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Short Story

By Latoya M.Delbridge Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read

So there I was, a flatbread and two chocolate donuts later wondering how on earth I was gonna pull this off.

I swore if I didn't get this spell right this time around I would go insane, my mother would have my head because she'd know I wasn't really practiceing like I said I was, but I'd rather take that scolding than the brutal stares of the other witches.

I was twenty-one with no proven magic or abilities. All of the other witches were older than me, and much more crafty given they actually had time to hone their abilities. We lived in a woodsy area where most of us hid from potential threats, mainly to our own kind. Everyone's got an opinion when it came to witches but, in truth, we actually helped save a lot of the nocturne's yet somehow they still seem to give us the weary eye. Despite it all, I did respect the other nocturnal beings, they were quite interesting. But there's been whispering around the woods of recent werr sightings, and not just any werr sightings, big bastards. The kind we shouldn't associate with. I stared out the window of our brewery. Night was falling very slowly, I exhaled with boredom, I knew nothing was going to happen like always, so I grabbed my herb basket, and made my way to the dining room which was also our kitchen, and living space.

I left the brewery behind, feeling its magical energy whispering my name. I didn't feel magical, I felt normal and feeling normal was not the norm. I slouched down in a chair eyeballing our stone pot that most humans loved to call a cauldron. My mother would have colors splashing and brewing from that pot like a parade in Mardi Gras. She was just that powerful. One word, one whisper, and items came to life, enchanted, electrified with the energy of the night. I could only wish to be half the witch my mother was, sad really.

Most nocturnes came to us for potions and elixirs but, mainly healing salves, death concoctions and my mother's secret spell; bringing the dead back to the earthly realm. Yup, you name it, we had it. If anything, I was very skillful with the garden. I'm mainly in charge of making the healing salves, and that doesn't really require any magic. Mashing, stirring, sniffing, you get the idea.

"Allesia." I flung my head up from my basket, I didn't like the tone of my mom's voice, very little scared her, so I knew something wasnt right.

I raced outside with the basket on my arm. "Ma?"

The look upon her face showed horror, and disgust. I followed her eyes. There in the bush stood a tall shaggy creature; the kind that stood over you at night, waiting for you to wake to your death. I darted in front of my mother, although there was little I could do to stop an attack even if I wanted to. The creature sniffed the air, stood up on its hind legs, and gave a blood-curdling howl. I backed my mother up slowly until she hit the steps that led to the porch.

I whispered to my mother in case this thing decided to leap.

"Mom go, get inside slowly." I urged her, but as stubborn as she was, refused until she clung onto my shoulders with a death grip. "Mom, im serious, go now." I hissed, nudging her backwards.

"Allesia, don't be foolish," she whispered, peeking from behind me. "This is no ordinary land werr, this is a dire wolf, he must be an alpha." Whispering in my ear, I assume she had a spell up her sleeve. She spoke slowly, as if mesmerized by the beast.

"No, even with my power, I've never seen such a nocturnal in person; rare, very rare."

Before I could yell at her again, she was dashing in front of me with a spell. Bright blues flashed, blinding me in the process. I heard a roar, and I was yanked up to the porch.

Dragging me in the house, she slammed the door. She started yelling in our native language. I was afraid to get off of the floor. I came to very slowly, heart pounding wildly as I regained my vision. I darted to the window, peering out. A yellow dot marked the sun's slumber, and soon the full moon would be in full effect. Our garden lights illuminated the herb beds. I realized I didn't get the sage for a salve I needed to complete, I was at a lost when I saw movement in the bush close by. Eyes as yellow as dandelion root stared in fascination, It's dark coat of fur, silky and taunt with Powerful hind legs, I couldn't tear my eyes away. In secret I longed for a lover of a different kind. Warlocks were to predictable, always hungry for power.

My mother's voice startled me. "I don't know if we have a permanent problem here, but I'm putting out these spells just in case, and after I weave this protection around the doors and windows, I'm turning in for the night." She waved a tired hand and rubbed her neck, leaving the kitchen quickly.

The house was quiet. I sat in the dark with my moon crescent amulet I wore around my neck. It glowed silver in the settled darkness. I wore it only when my mother felt I needed it most. I had to admit, I was intrigued by this mystery creature. I've never seen a nocturnal werr that big before, and I dared not look down when it was standing right in front of me.

I was antsy, fascinated by the unknown, paralyzed by common sense. I needed to see that werr again. I crept to the stairs anticipating my mother's snoring. Once I heard her, I ran to the kitchen and snatched a spell from the counter, crept out of the kitchen door and across the garden bed. I was coming for my werr lover, I would become the predator now. I got far, seeing my house in the distance when I tripped on a branch. I came down hard, breaking twigs in the process when I heard a snort; I froze. Backing up into a tree to shield myself just in case. Something moved in the dark, I heard a snap of a twig, and a growl that sent chills slithering down my body. I had to admit, I was spooked just a little , but that didnt stop me from getting to know my werr lover. My heart pounded in giddy immaturity as if seeing my first crush.

The beast moved with fluent grace, I carefully followed it around the tree watching as it turned into a man before my eyes. I was not surprised, being a witch you saw everything. His large broad shoulders whispered the raw power that oozed from his naked flesh. The moon light shown through the canopy tops giving me a peep show of his chiseled back and sculpted buttocks, the muscles danced as he moved through the brush.

I got up to follow, creeping my way to discovery. I stopped short of a clearing in the middle of the forest. My werr lover kept walking until he came to a bonfire. I hid behind a tree observing the scene. To my delight, there were many naked men to stalk. Around the bonfire they bowed, bowed to another mysterious figure adorned in a robe. My werr lover stood in front grinning, and that's when I knew I needed to get a closer look. I moved to another tree careful not to step over small twigs in the process. I stopped when the figure uncloaked itself.

How could this be? I couldn't believe my eyes, mom?

She discarded the rest of the robe in the fire, and lifted her arms. My werr lover embraced my mother, I had to look away. I was baffled, and disgusted, my heart sank as I turned to creep away when a familiar voice broke the silence, "Allesia!" stern, and loud.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood, and I was paralyzed for a split second before getting pulled into the circle. My wrist and ankles were shackled with a green veil that proved unbreakable. Before I could get my words out, my werr lover made a command, and I was crowded. Confused and stuck, my wrist and legs felt numb; She held me down with a spell that sounded all to familiar.

Panicked I screamed, "Mom, what are you doing, what is this?" Straining for release. Staring into her face, she looked nothing like the loving mother I knew so well.

"Mom it's me!"

She grinned, kneeling at my feet.

"Don't you remember what happened to the curious cat?" she purred.

Bound on my knees, I screamed for my mother before she stepped back, offering me to her werrshifters.

Short Story

About the Creator

Latoya M.Delbridge

Avid paranormal romance and murder mystery reader! Fitness enthusiast donut loving person lol

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