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Don't Be A Fool 2

Chapter Two

By Aubree WPublished 2 years ago 16 min read

The game ends with a 4-1 Maple Leafs win over the Florida Panthers. I throw my beer cup away and grab Siri's arm to get her attention. Together, we descend the congested and sticky nacho chip-covered stairs to the long hallway that leads to the locker room.

Matthew had told me to wait out there once the game was over and said that he'd try to change as quickly as possible. I lean against the wall and disgruntledly wait for this blond boy to exit the locker rooms.

I hear the door open, and I turn my head, hoping to see Matthew walk out. Instead, I'm quickly left in disappointment when I notice the same brunette boy I had a threatening encounter with earlier this morning. I roll my eyes and make sure that he sees it, but he's left unphased because his attention is all on Siri.

I watch in horror as my best friend greets the douche bag with a hug and accepts a kiss on the cheek from his gross chapped lips. She grabs me by the wrist and propels me into a little huddle that I most definitely did not want to be in.

This is the man she said she's been seeing. I knew he was an athlete, but this was the last person I expected.

I huff a breath while I come to the realization that the only reason Siri agreed to come to the game so quickly and without argument is because she is a thing with the Alex Masters. How fucking great is that? This has to be God's way of punishing me because this is the worse turn that this situation could have taken.

"Alex, this is my best friend and teammate Nala Esalva, so how about you guys talk while I find the little girls room. I was too scared to go earlier because you decided you wanted to drop your gloves twice for the same guy."

Alex's lips form to a small smirk, and he leans down to kiss Siri's lips. I try not to gag while he defends himself. "That jackass wouldn't shut up. He got what was coming to him. Also, babe, the bathroom is to the right and all the way at the end of the hallway you'll turn into."

Siri thanks him, leaving me with the bulky and intimidating jerk.

I glance off at Alex and let out a small chuckle when I see how puffy his left eye socket is and the thin one-inch gash above his right cheekbone. He got the worst of the fight even though he was the one who initiated it.

I'm caught off guard when he begins to speak to me, forcing me to look away from that cut that's bound to leave a small scar.

"Siri always tells me how amazing of a soccer player you are. It's funny because I didn't realize you were actually known for something other than sleeping around."

I roll my eyes and do my best to hide the fact that I'm kind of feeling a little warm inside. The fact that Siri brags about me almost compensates her not telling her new fling would be at the same event she knew I went to last night.

"Wow Masters, and I didn't realize that you're actually sweeter out on the ice when you're dropping your gloves than you are in a social atmosphere. Maybe if you'd have channeled all this aggression you're giving me and put it towards that defender you actually would have landed a punch on him. Just some food for thought." I'm feeling snappy. This whole situation has me on edge. I can't wait to get my necklace and go home.

Alex glares at me so hard that lasers could shoot out of his eyes, and I wouldn't at all be surprised. But before he can say something back, Matthew comes out of nowhere and stands right next to his roommate.

From the docile and happy look on his face, I can tell that he didn't hear anything Alex and I had just spat at each other which is a relief. He does not need to be tossed into the middle of this.

Seconds later, Siri runs up and joins the small group we formed.

"Hey Zado," Matthew greets Siri, and my eyebrows instinctively raise towards the direction of my friend. Even Matthew freaking Merrick knew, and I didn't?

Siri waves back, and we're left in an awkward silence that Matthew, of course, tries to break.

"Nala, I left your necklace in my car. I can go grab it if you want."

It's Siri's turn to look at me with huge eyes. Shit, I've been exposed.

"Well," she speaks up and my breath halts because I never know what her spunky personality is going to come up with, "Alex and I were planning on going out to dinner, you guys can join us and, if you don't mind Mitch, Em can just catch a ride with you so that she can get her necklace."

Okay wait, so was she just planning on sending me home in an Uber or something because she was my ride here. When did she plan a dinner with her secret lover?

Alex and I both make quick eye contact.

"I don't think that's the best idea," I mutter, shooting daggers at Siri with my eyes as if she might be able to read my mind as to why I do not want to go to this dinner.

