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Dragon 3: Tide of the Black Moon (1)

Chapter 43 - Genji Heavy Industries(3)

By Carmen W KeithPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Dragon 3: Tide of the Black Moon (1)
Photo by Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash

"This is not the key, the key is the high pressure of the deep sea," Chu Zhang said, "this depth wearing a diving suit is not dive, only with a deep submersible. But as far as I know, the majority of the world's manned deep submersibles can not even reach a depth of 6,000 meters, the pressure in the polar abyss is hundreds of times greater than on the ground, and can be pressed into a deep submersible into a flat tin."

"Indeed, the polar abyss is a more extreme environment than outer space, and cannot be reached without the most sophisticated equipment. That is why the Equipment Department has prepared for you equipment that is unparalleled in human history. It is undergoing final inspection by the Iwarui Research Institute, which belongs to the Japanese branch, so please follow me." Genchiyo got up and pressed his palm on the wall, and the two granite slabs carved with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi parted silently, revealing the black passage.

The men in black with weapons in the passage bowed deeply, "Young master."

Genchiyo did not return the salute and led Ryoma Geneichiro and Caesar's group through the passage. The passage was blocked by dense infrared lasers, and any attempt to infiltrate would trigger an alarm, not to mention the men in black with weapons. Chu Zhang showed an alert look, Caesar released the "scythe", he heard the sound of numerous heartbeats and the sound of machinery running. The scythe swarm like bats rushing ahead, the scythe swarm split at each fork, flying farther and farther, the end of the passage echoed the sound of their wings, and at the same time in Caesar's mind, the map of the passage was more and more open. The passages were crisscrossed like a spider's web, in all directions.

"These passages can reach all the floors," Ryoma Gennichiro explained, "This construction technique has been around since the Warring States period when the daimyo built secret passages in their own Tensokaku to prevent assassination by ninja and rebellion by their men."

Genchiyo entered the code to open a small elevator hidden in the wall, "Please."

The elevator descended rapidly and Caesar suddenly heard the sound of water, not the sound of water gurgling through the pipes, but the sound of a tide, a cascade of waves catching up with each other.

"Welcome, gentlemen, to the Rockflow Institute." The elevator door opened and the man in the white lab coat bowed deeply, "I am the director, Miyamoto Shishio, and the head of the Miyamoto family."

Their ears were filled with the sound of the tide, and they did see the white waves. This was already underground in the Genji Heavy Industries, but not in the usual sense of a basement, this was the inside of a tunnel over 12 meters in diameter, half of the tunnel was flooded with water, and the raging water washed against the metal walls of the tunnel, the xenon lights at the top of the tunnel went one after another into the distance, into complete darkness, huge engineering machines sliding against the tunnel walls, automatically checking the water level and flow rate.

"Holy shit!" Lu Mingfei marveled. His voice echoed in the huge space, this amazing tunnel could simply be compared to the undersea tunnel between Britain and France, able to accommodate trains to pass through, and if a highway was built inside, it could accommodate at least six cars in parallel, and the water flowing beneath them was a completely monstrous river.

"This is the drainage system under Tokyo." Shishio Miyamoto explained, "Tokyo is often hit by hurricanes in which rainfall is extremely heavy, and rainwater from the surrounding mountains also collects here. Therefore, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has built a large drainage system underground, including pipes, giant underground storage tanks, and giant turbines. During heavy rainfall, this system can store the water of a lake underground and then discharge it to the sea through turbines and pipes. Because the entire underground space is built with corrosion-resistant special steel, we call it the 'Iron Dome Shrine'. The family-affiliated Maruyama Construction Institute undertook this project, and thanks to it, there have been no more floods in Tokyo since its completion. The Iwarui Institute's secret factory is located here, and there is also a shipyard where small submarines can reach the Genji Heavy Industries directly from the waterway."

"It's also convenient to transport contraband items that way, isn't it?" Caesar said.

"That's one of the reasons why Maruyama Construction is willing to undertake this government project," Genchiyo said.

Alarms swept through the entire tunnel, faintly thundering.

"The next tidal wave is coming, so we'd better go to higher ground before we splash our clothes." Miyamoto Shishio said.

The family head was not yet 30 years old, clean-cut and decent-looking, wearing antique tortoiseshell-framed glasses and neatly combed hair, not at all like a yakuza, but rather like a young teacher at some college.

They arrived just as they ascended high above the white tide crest, the tunnel trembling, the water splashing and soaring, like a white dragon forcibly bound by the tunnel as it struggled forward, roaring and roaring at the same time. Tidal peaks passing relative to each other roar are inaudible, one can only see the shape of the mouth.

"Last night's rainstorm, today there will be several consecutive tidal peaks. But when it doesn't rain, the water is very quiet, so you can think of it as a river and sit by the water and make tea, which is also quite Zen. When the cherry blossoms fall, a layer of petals floats on the water, we call it 'Sakura-Ryu sea', you can see it if you stay a few more days." Miyamoto Shishio said, "We are busy debugging the equipment that arrived from the equipment department, because the equipment department refused to send someone to help to debug, so it took a little more time, but it is almost finished, will not delay your mission."


About the Creator

Carmen W Keith

I love writting.

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