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Deuteronomy Digging Dystopia

Nursery Rhymes abound on little chicken's anxiety on the sky falling, but what if it simply vanished?

By Barb SnodgrassPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read

"What are you doing!? I don't care how many days you haven't been here; today is your day. I am your liaison; I'm here for you. This is your chance to become a contributing member of our community from an unimaginably difficult place. My family and I, the survivors of this town who's grizzled hopeful faces you've seen fighting through oppression everyday, and the United Nations of Earth are depending on you to fuel our bond and will to live to a strength that can challenge the very fabric of dimensional walls. Your 180 redistribution is how we all persevere---it's the only path back to our oneness---our source of strength is our responsibility to act and react out of love. The day the clouds left in 2102 was the reckoning that weeded out the malevolence, the day we evolved, and today is your day to face evolutionary reckoning.

Are you listening to me? Everyday's a scorching 150! 155! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!---Hmm, so that's your wakeup call, crippling depression stirred by fear of violence. It has to be traumatically shocking to the system to literally smell your skin cooking by sunlight with no semblance of the atmospheric bubble you were accustomed to, the pavement touches funny number temperatures, never a cloud in the sky---everyday, it's commonplace. Why aren't you ready?! WAKE UP! I will damn myself to the inferno's 9th circle before I allow some heathen climate changer to twist the knife into the guts of my reputation. I am the top UN liaison between our executives who bravely lead our new world order humanely and with compassion---and you...the green worm "charity case". From the moment I committed my life in oversight to this philosophical cause of lex talionis---let's just say, everyday, every at-bat, I knock the cover off the ball in that now mythical New York stadium and today is not the big reveal of the chink in my shining armor---because there isn't armor, I was never gifted a luxury of that magnitude to simply throw away like a pampered weakling who's mushed his gray matter to baby food with heroin because he hates what he sees in the mirror. Is this all clear for you? All non-responses are viewed favorably.

So here's your prologue: welcome, to the future. Before you glaze over milky-eyed in poppy field daydreams---that anomalous wormhole you fell out of couldn't have felt like a luxury cruise rocket on space holiday up and past the sapphire sky. No, and today it's the opposite direction---sorry. I can't be sympathetic to your dilemma---I'm a professional. I'm not your friend, I provide no hugs, no pitter pats for sore tushy bottoms, I'm not your mommy or a shoulder to sob on, and I provide ZERO safety or survival equipment for where you're going.

We don't have much time before your inaugural descent. In fact, you have 90 seconds---GRAB A PAD AND PEN! Write down the following required materials NOW! Ohh, wait---sign here on the dotted line. It's your injury insurance liability consenting waiver of all your rights to any conceivable prosecuting litigation as a plaintiff against the United Nations under any and all future, present, and past circumstances.

Good boy---55 seconds to gather: heavy full body protective leathers in triplicate, welder's glasses, ventilated breathing apparatus, steel toes, hard hat, and for the heat---personal puke bucket---better grab the 10 gallon, and finally a physician's signed approval on UN letterhead confirming, under any and all threat of prosecution with malicious intent, that you have all vaccinations updated for schedules 1, 2, & C: known modern public contagions---I already made that---I love my job.

No offense---PICK UP THE PACE! Stop mouth breathing, you drooled on your United Nations advertising---it's not a shirt you're wearing, it's your God's repetition...HAHA! It's not a joke....WAKE UP! HAUL ASS! I wasn't crying when I had 15 seconds to board my maiden voyage visit on the recently nicknamed "Demon Drop", our brave new world's only vertical steam locomotive---that only makes one stop, the end of the line: Miner Town. The deepest trail yet blazed and closest outpost to the planet's core that humanity has seen built---thus far. It's like the wild old west only hotter and much darker---an alien anti-utopian uncharted abyss of pitch black silent darkness. You'll agree we all look our best heavily coated, head to toe, in poisonous coal dust. I got a secret---it's darker than that...Time's up, giddy up.

What's in your hand! SHOW ME! A gold heart locket. You must have been an even bigger party boy lollygagger than I was debriefed on and from the filth I heard---to repeat it comes with a contact buzz. You're going to attempt to smuggle this to underground Miner Town? I'll allow you to "pocket the locket" before we arrive at your ground zero, just know it's strictly forbidden to wear or possess on your person anything shiny in Miner Town---by exposing your tiny romantic memory you're activating a time bomb---it's a class "MT5" felony. Miner Town has no habeas corpus, no court. "5" stands for the mandatory minimum of trips around the sun spent in the pit---why?! What expressive eyes you have---for a heroin addict, why not? Twinkling trinkets and the conspirators who flaunt them are a security threat to the entirety of Miner Town and in turn everyone else---you're not some sentimental shenanigan starter. I won't hear of it, plus, I didn't see anything officer. See, I'm your Liaison, here for you---it's my favorite part. My transport team is coming in now to prepare you and your things for the car ride to the train.

