and I always took good care of them. Black, long, shiny nails. A real diamond for both, hardness and value.

-"What do you mean, doing something you are not supposed to do?" - she was interestingly looking at me, like when you see something at the zoo for the first time in your life. And I felt like belonging to a zoo too, also for the first time in like, forever.

-"Look. I understand, believe it or not, and I can be reasonable to a certain extent. I can see how hard you worked on your side of our arrangement and how things worked out for you. I pride myself on honoring what I say I'll do, but I can be flexible if the proper occasion arises - I was trying not to show her how shitty I was feeling, so I rectified my position and placed my arms extended on the top of the back of the bench, trying to look relaxed - "I can be magnanimous if the person does deserve it, and I like you. Like, for real. Undeniably like you. Don't ask me why, because I have been asking myself that for the longest I can remember" - she was looking at me the same way one would look at a kid when they're trying to explain why they ate the whole package of cookies in one sitting, but I was coming back to my self. There was no stopping me now - "So, If you pinky promise that you will not tell any living soul what I did, I will let you go out of your contract with no penalties. All scratched and forgotten. What do you have to say to that, huh?" - My smile would have put her shiny dress to shame, easily.

-"What's the catch. There has to be something in there for you. After all, you are the..."

-"Nothing for me. Just the pleasure of doing something good for once. And you better take it before I repent!" - I was totally in control now, although I was sure this would be a repeating topic whenever I decided to go back and check my notes as I usually do after closing every case - "Now if you indulge me on some of those delicious pancakes I can smell from here now and then, maybe I will call it even" - She was smiling as she started to stand up, carefully and evidently on discomfort for her weight. Kind of the same type of discomfort I felt when her belly was at the height of my eyes.

As I was walking back to my place - with a little box filled with donuts and an assorted variety of cookies - I opened my jacket and extracted her document from the inside pocket. Looked like everything was included, but obviously, some changes and updates would need to be done. One can be as cautious and detailed as the worst of the worst, but there is always room for improvement. And I know a thing or two about improving on oneself: after all, I have been doing it for a very, very long time.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Alex Torres

Born in Monterrey, Mexico. Started writing short stories back in 1988 at work, when I had an empty page to fill for the internal magazine. Taking the pen again after a 30 year-long hiatus, exploring where it takes me this time.

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    Alex TorresWritten by Alex Torres

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