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Crow and grandmother bond

One short story with Crow and grandma

By vinoth kumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Crow and Grandmother Bond.



Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the hills, there lived an old grandmother who loved to spend her days gardening and taking care of the animals around her home. She was known in the village for her kindness and gentle spirit.

One day, as the grandmother was tending to her garden, she noticed a crow perched on a nearby tree. The crow was injured and couldn't fly, and the grandmother could see that it was in pain. She approached the bird slowly and gently, and soon the crow allowed her to come closer.

The grandmother examined the crow's injured wing and decided to take it home with her. She made a cozy nest for the crow in her garden shed, and every day she would bring it food and water, and tend to its wounds.

Over time, the crow grew stronger and healthier under the grandmother's care. It became quite attached to her, and would often perch on her shoulder as she worked in the garden. The grandmother loved the crow too, and she would talk to it and tell it stories.

As the days passed, the grandmother noticed that the crow seemed to understand her words. It would cock its head and listen intently as she spoke, and sometimes it would even caw in response. The two had formed a strong bond, and the grandmother felt as if she had gained a new companion.

One day, as the grandmother was sitting in her garden, the crow suddenly flew up into the sky. She watched it go, feeling sad that their time together had come to an end. But then, to her surprise, the crow circled back around and landed on her shoulder once more.

From that day on, the crow continued to visit the grandmother in her garden. It would bring her gifts, such as shiny stones or twigs, and the two would talk and laugh together. The other villagers marveled at the strange friendship between the old woman and the crow, but the grandmother simply smiled and said that it was a gift from the universe.

And so, the grandmother and the crow became inseparable. They would spend their days in the garden, tending to the plants and animals, and enjoying each other's company. It was a bond that would last a lifetime, and the villagers would always remember the beautiful friendship between the old woman and the crow.



As time went by, the grandmother grew older and weaker. She could no longer tend to her garden as she once did, and she knew that her time on this earth was coming to an end. The crow, too, had grown old and gray, but it remained by her side.

On her last day, the grandmother lay in her bed, surrounded by loved ones. The crow flew in through the window and perched on the foot of her bed. The old woman reached out and stroked its feathers, and whispered to it in a voice that only they could understand.

As the grandmother took her last breath, the crow let out a mournful caw and flew out of the window, disappearing into the sky. The villagers knew that the crow had gone to join its friend in the heavens, and they marveled once again at the beautiful friendship between the old woman and the crow.

Years passed, and the garden that the grandmother had tended to for so many years became overgrown and wild. But in the midst of the tangled vines and weeds, there stood a solitary tree, and on its branches perched a crow, watching over the garden as if waiting for its friend to return.

And though the old woman was gone, her spirit lived on in the garden and in the hearts of those who had known her. For she had taught them the true meaning of kindness and compassion, and had shown them that even the smallest creatures of the earth could bring great joy and comfort to those in need.

SeriesYoung AdultShort StoryScriptSatireMysteryLoveHumorHistoricalFantasyFan FictionfamilyFableExcerptClassicalAdventure

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