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The journey

By Amusan Aishat AbiodunPublished 9 months ago 2 min read


Crystal was a young girl who lived in a small village at the foot of a mountain. She had always been fascinated by the crystals that could be found in the caves of the mountain. She would often spend hours exploring the caves, searching for the perfect crystal.

One day, while exploring the caves, Crystal came across a large crystal that glowed with a brilliant light. She was mesmerized by its beauty and knew that she had to have it. She tried to pry it loose from its resting place, but it wouldn't budge. Frustrated, she sat down and began to cry.

As she cried, she heard a voice calling out to her. It was the voice of the mountain spirit, who had been watching her struggles. The spirit told her that the crystal was not meant for her to take, but instead was meant to guide her on a journey.

The spirit explained that Crystal had been chosen to embark on a journey to find the source of the crystal's power. She would have to travel through dangerous lands and face many challenges along the way. But if she succeeded, she would gain the knowledge and power to help her people and protect her village.

Crystal was hesitant at first, but she knew that this was her destiny. She set out on her journey, determined to succeed.

Along the way, she faced many challenges. She had to cross treacherous rivers and climb steep mountains. She battled fierce creatures and outsmarted cunning enemies. But through it all, she remained determined and focused.

Finally, after many long months of travel, Crystal reached her destination. She found herself standing before a great crystal that glowed with an otherworldly light. As she approached it, she felt a surge of power flowing through her body.

The crystal spoke to her, telling her that she had proven herself worthy of its power. It explained that the power of the crystal was not meant for one person alone, but instead was meant to be shared with all who needed it.

Crystal returned to her village, filled with newfound knowledge and power. She shared the crystal's power with her people, teaching them how to use it to protect themselves and their land. And from that day forward, Crystal was known as a hero, a symbol of hope and strength for her people.

Short Story

About the Creator

Amusan Aishat Abiodun

"Writing makes me exhilarated, and as you read my piece, may you be elevated with profound happiness."

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