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Do No Harm

by Kimberly Anne

By Kimberly AnnePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by <a href="">Parker Johnson</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a> oppressive silence. I can’t even hear my own heartbeat. (Am I dead?) "Destroy the core!" A voice echoes in the distance. I strain to hear the message. It repeats: "Destroy it before they consume us all!"

I frantically turn in place trying to find the source of the disembodied voice, but my efforts are futile. There's just...nothing. I attempt to shout, but my voice is suppressed. (What is happening?) I reach out my hand in a feeble attempt to move forward, but my fingers grasp only air. The one solid thing I feel is a small heart shaped locket that hangs from my neck; a reminder of something, but what I cannot recall. Suddenly that voice echoes again "Destroy it! Save us!" (Save who? Who am I? What's so special about me?)

At once I'm broken from my thoughts as a jolt of electricity courses through my body. I scream, but the sound is swallowed whole by the darkness that surrounds me. Again, the pain shoots through every nerve and I convulse. (Stop. Please!) My fight and flight responses battle with one another as I’m stricken with panic and adrenaline. Then as quickly as the pain began, it subsides and my body relaxes. I hear another voice, one different from before. "Klara?” (A woman? Who's Klara? Is she me?) "Klara Fisher, wake up! C'mon you stubborn bitch! Rise and shine!" I feel one more jolt of electricity then…

I shoot up and suck in a huge breath of air. I exhale with a cough and blink my eyes a few times, adjusting to the dim light in the room. A petite young woman with dark brown hair, and an angular face stands in front of me. Chocolate brown eyes, as large as saucers, stand out against ivory skin. She stares as she clenches her fists to stop her body from shaking.

"What happened?" My throat is dry and my voice is hoarse. I touch my forehead, trying to force the memory of where I had just been to surface, but it's no use. Everything is hazy. Tears begin to well in the corners of the girl's eyes and she hugs me tightly around the neck. "We thought we lost you for good!"

"Yeah it took three rounds to bring you back." A man much taller than the girl walks into the room then places his hand on my shoulder. Shaggy red hair hangs over kind emerald eyes; they lock with mine as I look up at him. “You definitely had us worried, kid.” His low baritone reverberates in my chest and calms my rapidly beating heart. I touch the locket, then hold it protectively in my palm.

“Look up for me.” The man lifts my chin with his index finger then shines a small light in each of my eyes. “Pupillary response is normal. Doesn’t look like you sustained any head trauma. Klara, do you know where you are?”

I slowly scan my surroundings. The dingy, dimly lit room looks like something out of a horror movie; exposed wiring and cables on the wall lead to a machine suspending a creature that was once human. The cold metallic table beneath me sends chills down my spine. (Why can’t I remember? Why don’t I recognize anyone?) Suddenly I begin to shake and my pulse quickens again. Noticing my distress, the man reaches for my hand, holding it tightly in his own. “Don’t force yourself. You’re safe. Nixie, tell Kleinshe’s awake.” I watch as the small girl nods then scampers away. Her bright yellow jumpsuit is the only thing that seems to light up the subterranean room.

A familiar warmth envelopes me as the man picks me up from the table. He places me gently on the couch at the opposite side of the room then sits next to me. He turns and locks his gaze with mine once more. (Gods those eyes.) I try my best not to gape, but this man is sinfully handsome. He runs his hand through his disheveled hair then begins to speak. “Do you remember anything at all? It’s okay if you don’t.”

I look away and shake my head. “Nothing. There was just...nothing. This was the only thing that felt real.” I hold up the heart shaped locket. He sighs then a relieved smile spreads across his face. “Good, it seems like the relic worked.”

“Relic?” I cock my head. I feel a tingle as his fingers brush the nape of my neck as he leans forward to undo the clasp.He drops it carefully into his open palm. “I gave this to you… so you would always find your way back.” He opens the locket; engraved on the metal are the initials HM on one side and KF on the other. My eyes widen with the understanding of the letters and the meaning behind them. Suddenly a piercing pain shoots through my temples as images flash through my mind. I squeeze my eyes shut and my hands fly to the sides of my head, trying to quell the discomfort. He shouts my name, but his voice fades and is replaced with memories that flicker in my mind’s eye as I relive the past decade in a single instant.

Too many years of economic depression, disease, war, and famine had plagued the country. The income gap had widened to Victorian proportions; differences in class and social standing becoming insurmountable. Because of this the homeless population in America had increased rapidly. Evictions were on the rise and riots broke out. Turf wars, drug abuse, and gun violence were all too common; things we as citizens associated with those countries we deemed “Third World.” The United States had alienated nearly all of its allies and was losing its status as a World Power. Something had to change and fast, or it would mean the total devastation of the country.

