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Deadlist Exam

A story of an exam which is conducted to kill the peoples.

By sarah SmithPublished 10 months ago 9 min read

Hi, sarah here.

Today, I'm going to tell you a story of a terrifying exam.

The Earth has grown overpopulated in the year 2039.The extinction of the human race is imminent.According to the United Nations, every country must annually reduce its population by 5%.The United States follows their directives and puts into effect a law known as "The Thinning."

The students in the thinning are required to take an annual standardized test.

Anyone who fails the test is executed by drug injection.

Laina Michaels is beginning the film by tutoring Simon, a high school student.Simon begs Laina for help because he appears to be having trouble with the mathematics.

She offers him a package of lenses after pulling one out.

As soon as Simon puts them on, he is able to figure out every math issue.

The son of Texas governor Dean Redding, Edward Blake Redding, is a character introduced elsewhere.

He leaves his home undetected at night and encounters Ellie Harper in his automobile.

Blake introduces the test they will take the next day.

Ellie is quite anxious, but Blake reassures her that she will succeed.

They are just about to be discovered by Blake's father's security when Blake is returned to Dean's office.

Blake's decision to leave on the sly the night before such a crucial test disappoints Dean.

Ellie, in his opinion, serves as a diversion for Blake.

The day of the test is the next day.

Students gathered in a queue outside the building.

Before they can enter, they must pass a rigorous security check.

Laina offers Blake one of her study glasses, but she is out.

Kellan Woods, a friend of Laina's, and she wait in line to enter.

Cheats were scribbled on one of the students' arms.

When he is discovered, he tries to flee.

The armed guards seize him.Nobody has ever been able to get out of or cheat on a test.

Before going into the exam room and the test beginning, Blake and Ellie have one more hug inside the school.

They have two hours to finish the exam.

On their tablets, everyone begins to solve the puzzles.

Laina is the first to finish it and solves each one without any issues.Her friend Kellan seemed to be having difficulties.

They receive the test results right away when it is finished.

Several students who don't pass the test are being called out by the teacher.

Students are worried and hoping that this would end soon.

Failure results in capture by the guards.

They scream, struggle against the soldiers, and some even attempt to flee.

Students who resisted would be physically assaulted by the guard.

Laina, Kellan, and Blake fortunately succeed.The teacher calls Ellie, Blake's girlfriend, just in time for the guards to whisk her away.

Calling his father right away, he begs him to assist Ellie.

His father, who maintains that everyone is subject to the law, disagrees.

He rushes to save her personally out of frustration.

He tries to get Ellie to go while attacking the security guards, but to no effect.

There would be no way out.

Even if Blake tries to assist Ellie, there is nothing more he can do.

One year has passed, and the thinning test will begin in 24 hours.Corrine, Laina's younger sister, is taking her first thinning test.

The front doorbell rings.

Since their mother passed away, Laina and Corrine have been cared for like her own children by Laina's teacher, Ms. Birch.

She attempts to reassure them that everything would be alright because Laina is anxious about her sister and tomorrow is Corrine's first exam.

Blake is making a DVD in his room in the meanwhile.

He wants to teach his father a lesson by marking all incorrect responses on the test.

Go back to the exam day.Corrine is dropped off for kindergarten by Laina.

A video animation illustrating the current status of the Earth and the requirement that all countries reduce their populations by 5% yearly is shown to Corrine's class.

Some nations have laws that limit how many children a couple can have to one.

The older generation was put to death by others.

But in America, the authorities chose to keep just the brightest people while putting the others to death.There is no exemption for these kids.

The kids' test then begins.

Their instructor is upset because some of the kids will be put to death.

Fortunately, Corrine succeeds on the exam.

Laina and Kellan also arrive at the school for their test.

The exam begins right away and ends right away.

Meanwhile, Governor Dean is enraged after discovering Blakes' recording.

He instructs Mason King, the test manager, to pass Blake regardless of his performance.

Mason changes Laina's grade, resulting in Laina's failure.The test results come in, but everyone is shocked to hear Laina's name shouted as well.

She didn't pass the test.

As the guard attempts to remove her, Ms. Birch stops them, saying that she is her finest pupil and that the system must be broken.

The outcomes, however, are set in stone and cannot be altered.

Laina receives a keycard from her so she may open the doors and go.

Blake is taken aback by his success.

The successful pupils show up to a school celebration to celebrate their accomplishments.In another location, Dean is announcing his presidency as the governor of the United States during a speech.

He extols the virtues of their academic system.

They are able to be the top in education out of 196 nations because to their method;

The rate of crime is falling by 26%.

While at the celebration, Blake hears his father's speech before snucking out.

He infiltrates the hallway covertly and defeats a guard.

Then he enters the command center.

In the meantime, Laina and the unsuccessful pupils are brought into a room and placed against a wall.

For the sake of decontamination, they must take off all of their clothing.

Laina and the others are then brought into a chamber where they will soon be put to death by lethal injection by the guards.

Blake abruptly turns off the electricity, leaving the entire campus in the dark.

The students who are due to be executed seize this opportunity to free themselves and make an attempt to flee.

Only Laina, though, is successful out of the group.

