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Unknown Layers of CIA

By Belinda GrissamPublished 2 years ago 21 min read
Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

Tires squealing could be heard ringing throughout the thick forest. Sirens blared off in the distance. Many voices collided with one another as words were shouted in the air. I stood still waiting for the right time to move. I needed to grab the hanging branch above to climb up the tree as quick as I could to be out of sight.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering echoed as it burst into a million tiny flying pieces. "Here's my chance,” I thought as I leaped high barely grasping the low branch with my bloody gauze covered hands. The sting from the bark digging into my cut hand was almost unbearable. However, I had to get up higher to where the darkness would cover me for the night. I needed to recoup.

Fighting through the pain, I pulled myself up two higher branches. Sweat ran down my dirt stained face and along my dirty neck. I was drenched in sweat from running and the death clinching heat of Georgia in the middle of summer. Without warning, a sound rang out piercing my ear drums. The sound of the gunshot rang throughout the forest as if it were bouncing off each tree to reach the target of my ears.

Fear gripped me. My breathing became quick and shallow. Lumps filled my throat as if my own body were trying to suffocate me from within. I searched my body in rapid pace to make sure I hadn't been shot without feeling it due to my adrenaline. Luckily I wasn't hit. "Why did they shoot? What or who did they shoot?” Questions began to flood my mind. "How can I move now?”

I braced myself in the nook of two branches that grew alongside of one another crossing over forming a small section to relax against and hide in. My thoughts then turned to what had just happened. The glass shattering had to be them busting out one of my windows in anger. I had left the door open on the passenger side as I had made my escape to makeshift safety.

I know they had seen the dead body slumped over in the middle of the front seat. I had managed to bandage my hands to con seal some of the blood so that I wouldn't leave a trail just yet. I needed to get away. For now though, I needed to rest and try to stay clam to conserve my energy.

The sirens were gone now. Voices vanished in the distant as the sky began to deepen in the colors of the setting sun. For a moment, glorious gold, reds, blues, pinks, and purples danced across the sky. It was a breath taking view as always. It helped calm the racing fear in me.

Soon it was silent. Only sounds that could be heard were the many animals that came out at night to play in the coolness. The night was going to be a challenge for me. I did not know where the people had gone. Nor did I know who they were. All I knew was that I must keep moving. I have to get away and get to safety quickly. The darkness, along with many poisonous creatures, was going to be a challenge in the dim vague light of the moon.

I had fallen asleep at some point. I awoke with a start. My body was cool and my face was damp from the forming dew. I slowly looked around checking my surroundings before I moved. My body ached and my hands hurt badly. I needed to at least find some water to wash the cuts and bandages to rewrap it to keep moving.

With that thought, I slid down to the lower hanging branches. Balancing, I leaned over, grabbed hold the best I could with sore hands and swung down. I landed softly on some ferns below. I had to move. I didn't know if anyone had stayed behind to search the woods.

Making my way through the thickness proved to be difficult at first, I feared being seen so I was going slowly creeping along with the shadows that surrounded me. However, I needed to make up time and move more quickly. Debating, I finally dropped to my sore hands and knees and began crawling. The air was cooler close to the ground. I had been crawling at a steady pace when I heard an awful blood curling sound. I stopped completely still and tried holding my breath. My heart slammed against my chest beating rapidly and forcefully begging for air as fear had me restrained. "What the hell was that?” my mind screamed.

I knew it wasn't a person who had made that sound. It was too deep and low. I inched forward slowly. Whatever it was that had made that sound was off in the distance. I tried to keep my head clear. The moon was high above me now. The air was growing colder. Much colder for a night in the middle of July.

Suddenly, I could feel slight ground disturbances along the tips of my fingers. Whoever it was, was moving fast and hard. Their feet trampled the ground. The sound of hooves began to draw nearer and nearer. I hurried to a thicket of bushes I saw in front of me. I rolled underneath the thorns as they tugged at my clothes and skin. I didn't care what was in there with me at this time. I just needed to be hidden just to be on the safe side.

After a few tense moments had passed, a horse came trotting into view. There on top sat a strange looking person. It appeared to be a woman dressed as a man. Tiny wisps of mahogany brown hair peeped out from underneath the ball cap she wore. Her hair was pulled back and up into the hat it seemed. She had dew beads clinging to her bare arms where the sleeves were rolled up. Her skin looked as if it had been kissed by the summer sun already. The dim moon light didn't suffice to give you the ability to see if she had true southern beauty.

