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Curious Eyes watching the world

Who observes us from beyond the clouds and sky?

By Novel AllenPublished about a year ago 4 min read
For Unsplash - Eugene Golovesov

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. From high above our unsuspecting heads, the entities in the sky scrutinized our every move. If anyone were closely observing, they would notice the different cadence to their dances at nights. The rhythm, tempo and metre changed with their perception of the exploits of the curious beings below.

Matumba noticed though. For years he had worked the midnight shift at the African Tourism Animal Preserve and sanctuary. He loved to tend to the animals at nights, it was peaceful and quiet, the animals knew him well. Matumba studied at nights, he wanted to be an Astronomer, to understand what transpired way up beyond the clouds and stars where he could not see. He read aloud to the animals using his little flashlight so he wouldn't disturb those that were sleeping.

The animals gathered close, some enclosed for safety, others just roaming free until it was time to be returned to their cages. He was kind hearted and eager, Matumba loved life and had a passionate nature about everything.

The cloud and sky watched him secretly as he turned his little telescope heavenward, trying to get a glimpse into the deeper meaning of life. He was in his early thirties, he had better get a start on those studies quite soon, they mused.

At midnight starting years ago, he had first seen the clouds and sky dancing, he had noticed the variations in their dances and he wondered at the deeper meaning of the changes.

Whenever the world was at peace, or as peaceful as it possibly could, the dances were joyous, delightful and entertaining. He would laugh and leap and dance along.

Whenever there were wars and rumors of wars, the dance was slow, mournful and sad. Even though it was just as beautiful, it broke his heart to see it.

Tonight the clouds looked rather puzzling. They stood still, as if quietly contemplating a thoughtful matter. Strange, thought Matumba, they had not done THAT before.

"There are many indeed, who need our help. But maybe that one there, who tends his flock so diligently, is a good place to start". Blushing sky rarely volunteered an opinion.

"Agreed". Stated the clouds.

In great shock Matumba saw the cloud and sky speeding towards him. He got up and ran screaming.

"Oh God, the world is ending, the world is ending. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I haven't married my girlfriend, I should have done it long ago, for my children's sake. I haven't saved enough money yet. I hoped to do it soon. Please let me get home before it's too late. Aieeeeeee"! He shrieked.

"Matumba! Matumba, stop". Spoken clearly, though not loudly.

He stopped running. Matumba looked up and all around. Nothing had changed except that he could now touch the clouds and the sky. In awe he reached his hand up. A soft and gentle wind blew across his face. He felt calm.

A voice within the clouds spoke. He could not believe it. How was it possible for cloud and sky to be so low that he could touch them.

"Do not be afraid Matumba. We wish only to help you. We have watched you for a long time. We know your heart and your wishes".

Matumba instinctively looked up. Wow. They were watching me. ME, Matumba. I never would have thought myself that important. He stood straighter, relaxed and sat on a nearby bench.

"You wish to know the secrets of life beyond your planet. We are duly authorized by the All Seeing to grant your wish. We will impart some necessary knowledge for you to instruct your species about life greater than what they already know. With our help a bank account has been established in your name. You will find all the funds to get married, provide for your family and get your education started".

"How is that even possible, you are clouds and sky. Is someone playing a trick on me. Ok. You can come out now". He yelled.

The animals, who had been eerily quiet all this time, suddenly started roaring, chittering, yowling and being generally unruly.

By Hugo Herrera on Unsplash

"Hush now". The clouds admonished. The noise ceased immediately.

"We just have one stipulation. Do this not for profit, be successful by all means. But all is for the benefit on all mankind. You are not a vain man. But knowledge and power corrupts a mere mortal. Do it for the successful continuation of humankind. This is not a joke or a prank".

Matumba took a deep breath. Maybe this is real. He needed a miracle anyway. What did he have to lose.

"I promise". He answered.

Matumba's eyes closed as if in a dream. Slowly he fell to the ground. A world he could not even imagine passed as if a million years were compacted within a great ball of knowledge. His eyelids fluttered as if in a REM dream sleep motion.

He understood what he had to do.

"Goodbye. Good luck". He heard as if from far away.

The clouds and sky dissipated as quickly as they had appeared.

Matumba opened his eyes, stood up, and thought for a while on what had just happened. He grabbed his phone and clicked his measly finances to life. He almost dropped his phone. He turned it off and back on again. "OH MY G......YES"! He jumped up and down, jigged, did the rain and sun dance and a few moves that he invented. Was his life about to start at last.

He could not wait to share the good news with his family. All the plans were tumbling over each other in his head.

Cloud and sky looked down. They knew that they had chosen well. A new dance was already in the making.


About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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