Alex nods (write this down people it might be the one and only time he'll ever side with me) and agrees, "Yeah, I don't think so either." He keeps his eyes on me the whole time he speaks, and it takes everything in me to not flip him off in front of Matthew and Siri.

"Well I decided, and my decision's final," she starts, and I groan because I know exactly where this is going. "We're going. So you boys lead the way to the parking lot, and Nala and I will be right behind you both."

Anyone who knows Siri Zadome knows that she does not take no for an answer. Without another word, the boys start their way towards what I assume is the team parking garage.

My friend waits until the boys are a few yards in front of us before turning abruptly and giving me a hard smack on the chest.

"You idiot!" She whisper-yells, "You slept with Matthe? When did you even do that, and why didn't you tell me?"

I throw my hands up in defense and mentally prepare my spiel, but not before hunching over to catch my breath because that bitch walloped me. "Okay, you have no room to talk because this secret boy you've been seeing is apparently Alex Masters. And to answer your question, last night after the gala."

I turn the tables on her and timidly sit back and wait, expecting her to aggressively quiet-yell at me again, but I'm taken aback when her voice goes soft. "Nal, I thought you and Austin agreed that you two were going to fix your shit and stop doing this to each other. Isn't that the whole reason he flew you out to LA; so you guys could have that talk and come to that agreement?"

I stare ahead at the boys who were having a conversation of their own. I wonder what they're talking about. It's probably about us, and if Alex's feeling a bit extra satanic, it's most likely about me.

"Yeah," I say with my head down, "but it's Austin and me, and God knows neither of us was actually going to change after that. I'm pretty sure he found another chick to hook up with before I even left LA."

Siri sighs, and I can tell that her empathy is starting to kick in, but she's too fierce to let it take over completely. "Well I'm sorry about this Nala, but you've made your mistakes. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Alex earlier, but I'm really starting to develop feelings for this boy, and I would like to have you there for me tonight and get to know him. If I have a boyfriend, I want to make sure it's someone who's going to befriend you too."

I let out a small breath and stare down at my everyday white shoes. "Fine," I lift my head up and look at my best friend, "but it's only because I love you, and I want you to be happy. I would not be doing this for any other person."

I know the chances of Alex and me ever being friends are next to zero, but if it's what she needs from me tonight, of course I'll try.

She claps her hands and wraps me in a hug before we both scrounge to catch up with the boys.

I don't want to ride with Matthew, but I don't really have another option. I'm not going to let him drive alone so that I can sit in the back of Siri's car and third wheel her and the awful Alex Masters.

I want to distance myself as much as possible when I'm in the car with Matthew though because I don't want him to think that what happened last night is something that will happen again.

We get to the garage, and I give a half-hearted and hesitant goodbye to Siri, watching as she and Alex walk the opposite direction that Matthew is leading us.

I trudge to the passenger's side of his shiny white F-150. It was lifted quite a bit, and the truck doesn't have a step so I had to use an awkwardly big boost to launch myself high enough so that I can sit.

There's no way Matthew does that easily and without a step. I'm 5'8, and he looks like he's only five or six inches taller than me. I bet that he jumps up into the truck when he thinks that no one's looking.

By the time I'm finally settled in my seat, Matthew is already playing music and watching me as I find a spot on the floor to put my clutch.

Even once I'm done, he continues to stare at me with puzzled eyes as if he's trying to piece together what he's going to say.

"Are we ready?" I ask with a small forced smile, hoping to break the silence without sounding too rude.

Matthew shakes his head as if the action will snap him out of whatever trance he was just in. "Yeah, just let me grab something," he mumbles, turning his attention from me and to his center console. He grabs a Ziploc bag out of it, and it's not until I see delicate silver diamonds shining through the plastic that I realize it's my necklace.

His hands shake slightly while he unzips the bag and takes out the dainty chain. "Turn towards the window, please," he says quietly. It's meant to be a demanding statement, but the way it comes out of his mouth makes it sounds more like a question.

