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Digital Hearts

Falling in love in the age of internet

By ManjuPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emily. She lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere, with not much to do except scrolling through her phone for hours on end. One day, she stumbled upon a dating app and thought, "Why not give it a try?"

Emily created a profile and started swiping. Most of the guys she came across were either boring or not her type, but then she came across a guy named Ryan. His profile was intriguing, and his pictures showed him traveling the world and trying new things. Emily was immediately drawn to him and swiped right.

To her surprise, Ryan also swiped right, and they started chatting. Their conversations were effortless, and Emily felt like she could talk to him for hours. They shared a love for adventure, trying new foods, and exploring new places. They exchanged numbers and started texting and calling each other regularly.

Days turned into weeks, and their conversations became deeper and more intimate. Emily felt like she had found someone who truly understood her and accepted her for who she was. Ryan was everything she had ever wanted in a partner.

Finally, they decided to meet in person. Ryan lived in a different state, but he was willing to travel to see Emily. They agreed to meet at a coffee shop in Emily's town. Emily was nervous and excited at the same time. She had never met someone she had only talked to online before.

Are you Ready to Finally Meet Your True Soulmate?

As she walked into the coffee shop, she saw Ryan sitting at a table in the corner. He looked even better in person than he did in his pictures. Emily walked over to him, and they hugged each other tightly. It was as if they had known each other for years.

They spent the entire day together, exploring the town, trying new foods, and laughing at each other's jokes. Emily felt like she was living in a fairytale. She had never felt so happy and content in her life.

Ryan had to leave the next day, but they made plans to see each other again soon. Over the next few months, they travelled together, explored new places, and fell deeper in love with each other. They were each other's soulmates.

Finally, Ryan proposed to Emily on a beach in Hawaii, surrounded by the ocean and the stars. He knelt down and said, “I love you more than anything in this world”. Emily was overwhelmed, and they sealed their love with a kiss.

Emily’s heart bundled with joy as she realised that Ryan was her soulmate. She looked into his eyes and said, "I love you too".

They became inseperable and shared their love and joy. They promised to support each other through all walks of life.

On their wedding day, Emily wore a beautiful white gown, and Ryan wore a classic black tuxedo. They exchanged vows in a garden filled with flowers and surrounded by their friends and family. Emily felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. She had found her soulmate through the internet, and they were now married and in love forever.

After the ceremony, they had their first dance as husband and wife. Emily felt like she was dancing on air, with Ryan by her side. They laughed and twirled around the dance floor, and Emily knew that she had found her happily ever after.

In the years that followed, they travelled the world, started a family, and grew old together. Emily never forgot the day she found her soulmate on the internet. It was a love story for the ages, and Emily felt blessed to have found Ryan, the love of her life.

Fan FictionShort StoryMysteryLoveFantasyfamilyClassical

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