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Cryonic Treatment Revival

Rio's Story: A Cryonic Treatment Tale

By Mickey Published about a year ago 5 min read

Cryonic Treatment Revival

Rio's Story: A Cryonic Treatment Tale

In the year 2052, medical science had progressed significantly, and the cutting-edge research on cryonic treatment was finally bearing fruit. Cryonics treatment involves the low-temperature freezing and storage of humans after they die, with the hope of eventual resurrection. The registration amount for cryonics treatment was high, which meant it was only accessible to the wealthy elite.

Rio was a middle-class boy with dreams. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2025, and despite the best medical care, he succumbed to the disease. However, Rio was one of the few lucky ones who registered for cryonic treatment before he died, with the hope of returning to life someday in the future.

Dr. George, a renowned scientist, was conducting research on cryonic treatment. He had been working on it for years and was finally able to bring the dead back to life. Rio was one of the first to be brought back to life through the treatment, but he had lost all his past memories. Dr. George was shocked to see that Rio's body was functioning normally with no side effects.

Rio woke up in a high-tech lab with no one around, only the voice of artificial intelligence. He searched for any signs of humans and was surprised to find Dr. George in the lab. The doctor explained everything about the cryonic treatment to Rio, which left him confused about why he was the only one to come back to life. He asked if there were others like him, and Dr. George revealed that there were over a thousand registered for the treatment, but most of them were lost or destroyed. The doctor only had four frozen human storage's, including James Bedford, the first human frozen for cryonic treatment, a girl the same age as Rio who was frozen on the same year as him, and two unknown people.

Rio was unaware of why he was brought back to life, but he saw the girl's photo and developed a crush on her. Dr. George informed Rio that no one in the country had money, including the government. In 2052, money only existed online, with no paper currency in use. Unfortunately, someone had hacked into all the accounts and stole all the money. Dr. George told Rio that he was the only person who could track the hacker, and george revealed that before Rio died, he was a hacker too.

However, the registration cost for cryonic treatment was high, which Rio could not afford. In 2025, many people used online money transactions, and Rio scammed ten rupees from every account to register for cryonic treatment. The cybercrime unit eventually discovered his scam, but Rio had already passed away. He had used his laptop to conduct the scam, and the cybercrime unit later discovered that the same laptop had been upgraded and used by someone else, who was subsequently found and killed.

The laptop had a secret system that only the creator could break, and if anyone tried to hack it, the money would be lost forever. This was why Rio was brought back to life. If he could remember his past, he could bring back the money. Dr. George was concerned about Rio's past memory, and Rio was concerned about the girl who was frozen. He searched for her name in the lab but discovered how the girl had registered for cryonic treatment. She was also poor and had raised funds online to register.

On the next day, Rio had a severe headache, and he slowly began to remember his past. Dr. George asked him to break the security system in the laptop, but Rio made a condition that the girl must also be brought back to life.

All he had was a deep desire to find out the name of the girl he saw on the photo. The only way he could think of to do that was to make a deal with George, the scientist who brought him back to life.

George was hesitant to make a deal with Rio, but he saw something in the young man's eyes that made him agree. Rio demanded that the girl he saw must be brought back to life as well, and in exchange, Rio would work tirelessly to pay for the expensive procedure. George knew it was impossible to revive that girl, but he agreed anyway. He saw the hope in Rio's eyes, and he couldn't bear to disappoint him.

For a week, George worked tirelessly to revive the girl, but nothing he did worked. Rio watched as George's energy drained, and he knew it was impossible. They both knew that the girl would never come back to life, but Rio couldn't give up his dream. He still had to find out the name of the girl he saw.

One day, Rio saw the people around him suffering without money. He knew he had to do something to help. Rio had always been a skilled hacker, so he decided to use his knowledge to break into the security system of the laptop. He wanted to pass all the money to the government so it could be used to help the people.

Rio knew it was risky, but he had to try. He worked tirelessly to break through the security system, and after hours of work, he finally succeeded. But just as he was about to pass the money to the government, he noticed a strange chip in the laptop that was installed when upgrading. He knew that if the security system was deactivated, the chip would blast, destroying everything within a five-kilometer radius.

Rio didn't want to give up. He knew that if he didn't do something, the people around him would continue to suffer. He made the difficult decision to deactivate the security system, hoping that he could prevent the chip from blasting. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but he had to do what he could to help.

The moment the security system was deactivated, the chip exploded. Rio was caught in the blast, and his body was torn apart. As he lay there dying, he felt a sense of peace. He had finally helped the people he saw suffering around him.

But then, something incredible happened. As the dust cleared, Rio saw that the blast had destroyed the laboratory where the girl had been kept. The tank that had held her frozen body had been shattered, and inside the tank, Rio saw a name. It was the name of the girl he had been searching for.


Rio felt a sense of happiness as he lay dying. He had finally found out the name of the girl he had seen on the day he died. He had also helped the people around him, and he knew that they would be better off now that he had given them the money they needed.

In the end, Rio died happy, knowing that he had fulfilled his final mission. He had helped

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