The horse snorted and tugged at its bit to keep moving. The warm air from his nose made breath clouds against the coolness. The girl looked around at everything in every direction. She nudged the horse to move along in the opposite direction. I was unaware I had been holding my breath. I let it out in a sigh of relief and quickly gulped more air in to my aching lungs.

I crawled back out. The moon was getting closer to disappearing for the sun to rise. I had to find water and fast. I stood up and began to run. I hurried past thickets full of birds that flew off startled. My hair was matted on my head from all the sweat, dirt, mud, and dew. Before I knew it, my feet were falling down out away from me as I unexpectedly plunged feet first into a ten foot drop before finally breaking the surface of a small lagoon.

The cool water rushed over and engulfed me from my feet to my head. I burst through the surface inhaling air mixed with water droplets. I hadn't seen the drop off. However, at this point I did not care. I was washed and cooling off. To my surprise, my hand didn't burn from the waters normal sting. I carefully removed the bandaged from my right hand as I kept myself afloat. The gash from the knife had clotted over and was just extremely sore. I took my time swimming to the shore. Not only did I now need to rewrap my injured hand, but I needed to dry off some to and make better timing. I didn't know how much farther I had to go to find help. I just knew I needed to get there.

I trudged through the remaining part of the night. Before I knew it, the sun had peaked over the horizon and was shining its warmth down viciously already. I stopped and took in the sight for a moment. Despite all the tragedy and chaos, nature was still so breathtakingly beautiful to me. In the distant, a whippoorwill called out. I was brought back to my dreadful reality in an instant.

The blast of a gunshot rang out far off. Fear leapt all over my weary body renewing it back to its vital state. I spun around quickly scanning my surroundings for any movement to be a warning sign. I saw nothing. Faintly off way on the wind, you could smell smoke. Voices seeped along the breeze as well calling out for me. I had to escape. They couldn't catch me again. If they did, I was almost positive they would certainly kill me.

Pushing on, I kept moving; Running nearly blinded by panic. I wasn't paying attention to the things around me. Before I knew it, I had run into the side of what looked like a mountain. I couldn't scale this massive mountain. I began to search in panic for an answer. There to my right was a small opening in the side of it.

The cave entrance was hidden by overhanging kudzu and moss. Without any caution, I entered the cave. Whatever was in here couldn't be any worse than the outcome of what was out there. If I was going t to die, I preferred it not be by the hands of vicious savages with no remorse or souls.

Curiosity over took me, so I began to look around at the cave walls. Laying there next to a crumbled rock was a makeshift torch. I grabbed it and lit it with the flint rocks I found beside it. The flame roared to life in an instant. I put the end of the torch in a small crack in the wall so that I could examine my gash in the light and re-bandage it. It wasn't as deep as I had thought.

In the midst of wrapping the last piece of blood stained cloth around my wound, a strange drop of ooze dripped down upon my forearm. I glanced around slowly to see if I could find it. Then another drop fell. My gaze turned upward hesitantly. I was in utter horror at what I saw.

A creature I have never seen nor heard of, hovered clinging to the ceiling rocks with massive spike shaped claws. Matted fur and skin mixed with a layer of ooze and slime glared down at me with red angry eyes. Sharp fang like teeth were bared in form of what an attack dogs would look like. Spit clung and dripped from them downward toward me. I moved from the light. The creature didn't move. It only watched me.

I kept stepping backward until my shoulders bumped into the wall. Underneath my shoes, I felt an unusual object give way followed by the most sickening gut wrenching sound possible. I glanced down. To my horror, I had just crushed what appeared to be a human skull. My stomach lurched.

"I have got to get out of here and face whatever else is out there,” I said aloud to myself. I braced for a push off of the wall to bolt at full speed out the door. I inhaled deep breaths trying to prep my lungs for the extreme workout they were fixing to suddenly get. "Three…..Two….One….Now!” I yelled to myself as I shoved off and lunged out the entrance.

I escaped into the vibrant sun light to what I thought would be safety. The creature let out a blood curling howl that ended in a screeching roar. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I turned and faced the cave entrance. I have never in my life seen anything like that before.