You don't believe in hollow Earth mole men do you? non-responses---favorable, so I can bring you up to speed on all the events and happenings you leaped over from 2021 to 2133---which is my favorite part, it's where I get to be myself---the real me.

You should be proud to be a part of the United Nations 2133 "Miner Town rehabilitation program", it's not the only UN public works program, there's 1000's of rehabilitations needed and we accept zero blame for all CIA operations. You see---CIA deemed you an issue, a problem. So you were given the opportunity at the 6 month disguised surveillance program code name "last chance stable", of course you were unaware, busy being a lollygagger---an opium crazed blight on your society. So you became a prime candidate for time travel and Miner Town citizenry---huge opportunity for you---think of it as a student exchange program.

As the 21st century ended we lost atmospheric ozone, didn't make any sense really. Like animals knowing to run from tornados, one day the clouds disappeared, they just left----immediately sending the planet's surface temperature into record territory, sun melts, the moon freezes---but one door closes, one door opens right...

Do you know how pathetic you're culture was at drilling? I've seen all the clips, all the media hype around "outer space" swirling down the sewer sludged toilet that was your corporate propaganda brainwashed life---21st century morons and your peeing contests---un-evolved animals. Even in the year we plucked you from, no one had progressed any further underground since 1989. The greatest minds of your century we're eternally baffled by the prospect of simply drilling to 13,000 meters and even to do that it took the Russians 20 years of continuous drilling, ironically rivaling the shifting pace of tectonic plates. Now look---we have all the time ever known to existence.

You're been awfully quiet---

---is your gag too tight? Sorry, my hands are tied! Haha! Little transport humor there, train station's close, once you're in Miner Town you'll be able to exercise those primitive muscles to your feeble brain's contentment guaranteed. One glaring thing about going underground, it gets hot quick. As you descend the temperature spikes 25 degrees Celsius for every kilometer of depth or, 77 Fahrenheit for every .6 miles.

Now, in Miner Town, you'll be drilling to the Earth's core---6000 degrees Celsius/11,000 Fahrenheit, toasty-toasty. The core is the key to everything you see, even you---I told you...this is my favorite part. You can't hide from me, from us. I can see the terror dawning in your eyes, now you know---you must know we abducted you. Kid-napped more like it, a man-child who could barely piss standing up; lucky day when #648523-9992MT servus veteris, that's what you're called now, didn't soil his pants only to wallow in it passed out, dead to the world for several hours.

Stay with me now, I refuse to deprive myself a solitary drop of vengeance. Can your opiate afflicted Homo Habilis brain comprehend the number of perfectly healthy lifeless bodies that were stacked in the streets the day the clouds left? As your head swims ask yourself to imagine the magnitude of what 96% of 12 billion looks like. When the heavens spontaneously combusted at world center stage to a sold out already dead crowd---you, all of you had scalped your tickets in the streets. But I prefer my analogy slathered in a layer of contradiction scientifically proven to be thicker then your atmosphere by the most respected team of scientists ever assembled in your entire age---and no one cared---all of you dark triadic morbidly obese Dorian Gray's we're far too compelled with Goldie Locks insider trading gospel advising you to short the entire portfolio. You cashed in, by dying before all your cancerous pollution you poured every blood red cent in for centuries paid endless dividends. Would ya look at that---we've arrived. I have to walk you in but this is the end of the line. No questions?

As to the binding and gagging, the reasoning should be more than clear now. I'm not going to mince words here---you have no questions before our dynamic ends? Nothing on time travel or it's minefield of paradoxical rabbit holes? No hysterics, scenes, no begging, pleading, deal making, threats, no deceptions period? Nothing? Fair enough---here's what I think---you think the only way into my head is this addict parlor trick where you've convinced everyone "you've" evolved; "you're" the embodiment of Nietzsche's Übermensch; all the while you're a necessitated "genius" at deception and illusion because---how else could you conceal from everyone the green fire breathing dragon that lives in your basement? It's not like you can put it in a cage, you don't have to acknowledge that but...I told you I liked this part.

Once we got any sliver of realistic normalcy or sense that the humans still alive we're going to stay that way; the theological, not questions, statements began and as a race we quickly moved to break from the past scientifically. You are Homo Sapien, I am not, we are not. We evolved above everything you are and represent---and it happened because we said it did...servus veteris---I am your God. Here, let me prove it...

---Gentleman, load #648523-9992MT servus veteris on the train."

With guillotine precision his waiving gesture ceased, triggering the Liaison to spring from his seat with a royally papal levity, into an almost flying arabesque movement around the entirety of the chair's mass all in a solitary fluid motion, ending with the Liaison's leather oxford planting then the other clicking, clacking, clicking when he heard it. His slave from 2021 had motioned for gag release to speak, "Vengeance is mine, I will pay them back, for the time when they make a false step. For the day of their ruin is close, doom is rushing towards them, for he will see to it that their power fails. That neither serf nor free man remains." -Deuteronomy 32:35


Sci Fi

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    BSWritten by Barb Snodgrass

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