I follow directions hesitantly and turn my upper body the direction he tells me. He takes my hair and lightly pushes it over my shoulder. His arms go in front of my body, and he slowly lowers the necklace so that the charm falls in between my collar bones. He latches the clasp around my neck, letting his fingers linger on the exposed part of my back for a little longer than what would generally be appropriate.

It's not until he moves his hands that I finally face back towards truck's windshield.

"Thank you," I say quietly, staring down at the gorgeous diamond white and yellow sunflower that hangs off the thin silver chain draped around my neck.

"Of course," he replies, finally starting the engine and pulling out of the spot we were parked in. Siri, Alex, Matthew, and I had spent so long talking inside the arena, and this small encounter that lasted a lot longer than it should have has left the parking lot almost empty.

Siri and Alex are probably already at whatever restaurant we're eating at, and I can just guess what Alex will say if we show up late.

I sigh thinking about that tall douche bag of a man. I know that his intentions are good, and he's just looking out for Matthew, but that doesn't mean that he needs to be a dick about it.

I sneak glances at Matthew while he drives. He keeps his left arm on the ridge of his door and steers with only his right hand. He has a bit of stubble under his neck and on his chin and jaw like he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. I can't remember if his skin was completely smooth yesterday.

He has gorgeous eyes. I noticed them last night, but when the light we were stopped at turns green, it gives off just enough light for me to see his big blue eyes shine just a little brighter than others I've met who share his pacific color.

Matthew makes small talk while we drive, but spends most of his time focused on the road. For someone who only drives with one hand, he's a pretty overcautious driver.

We pull up in front of a smaller restaurant, and we both get out. Matthew hands his key to the valet and waits for me to catch up to him.

The restaurant is a cute little Italian one with a black exterior and red trimmings. The inside is even more adorable than the front.

The chairs are carved with intricate details, leaving behind an exquisite set up next to the small white wood tables.

It's something I'd enjoy on any other night that wasn't this one.

We find Siri and Alex in a private room towards the back. A large sausage pizza sits between them, and while they've already started eating, there's plenty left for Matthew and me.

"Finally you guys made it!" Siri exclaims when she sees us walk in.

I smile at her and take the seat across from Matthew and in between Alex and Siri.

"Sorry we're so late," Matthew apologizes while grabbing himself a slice of pizza. "I don't think we got a single green light our whole drive."

I pick up the glass of water Siri had pushed towards me and roll my eyes when Alex says, "Or one of you guys gave each other the green light to head to pound town in the player's garage."

I'm about to set down my glass, but not before choking on my water when Matthew replies, "Not yet," with a small smirk on his face.

I try and play off my cough, looking at Siri the whole time I do so.

She lets out a laugh and shakes her head, as if to say, 'I can't help you out of this one.'

Alex gives me an evil smile, and because he's right next to me, I'm able to give him a swift kick in the shin without anyone else noticing. That'll knock that devil out of his grin for sure.

I don't know what to say, so instead, I stay silent. I know I should say something though because I don't want Matthew to think that what happened last night would be happening again once dinner's over, but what am I supposed to say to him? I can't let him down easy and get my point across at the same time, especially with other people with us.

So for now, I guess, I'll just act like I didn't notice the sexually charged comment, and I'll focus on the pizza in front of me.

I force myself to make small talk with the other three until Siri and Alex decide that they want to check out some pop-up wine-stand a block away from the restaurant. They promise they'll be back, but I doubt it.

Watching Matthew while he takes his card out and pays the bill, the guilt is eating at my insides like a deadly virus, and honestly, the analogy couldn't be any more accurate. That's what I am - a parasite. I make stupid decisions that are driven by my own greed, all at the expense of another person's happiness.

I was selfish, and I was mad at how messed up my relationship with Austin is, and I brought Matthew into it. Now, I'm going to have to tell him that I can't be around him because I have a boyfriend living in another country. It's going to hurt both of them, and I hate myself for that.