Standing in utter amazement at the cave, I did not hear the footsteps of someone approach me from behind. The cold metal feeling of a revolver barrel was suddenly pressed hard against the base of my skull and neck. All fear raced through me and then just vanished. My heart rate suddenly grew weak. I just knew I was done for.

Slowly, I raised my hands up by my head in a sign of surrender. I was determined to face whoever was about to shoot me. I wasn't going to stand there and be shot from behind by a coward. I began to turn around. Taking my time, I finally came face to face not only with ta silver barrel revolver, but an elderly man.

His face was worn like leather. It was wrinkled and tanned from the overbearing sun. His cold grey eyes were relentless in their soul crushing stare. His mouth was set in a hard line. He had lines and crinkles on the edges of mouth that gave evidence that he once laughed often. He arms were well built for a man of older age. He was in very well shape.

"What are you doing on my land?” he growled. I studied his face for a moment. "I don't think you will believe me if I told you,” I replied lowering my hands. "Try me. You can start by explaining that,” came his reply as he pointed to my bandaged hand. I inhaled a quick fresh breath as I thought. I might as well just tell him. If he shoots me then he shoots me.

"I have been running all night. I don't know where I am other than in Georgia. I got kidnapped,” I answered waiting for him to call me a liar. He lowered his gun slowly. "Go on.” “All I know is that some people jumped me back home. I woke up in my car as we came into Georgia. I fought the guy driving. He managed to cut my hand with his hunting knife. Unfortunately, I had to kill him to escape.”

The old man just stood there in silence looking me over. "So what was that strange noise I heard?” “It came from that cave thing there,” I answered as I turned and pointed. "I don't what it was nor do I care,” I added as I stepped out of his view. He just glanced over to the entrance of darkness.

"I am not going in there. That is a death wish to enter the lair of the beast. You must either be brave or dumb or ignorant. Come. You can have dinner with me this evening. I will let you bunk in my barn,” he stated walking down a hidden path. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I dare not to. I didn't want to insult someone who was trying to keep me safe and feed me.

We walked through woods for what seemed like hours. The sun was high above me now. It was at least noon. The path soon took a quick turn and we were in a clearing. All around there were different colored wild flowers dancing on the slight breeze. Meadow larks called out their sweet lullabies as they went from tree to tree. The grass was almost waist high, but the path beneath my feet was trodden nicely. If you weren't looking for a path you wouldn't see it.

We soon entered the edge of what looked like another forest. A small brook ran underneath a bridge made of a tree trunk cut in half. It was smoothed out perfectly and lay sturdily across to the other side. Frogs hopped happily off of the tree bridge into the cool trickling water. The brook seemed to babble to itself. Moss clung to tree roots that reached down to touch the edge of the brook. Minnows could barely be seen swimming into the light that managed to break through the tree tops to fall upon the water below.

The path didn't take us very far over the bridge before we soon came to a huge oak tree in the path. We veered to the left and then back around the huge trees. Without warning, we stepped out onto a small wooden block. There were several others that lined up with them leading you onward. I followed close behind this mysterious man leading me off to an unknown place. Over the edge of the grass hill looming in front of the woods, was the very tip of a house. The closer we got, the better in view it came.

The house was a two story surrounded by different trees. You had Japanese Cherry blossoms in full bloom with their lively lovely pink petals. The apple trees were just beginning to bud. The peach trees were in their glorious green splendor. The smell of peaches wafted on the breeze that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Buttercups lined a pebbled path down to a dark wooden fence. Orange lilacs danced along the brim of the front porch. They lined all the way around the porch. The porch wrapped all the way around and had a wooden swing in the corner. This was breath taking.

Off to the right of the house, there stood another building. It was built in what appeared to be old logs. The roof was put together with split logs. The doors were massive on the front of it. This had to be the barn he was speaking of. It was marvelous. It almost looked like an oversized house.

We reached the porch in silence. It was total splendor. I wasn't sure what to expect walking in. The hallway was a small foyer. It rounded in an arch at the top. Going on down the hallway into the living area was impressive. There were mounted deer and bear heads along the wall. Pictures hung variously throughout. Some of what appeared to be family, and some were of nature scenes.

