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Dangerous Waters

The creatures of the sea fight back

By Robert KegelPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

The year is 2046, In the depth of the ocean, a shiver of sharks swims around a boat. There is blood in the water from a man falling overboard and the sharks tearing him apart.

“It’s not like I even like the taste of humans, but they’re so rude buzzing around OUR oceans, and dirtying OUR water. Look at this shit, beer cans, plastic, they need to be taught a lesson” One shark said to the rest.

“Yes, we have to fight back, they can’t do this to our home” Another shark shouted.

The sharks kept hitting the 100-foot fishing boat, over and over. It was the smallest of the four that were out there, all were scattered a mile from each other. They were all from the Catch More fishing company and all had the slogan “We Catch Em’ You Eat Em’’” on the side of their boats. There were all different types of sharks working together because they were fed up with the destruction the humans make. One man on the boat took out a gun and started shooting into the water, hitting a shark and making it bleed.

“They got Gragor, stay away from the rear of the boat! Are you ok?” Another shark yelled

"I'm fine, keep pounding!" Gregor yelled in pain

Hitting the boat over and over again, the man with the gun ran out of bullets and tried to get another clip from his bag but fell and the gun flew out of his hand. He went to pick it up, but some of the sharks hit the boat in unison and the hit was hard enough to feel like an earthquake to the people on board. The man that had the gun started to fall back but while trying to get his footing he fell into the water. One shark grabbed his arm and ripped it off, the man screaming in pain. Another grabbed both of his legs and chomped on them, bloody water, the people on the boat screaming watching the sharks tear him apart until there was nothing but a blood spot where his body was.

“Oh shit, more boats are coming.” A shark yelled

“The Calvery is here” A huge octopus yelled out

“Melphis, take care of that boat for us.”

Melphis the 160 foot 600,000-pound octopus grabbed ahold of the damaged boat and with all his strength he tipped it over. The humans on the deck falling into the water, only to get chewed up by the angry sharks. Some of the humans in the boat drowned while others tried to swim out of the boat only to be torn apart. Blood and body parts covered the water around them.

“Ok, break up into squads and go after the other boats.” General Clod yelled out

“Mayday, Mayday, this is the fishing vessel Seaview, we are being attacked, repeat we are being attacked, we need help immediately!”

“Who’s attacking you Seaview?” A voice over the radio asked

“It’s the sea creatures, sharks, whales, octopus, they’re attacking. We’re going to try and head to Long Beach harbor before they destroy us.”

“Ok Seaview and any other non-military vessels in the area, get to a dock. We’re going to try and get the nearest Naval and coast guard ships to meet you there when we can.”

“Ok, Sir! “Engines at full toward home.”

Back at Point Loma Naval Base. “Let's get some people who might understand what’s going on here on the line.” General Atkins ordered

“I’m working on that now Sir.” A few moments later “I have Dr. Stephanie Thompson and Dr. Lisa Hernandez on the line.”

“Doctors, we have marine animals attacking ships, one boat is down. What’s going on here and how can we stop it?”

“Well, maybe the animals are finally fighting back at what we’re doing to their home? Marine animals are smart and things are getting worse out there. We have a trash island that’s miles long, we’ve polluted the oceans with oil, is it any wonder they’re angry? Dr. Hernandez said. On top of that, we’re overfishing which is putting species of fish in danger.” Dr. Thompson said

“Well, if we show them, we’re trying to fix the damage done by stopping the drilling and trying to clean up the ocean and overfishing, maybe they’ll stop.”

“Mary, get a hold of President Whitmore, please. I need to speak to her right away.”

A few moments later “The president is on the line, Sir.”

President Mary Whitmore was Governor of California and has the highest approval rating of any president. At 48 years of age, she’s the second elected female president of color. Her Vice President is Silvia Hernandez, the first Hispanic VP.

“General, we have Vice President Hernandez with us on the line. What can I do for you?”

“Madam President, Madam Vice President Sea animals are attacking ships in the middle of the ocean.

