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Drowned Away

Short Story

By Ada ZubaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Drowned Away
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

The wind had swept through Marie’s dark, curly hair as she stood wearing all black. Her hat was threatening to fly off her head. She stood in front of the gravestone: Josephine Gail Richards 1896-1912 sister, daughter, friend. “Forever in our hearts...” a tear streamed down Marie’s fair face; she pulled out a blush handkerchief with the letters JR printed on with the blue embroidery. She dried away her tear, blew her nose and tucked it away in her pocket. The wind was frigid for a day in April.

“Will you tell me about her mother?” asked a man in his mid-forties. He had his mother's fair skin and his father’s dark brown hair and intelligent eyes.

“I think it's time that I do, Michael,” she told him as she followed him to his car. Michael opened the door for his mother. Marie got in and he shut it after her. They drove in silence back to his house.

They were sitting in the living room. Michael poked at the fire as Marie sat in a red chaise drinking her tea.

“You know, I was already pregnant with you. Your father and I got married shortly after the accident,” she began, she paused and fixed her black shawl.

“What accident?” He asked.

“The Titanic, of course, that’s how your aunt passed away,” Marie said as she looked at her son who sat on the chaise opposite hers.

“You and dad were on the Titanic?” He asked.

“Well your father was actually away on business, but my family was there and your aunt,” explained Marie.

In 1912…

Marie and Josephine had been on the ship for about a week, they had settled into their rooms.

“Josie! I told you I’d lend the earrings to you at dinner, not now! Take them off!” Shouted Marie.

“Why? There’s no difference if I wear them now or for dinner,” argued Josephine as she stared at herself in the mirror.

“Josie! Those earrings are special if you must know Harold gave them to me before he left for business,” said Marie; Josie let out a sigh and took them off then handed them back to Marie. Marie put them away in the safe and locked it.

“Now, let’s go find mother and father,” instructed Marie. The two girls walked out of their room and made their way for the ballroom.

“Josie, take off your hat,” hissed Marie into her ear and Josie obliged. “Much better.”

Both girls scanned the room with their eyes. Josie noticed their parents both were chatting with a younger gentleman. Josie led the way to them and Marie followed. Two men and two women approached them at the same time. One of the men was lean and had a neat moustache he was accompanied by a petite woman. The other was larger with a belly and he had a tidy beard and a plump woman was grasping his arm.

“Ahh here are my beautiful daughters. Marie and Josephine,” said their father proudly and they both curtsied and the young man kissed their hands. Josie blushed as he did.

“Pleasure,” he said and he gave Josie a small wink.

“Ladies this is Richard,” he introduced him.

“Mr. and Mrs. Richards these are my parents the Cummings,” said Richard gesturing towards the larger man and woman.

“Lovely, pleasure to meet you both,” said father.

“I see you’ve met our son Richard,” mused Mr. Cumming.

“Yes, he’s made quite the impression on us,” said father smiling, and Josie blushed again and Richard was keeping eye contact with her as their parents spoke.


“Michael, I did not like Richard one but, he was arrogant and snobbish but Josie was so smitten with him. I could not keep her from him,” said Marie as she sipped her tea. “I tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted.”

“So what happened next?” Asked Michael as he added another log to the fire.

“She kept sneaking off to meet him, she was so in love with him,” said Marie,

“She drowned?” Michael asked.

Marie nodded her head.

“They found her in the water completely frozen, no life in her,” said Marie with a sad smile.

In 1912…

Marie could hear the wind howling outside her window. She could not sleep, she tossed and turned and she suddenly heard a rustle from the other side of the room. Marie looked over and Josie was putting on her bathrobe.

“Josie where are you going?” Asked Marie as she sat up and turned on the light.

“I’m going for a walk, I can’t sleep,” said Josie as she smiled slyly.

“You’re lying! You’re off to go see Richard!”

“So, what if I am?” Demanded Josie.

“You can’t go! Especially in your nightgown and bathrobe! That’s so indecent!” Lectured Marie as she stood up from her bed.

“I don’t care! I’m going to spend the night with Richard and you can’t say anything to stop me!” Yelled Josie.

“Please! You can’t! It’s not right!”

“Oh stop it! Like your so holy!”

“What do you mean?” Asked Marie.

“I know you're pregnant!!” Yelled Josie. Marie was taken aback she gaped at Josie how did she know? With that Josie stormed out and left. Marie broke down in tears and she fell onto her bed. She cried herself to sleep. When she woke up Josie was nowhere to be found. Marie looked everywhere for her, but she was nowhere. She found Richard and without thinking she ran to him.

“Where is she?” Marie demanded.

“Who? Josie? I have not seen her since last night. It was late she came to my room very upset, we talked and then I sent her back to your room,” he explained. Marie studied him, and he looked like he was being honest. “To be honest I turned her down from an enticing proposal. She turned and left. I just assumed she went back.”

"No, she was not in the room in the morning and I walked everywhere looking for her? Can you help me?" asked Marie and Richard looked at her.

"I have a few people to meet for my business, but as soon as that's done I will come to help you look," said Richard.

"My parents cannot find out," she told him and Richard nodded.


"You know, I looked everywhere for her. Richard and I both started knocking on the doors and she was nowhere to be found," said Marie.

"So you never found her?" asked Michael as he poured his mother more tea into her teacup.

"No," said Marie and she looked at the fire.

"Then, it happened. People were running and screaming grabbing their loved ones and I was screaming for Josie, I was pushing against the crowds pleading if anyone had seen her. I ran into my mother and father and they started to look for her with me. We bumped into Richard and he said it was time to get on the boat, saying she was probably on the safety boat already. He ushered us onto it, I cried and screamed he picked me up and put me in the boat, " she explained. Michael sat down and leaned in listening intently.

"Then, we were headed for the other ship. I started to look for her again, but the crowds were too thick that it was hard to get past anyone. Days went by and we were finally on land, they had pictures posted of all the deceased and sadly, her photo was there..." said Marie trailing off and she wiped away a few tears. Michael squatted down next to her and he put his hands on hers. "We never found out where she was and I think that is the hardest part for me," said Marie. "Michael, I am rather tired, would you mind?" she asked. Then, Michael got up and helped his mother up from the chaise and he helped her to her room.

Short Story

About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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