She exits the room using the keycard her teacher had given her.

Mason enters the room shortly after and requests a head count.

When they learn that Laina is gone, they begin to search for her.

When Lana is discovered, Blake assists her in overcoming a guard.

They discover that something has been done to Blake and Laina's findings while they converse.

They both slink into a vent and take cover. They then trace the network cables to the server room, where they may use a computer to view the outcomes.

Due to the power outage, the school is now remaining on total lockdown.

The news spreads outdoors and is broadcast over the entire state.

Outside, the parents are growing anxious.

Mason receives a call from Governor Dean inquiring about the issue.

Blake falls into the swimming pool below after the vents below collapse.

Jumping after him is Laina.

He is not breathing when she pulls him out of the water.

He is saved by Laina, who performs CPR on him.

In the lockers at the pool, Blake and Laina discover some clothing to change into.

As they approach the server room through the ducts, a guard is stationed in front of the entrance.

Laina's keycard also tumbles down the vent in front of the security guard.

She must now find a way to return the card even if he is unaware it is there.

They proceed down to the science lab to get the necessary supplies for her idea, which is to use a thread and a magnet to fish the key through the vent.

However, they create a very small noise in the lab, which prompts the guard to come over.

Laina succeeds in returning to the vents during their hasty attempt to flee, but Blake is forced to remain hidden within the lab.

Laina navigates it to retrieve the keys.

She successfully raises it halfway when a guard unexpectedly captures it.

However, it turns out that Blake is the one who is posing as the guard.

After defeating the guard, he changed into his clothing.

Soon after, Mason learns about them from the guard the two of them had previously attacked.

He explains that Laina was carrying a keycard.

Mason brings together all the instructors because he thinks someone has given it to the pupils.

Ms. Birch flirts with another teacher when they are in the same room together and manages to get his key card.

Mason keeps looking for keycards and ID cards on the instructors.

By displaying the card, Birch manages to save herself.

Since the other instructor is missing his, Mason threatens to reveal Laina's location to them.

While Mason hits him, he maintains that he knows nothing.

Laina arrives in the Server room at last.

She uses the key card to unlock the computer, but Mason has password-protected it.

She then emails Kellan, a skilled hacker, asking him to give her access.

After some while, Kellan gets an SMS from Laina.

He assists her in navigating Mason's PC.

Laina then looks up her scores and discovers that although Blake had a passing grade of 15%, she received a failing grade of 98%.

Further investigation reveals that Ellie also received an 88%, although she failed, while those with lower grades succeeded.

Laina understands that the governor has been failing anybody he pleases and that the grading system is corrupt.

Kellan receives a file from Laina with the faked grades.

The electricity returns shortly after, and Mason notices that she is in the server room.

When Laina discovers this, she leaves.

Mason, though, spots her nearly instantly.

On the other side, Blake is still hiding.

He is with the unsuccessful students.

He gives the guard the order to transport them with the other pupils to the leisure area.

They start fighting when the guard continues to refuse.

He is detained by the guards until they identify him.

The outcomes are manipulated when Kellan receives Laina's message at that precise moment.

Kellan promptly emails it to the news channel since he is buddies with a news anchor.

The results of the altercation were shown in the news broadcasts that were broadcast.

The governor receives a call from his party's leader after the images are published, threatening to withdraw the governor's presidential bid.

Dean Redding, not wanting to see that happen, accuses Mason of all the charges while maintaining his innocence.

He attempts to demonstrate this, thus he is forced to put to death everyone who genuinely failed—including Blake, his own son.

Laina is taken to the thinning room at the school by Mason and the guards in order to be killed along with the rest.

Blake is also present.

Mason phones Dean to inquire whether they should carry out the students' executions.

However, Dean orders him to halt.

He desires the execution of the pupils who have genuinely failed, including his own son.

Laina and the other pupils who successfully completed the test are let go by the guards.

Blake receives a kiss from Laina, but the guards remove him and the other ineffective people.

They give them a medication injection before killing them.

Laina is reunited with Corrine, her younger sister, and Ms. Birch as the lockdown comes to an end.

A few hours later, in a cutaway scene, we witness the executed students' bodies being transported down via an elevator.

The kids begin to stir, demonstrating that the substance they were given as an injection was a sleeping aid.

They come to a site that resembles a factory and halt.

It is stuffed with products made by the IT firm Assuru Global.

In the plant, there are many workers.

Blake is shocked to see one of them is really Ellie, his girlfriend, at that very moment.

This suggests that the kids who are meant to be put to death are really taken underground and forced to serve as slaves for a large corporation.

The government organized everything as a means of obtaining free labor.

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LoveMysteryFantasyFan Fiction

About the Creator

sarah Smith

I allow my words to traverse the boundaries of reality and fiction. Whether through the lens of a news article or the pages of a novel, my writing remains a beacon of enlightenment, inspiring others to contemplate.

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  • Rana Shamsheer10 months ago


  • Bradley Ramsey10 months ago

    Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment on my story pointing me here! This is such a unique and haunting premise! Really enjoyed it!

  • Dan R Fowler10 months ago

    Interesting and thought-provoking.

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