“I’ve got a call from Nato and this is happening all over the world. We have our best minds working on it, and we have a couple of solutions. Neptune Dynamics has a laser to do exactly what we want and a company in China is in final testing on a super bacterium to eat through garbage. Every country is writing up orders to get all non-military vessels to docks and to stay there until this is over. What you can do is have as many boats and subs as you can hold a line.”

“Yes Ma’am!”

Meanwhile back on the ocean, the boats are getting closer to the doc, they see it and some coastguard boats waiting for them. The fishing boats speed past the coastguard, who start firing their machine guns just before the sea animals who split off.

“We can’t beat their military boats head-on, but we can get under them.” Gregor yelled

“We don’t want to start a war with the humans, we just want them to stop ruining our home.” General Rothman said. “Now if they don’t stop, we may have to, but let’s see what they do.”

A few days pass, non-military boats are not able to leave port. The retrofitted ships from the US and China are ready to take on the trash island. They maneuver to it and start tearing it apart with their lasers, then a boat with a claw, picks up the piece and puts it on the boat. When the boat is filled, it brings it to land and another boat takes its place ready to be filled.

On land, the garbage is put in a big pile, ready for the bacteria to eat it up.

At the White House, the President calls to the great minds around the world. “We’re getting rid of the garbage island, but now we have to rid the water of the oil. Any ideas?”

“I have an idea, but it will take years to develop. What if we make ships and subs that have vacuums that suck in the oil, trap it, clean the water and spit it out the other end? The boats can only go down so far hence the need for subs.” Someone spoke out

“That’s a great idea, but how long will it take and who are you?”

“I’m Jon Asami from Haruno Technologies in Japan. We’d have to gut some subs and naval ships; I say we take one type of ship from each country to be fair. They don’t really have to be new, decommissioned vessels can be used so sensitive technologies aren't seen, then we can put in the vacuums, and filters and the clean water can be blown out. I can’t give you a time. First vacuums and filters to fit large vessels to do the job have to be created, we can work together to hopefully make them quicker.”

“It’ll have to do, let's get on this right away. Hopefully, the marine animals will notice the progress we’re having and ease off. ”

“Well, we may have to farm our fish from now on. If we can make huge man-made oceans, it can be done. Something else we’ll have to work together to do.”

“We’ll have our navies and outside contractors to work on that, just have to find the perfect spots for them.”

“We’ll have some contractors contact you via email with ideas and you can call me any time Madam President.”

“Sounds good, thank you, Mr., Asami”

You’re welcome, Madam President.” The call is disconnected “Let's do this.” President Whitmore whispered to herself

“Mary, tell the press I need to make a statement. Also, have my writer come in there so we can work on one.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“How long are we not going to be able to work?” Greg Salmar the head of the Catch More Fishing Company yelled

“Do you really want to be out there? It’s dangerous, I’m sure something is being worked on.” Said Steven Danials the foreman

“But we’re losing money and my workers aren’t getting paid.”

“Dead workers can’t work or get paid either.”

“Shit! We’re going to have angry people if this goes on too long.”

The news is on the muted TV, the picture shows over a dozen naval ships lined up a few miles out from the Long Beach Harbor, standing guard. Steve Danials is watching and thinking to himself “I wonder how many submarines are under the water, out of sight.”

Two years later...

“Dear fellow Americans. We’ve had a long road but we persevered. In the past two years, we did things that would take us much longer, and that’s because people from around the world worked together. We cleaned up the oceans and made new ones for fishing, we stopped drilling for oil in the ocean and now the sea creatures don’t attack anymore. We now also see that we can work together and hopefully, this will start a lifetime of peace between the nations of Earth. We can do better together than we can separately. I invite the leaders of the world to help me write an accord that can help everyone on earth, that will allow us to work together for the betterment of the world, and not just our specific countries. Together I think skies the limit, we just have to have the courage and strength to see past each other's differences and see we’re all human with the same wants for our people and the world. Thank you and now I’ll take questions.”

People cheered all around the world watching their televisions, watching on the internet, or listening to the radio. Things looked bright, but only time would tell if peace would last.

Short Story

About the Creator

Robert Kegel

I'm a rocker, a gamer, a romantic, a Dom, a hiker and l like camping. I'm a geek, who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and technology. I'll try and write about a variety of topics ranging from relationship, tech and every day rants.

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