The smell of rustic antiques filled the air. The furniture was solid wood with fluffy cushions carefully laid precisely on top. The stairs lead up to the higher floor from a few feet in the doorway. The kitchen was through a swinging door. Inside it, you could hear humming and the sound of pots and pans.

"Abby, we have a guest for supper tonight,” he called out as we walked into the kitchen. Before us, there stood an elegant woman. Glossy brown hair flowed gracefully down her upper back. Her sleeves were rolled up on her plaid shirt. Her hands were covered in flour from where she seemed to be preparing bread or biscuits. Her jeans hugged her just right. Her green eyes twinkled a bit in the sunlight that kissed her face as she flashed her captivating white smile. She quickly turned back to her work at hand. She looked so familiar to me. Her features stood out but only in certain strange ways. I couldn't put a finger on this just yet.

"Follow me. I will show you where you can wash and sleep tonight. You look like you need rest. Also, I want to take a look at that wounded hand,” the man instructed. I followed without question. We went out toward the magnificent building by the house. The closer we got, the more you could smell fresh hay. Just beyond the barn, you could see the glimpses of the fields planted beyond along the sloping hills.

He pushed the doors open with ease. They swung wide revealing a room reaching high above you. The walls were vastly separated. The loft hung snugly above. There was a ladder leading from the lower floor up to the loft. My curiosity was so eager to just explore this place. The horse stalls were to the left. There were five lined up. Three of them had mustangs in them. The other two contained a mare and her colts.

On the right side, you of course had your piles of hay, corn sacks, and a small sectioned off area of pigs. The sow sat with her litter of piglets that looked no more than a few weeks old. We were heading to the ladder. "Up there is where you will be sleeping. You should find all you need up there.

Now first, I need to look at that hand and see if you can climb this ladder. I apologize but I do not allow strangers to sleep in my home especially with my granddaughter in there. She can handle her own, but I'm not taking any chances,” he explained as he unwrapped my hand.

The blood had clotted really well over the wound. It was really red around it from being aggravated so much. It was extremely sore. "I got some stuff to put on that. It's trying to get infected. It will heal quicker with this stuff and take the soreness out,” he explained as he grabbed a bottle off of the shelf made into the wall. I stood still as he poured a mixture over my hand. It stung just a bit as some puss oozed out of my hand. After that, it didn't hurt.

He wrapped my hand back up with clean gauze and nodded as he walked out the door leaving me to my own adventures in his barn with his horses. I climbed the ladder to check out the loft that was going to be my bed for the night. Surprisingly, there was a twin size bed put against the far wall where the seams of the walls and rafter met. It was neatly made up. It looked inviting. There was also a small table next to it that had a wash basin and a pitcher upon it.

Square hay bales laid the floor. They ran along the outer rim of the loft. I sat down on the bed. It was so soft. I lay down and sank into the softness as it enveloped my body. Here I was safe for now. I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was off dreaming into another land. Peaceful and content. Then suddenly, I was jolted awake. The horses below whimpered and kicked angrily against their stalls. "What the hell?” I whispered as I drug my groggy self-up off the mattress.

Shouting could be heard faintly. Then a scream cut the night air. I had fallen asleep into the night. How late it was, I did not know. I stammered down the ladder. I had no weapons on me, so I grabbed the pitchfork leaning against the walls. I ran out in the humid air. Horses surrounded the man's porch. They were dimly illuminated by the porch light. In fear for them, I ran as fast as I could to help.

When I burst through the door, a gunshot rang out. A flash of faces and bodies ran for the front door. I don't think anyone was expecting that. The old man lay motionlessly crumpled in the middle of the floor. A pool of blood was beginning to form around him. I had no idea if he had been shot or what. I ran to him. A quick flash of metal caught my eyes as I bent to reach him. I spun around in time to see the girl drop to her knees by me with tears forming in her eyes. She lay the rifle down beside us.

Carefully we rolled the man over. It was a gruesome sight. They had sliced his throat completely open. Pieces of meat lay open and severed from his esophagus. What appeared to be pieces of veins, stuck out in different directions. Blood trickled out slowly as his heart finally stopped beating. Blood was all over our hands and knees from kneeling in the pool of his blood.

I was in shock. Who had just done this and why? Abby just sat rocking back and forth on her knees. Silent tears fell softly down her cheeks and splashed upon her pants where they were absorbed in the dark material. I just looked at her. She was so vulnerable. So innocent. She seemed to be shutting her emotions off as she mumbled to herself.