In the year 2050 the President approved a program proposed by the company, Re:Start, an up-and-comer that promised to be a bigger cultural influence than Amazon, meant to help the homeless, giving them a purpose and reducing the economic strain on the country. Many European nations had already tried programs similar to this as well as several prominent Asian ones and all showed great promise. However, there was one fatal flaw, one the American government didn’t foresee. The near eradication of the human race as we knew it.

“That’s right! We were trying to help them. They were supposed to help us!” I cry, tears stream down my face at the realization of the situation we are in. I peer up at the man, who at this moment is holding me closely to his chest. I can feel his heartbeat begin to slow as I come out of my stupor. “Hutch,” I whisper as the memories of our life come flooding back. (Yes, this man has been my partner and closest friend.) He embraces me warmly as I begin to come back to myself. It’s been ten years since the Dregs took over the country; the failed solution to the homeless problem, brought to life by the Re:Start company. I’ve only been with the resistance for five of those years. I was found wandering alone in the no man's land that was once called Chicago. I have no memory prior to the day Hutch found me and brought me into his ranks. I bury my face in his chest and breathe in his familiar scent.

“Ahem…” I quickly turn as I hear someone clear their throat behind me. Another man, slightly taller than Hutch with a much thinner build, walks into the room; hands tucked into the pockets of his white lab coat. He pulls his right hand from his pocket and reaches up to adjust the red frames of his glasses as he says, “Klara, was the mission a success?”

Not sure how to answer that question, I look to Hutch for confirmation. “I think she’s still a little dazed.” He answers for me and I nod in agreement.

“Hmm. The machine didn’t seem to calibrate correctly between yours and the Dreg’s minds.” He kneels down in front of me and removes his glasses; piercing blue irises study me. I shift nervously in my seat at his gaze. He clicks his tongue as he stands, “I was certain it would work this time.” He runs his fingers through his short black hair.

“I’m sor-”

“Don’t apologize.” Hutch commands and glares at Klein. He holds out his hand and stops me mid-sentence.

“Hutch is right.” Nixie adds brightly, trying her best to lighten the tense atmosphere that has now descended on the room. She makes her way over to us from the open door then shrugs her shoulders. “It was a long shot anyway. We haven't had a single success in three years. Why would we think it would magically work with you as the driver?”

A sudden slam of a clipboard on metal makes all of us jump. “She was the key!” Klein lets out a frustrated sigh then slumps into a nearby desk chair. He pulls his glasses off, pinching the bridge of his nose between his left index finger and thumb.

(The key?) I think to myself, still a little foggy and confused from my time in the Void. Hutch’s voice once again pulls me from my thoughts. “Klein, just because Klara worked for that company, doesn’t mean she has any idea how the damn things function.” He huffs, “I should never have told you about her past.”

“It was selfish of you to keep it to yourself as long as you did,” Klein interrupts. “The human race is at stake and you two fail to share a vital piece of evidence for three goddamn years!” He stands and pounds his fist on the table. “We’re so close! We finally catch one of the blasted things after so many failed attempts...”

Hutch stands defensively, “Do you even care how many of my men died so that you could create your little experiment? Your precious EVE?”

“They’re soldiers! It’s their job!” Klein raises his voice. “Maybe they shouldn’t have signed up for the reconnaissance squad if they weren’t willing to accept the consequences. They served their purpose! Now let her…” Klein points a slender finger in my direction. “...fulfill hers. And don’t say a word against my E.V.E, you Neanderthal!”

Hutch’s eyes widen and I hear a small gasp escape across his lips. “She’s not going back in there. We had to use three rounds of shocks to break the bond. What if the next time she doesn’t come out?” His jaw sets as he clenches his fists.

Klein smirks. “Oh, I see it now, Müller. You two want to play house and damn the rest of us, is that right?”

“Listen here you son of a-” Hutch grabs Klein by his collar and raises him slightly from the ground.

“Stop!” Nixie and I shout in unison. I rush over and place my hands on Hutch’s and he releases his grip, lowering Klein to the floor. He turns his back and walks away, distancing himself from the pompous scientist. Nixie tries to calm Klein as I follow Hutch. “Hey, what Klein said just now, that was out of line…” I bite my lip and rub my arm. “The… the whole playing house thing. That’s not…”

“Leave it Klara.” I shrink away from Hutch’s stern tone. Suddenly, a thunderous noise rattles everything in the room. I feel strong arms wrap around me, protecting me from the explosion. Once the ringing in my ears subsides, I look up in horror at the meter wide hole that has been blown in the top of our base; sirens blare their warnings. The Dregs stare down at us from above, guns drawn, eyes glowing red, primed to defy their originally programmed directive: 'Do No Harm'.

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About the Creator

Kimberly Anne

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    Kimberly AnneWritten by Kimberly Anne

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