I know it doesn't seem like it, but I love Austin, I really do. I cheat because he does. I want him to feel the same pain that he causes me. I know, what an unhealthy relationship, but we have our good moments. There are times where I'm confident that he's the only one for me, and that he'll be that person forever, but then there are times where I question why we're still together in the first place.

Matthew leaves a tip and stands, reaching out his hand. I shouldn't, but I take it.

"C'mon, I want to show you something," he says, intertwining our fingers and leading us out of the restaurant.

I look down at his black converse, and all I can think about is how if I were to die right now, I'd be going straight to hell because I am a horrible person.

We walk for almost ten minutes without a word being said. When we first stepped out of the restaurant, the sidewalk had been crowded with people. We've been walking by ourselves now for a few minutes.

It's peaceful, but I'm sure I'd enjoy it a lot more if I weren't feeling as shameful as I do.

We stop walking, and I finally take the opportunity to inspect where we are.

The Toronto Music Garden. I look at him and smile. I used to visit this place with my mother all the time, and it never loses its beauty, no matter how many times you walk through it.

We continue to walk through the spiral emulated in the center of the venue. We go slow because I keep stopping us so that I can look closer at any flower I think is pretty, which let's face it, is basically all of them.

"Which one's your favorite?" Mitch asks, squeezing my hand and looking down at flowers I was smelling.

I point to the section we'd just walked past. "Sunflowers will always be my favorite flower," I admit.

He raises his eyebrows, "That would explain the necklace," he says and points to jewelry he'd just returned to me an hour earlier.

When I was younger, my dad used to give me flowers every Tuesday after school. Tuesdays were always his work from home days, so they'd be in a vase waiting for me by the time I came home.

I was fifteen when my dad's affair went public. He was a Hollywood director, so of course, it did. He was stupid to think it wouldn't.

My mom kept us in California for a little bit. I spent my sixteenth birthday there, and that's when my dad gave me the sunflower necklace. I've worn it every day since.

That day was the last time I saw my father. My mom packed us up and moved her and me back to her hometown of Toronto. Her Canadian citizenship is the reason I'm able to play for the Canadian Women's National Team, despite the fact that I was born in America.

Matthew steps towards me. His chest presses up against my shoulder, and when I turn to look up towards him, my eyes meet his light blue ones. He brings his hands to my necklace, his fingers grazing my collarbone when he touches the charm.

"I know," Matthew speaks, not breaking his gaze from the flower laced around my neck.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Knows about what? The sunflowers? My father? What else could he be talking about?

He finally brings his eyes back up to mine, and he leans in closer. Our foreheads are close enough that they press up against each other, and I can feel his hot breath hitting my cheeks.

"Nala." He says my name quiet and hushed because of the fact that we're so close to one other. "I know about your boyfriend."

My lips part, and I take a step back.

Shit. That is not what I was expecting him to say.

He grabs hold of my hand and pulls me back closer.

He stares at me, waiting for me to say something.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, even though I know that it won't be enough.

"Why?" He asks, staring at me intently while he does. "Why would you do that to someone else? I think that you have a better character than that."

"Austin and I, we do it to each other. It's constant cheating and breaking up and getting back together." I know my reasoning won't justify the fact that I slept with Matthew, but I have no other excuse.

"Well, it sounds like he doesn't treat you right."

My eyebrows raise. His answer surprises me, but it does almost make me chuckle. "I don't deserve to be treated right," I tell him honestly. I don't want sympathy because I know I don't deserve any. "Especially when I do the same thing."

He shakes his head and grabs my hand. Somehow, my fingers instinctively lock with his. It's like we've known each other for months when really it's been two days. "Yes you do, Nala. I just met you last night, but I already know that you deserve the world and more. You just haven't found a guy you've trusted enough to give it to you. You've become complacent with stars, but there's a man out there who would give you the whole freaking universe."

I can't respond to that. How even would I? He's too sweet, way too sweet for him to be anywhere around me. I've had little conversations with him, and he's already speaking to me as deeply as this.

I can already tell that this boy is really going to switch up my life.

Fan FictionLoveSeriesYoung Adult

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