When she looked up, rage consumed her eyes. The color had gone hard in her eyes. They no longer twinkled. She was determined. Without warning, she lunged at me knocking me off my knees flat on the floor. "You did this to him! You did this to me! I know they are after you. He was kind enough to keep you safe for the night and help you, and yet he paid with his life for some pieced of shit like you!” she yelled wrapping her hands around my throat.

Her knees pinned my arms to the floor. She was stout for a woman. "I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't bring anyone here,” I choked as I tried to wiggle free. "They asked about a man with a cut hand. What did you do for them to be looking so hard for you? Normally they would have given up after you got away,” she stated glaring down at me. Hate was beginning to cover her like a welcomed warm blanket. Some of the things she was saying made many questions arise. However, I didn't have time to think about that right now.

I somehow managed to wiggle my arms free. I grabbed her hands and pried them off me. "I don't know who the hell they are no do I know what they want. All I know is that they kidnapped me! I have been trying to figure out where I am and why since I came to at the Georgia line. None of the faces I saw were familiar to me. They were all strangers to me. However, I did over hear some of their conversations that now make sense,” I answered letting my voice trail off as I tried to piece it all together.

I paced toward the window looking out into the darkness. Abby sat motionless on the floor by her grandfather watching me intently. The darkness was vast and unwelcoming. The trees were still. How did they know how to get here? I wondered as I stood still lost in thought. I had to get to the barn again and look at the things I had noticed earlier. Something was amiss here.

I bolted for the door leaving Abby in a state of total shock and confusion. I heard her scrabbling to get up with the rifle behind me. I raced back to the barn. I shut the doors behind me to buy me sometime until I could locate the things I was after. The horses were making all kinds of racket in their stalls. They had been spooked by the gunshot as well.

I reached for the board that was pulled slightly loose. If you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't see it. I pulled hard against the stubborn wood. Finally it gave way and broke loose. It went sailing across the barn floor landing at Abby's feet. "What are you doing?!” she called in horror. I just kept pulling until I finally had it exposed.

Before us stood a massive safe that the walls had been built around. It was incased in concrete to protect it from storms and damage. What was inside was going to be there interesting part. Abby walked up beside me and stood with her mouth open in amazement. "I didn't know that was there,” she whispered not moving her eyes off of it.

The horses seemed to not want to settle. Abby came out of her trance and walked over to one of the stalls. In that stall, there stood a magnificent stallion. His coat was a deep brownish red. His mane

was more golden red. His muscles were well defined and masculine. He was a prize winning horse. "Hey now Danger. Calm down my baby,” she cooed to him as she reached and stroked his nose.

I had seen this horse before. I stood still and thought long and hard. "You're the girl from the woods last night!” I yelled in shock. I took a few steps back. She spun around and faced me at lightning speed. "What are you talking about? What do you know? And how did you see me?” she questioned quickly. Fear began to creep in her face. It was obvious now that she was doing things she wasn't supposed to that her grandfather knew nothing about.

"Why so many questions? I can't tell you where I was nor am I willing to. You have had your doubts and fears of me since I walked in this morning and now here you are. Fear is not a good look for you. You were dressed like a man last night,” I exposed as I walked toward her. She backed up in to the stall doors. "I have things I have to do at night while he was sleeping,” she clamored unsure what to tell me. "So how do I know they weren't after you , or that you didn't set your grandfather up for his home and money?”

She stood wide eyed and scared as I towered over her by almost a foot. "Speak Abby. Do tell me your secrets. We may be able to keep each other safe for the next few days,” I whispered inches from her face. "I can't…they…they will find me and kill me too,” she choked out in almost a squeak. "Who Abby? Tell me who,” I tried to soothe. She stared blankly into my eyes.

A shriek followed by horrible screams cut though our tension as if it were slicing bread. We both looked out to the darkness past the doors. I had heard that sound yesterday. There was no mistaken that horrific sound. "We need to shut those doors asap,” I instructed moving to the doors. I didn't know what was out there and I wasn't about to take a chance...


About the Creator

Belinda Grissam

I am a creative writer who enjoys the thrill of letting my overactive imagination roam freely. I find joy in writing fantasy, thrillers, and sometimes motivation pieces. I am a mother to 3 boys.

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