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Cosmic Coverage

Summary: Pog is a 27 year old EarthDez (earth descendant) who works for Cosmic Coverage, a spaceship, home, and life insurance company (the Geico of the galaxy). A job that has bored him to tears for years, but is steady pay in the chaotic worlds of galaxy exploration. Though Pog has always wanted to travel on an exploration vessel, he’s never felt courageous enough to board the smaller ones and does not have enough money to travel on one of the larger more recognized ships. Raphina is a 23 year old captain of rag tag adventurers with no experience and a ship that is all but falling apart. The only thing holding Raphi and her crew back is that all exploration vessels are required to have ship insurance in order to travel along the intergalactic highways toward unexplored territory. Pog and Cosmic Coverage are her last hope of the freedom she and her crew have so longed for. The two will collide when during Raphi’s desperate attempt to get insurance on her ship a group of space pirates attacks the franchise. Together the unlikely duo must survive the encounter and maybe come to terms with a few things for themselves.

By Meghan EPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

Chapter 1:

“Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. That’s why I trust Cosmic Coverage. No one else provides better coverage for your ship, home or even your life…”

The drone of the commercial on the various screens barely registered to Pog as he walked through the waiting room, directly headed toward his office. The secretary shared a polite nod as the earth descendant, or Earthdez as it was often shortened to, began to mentally prepare for the daily slog of invoices, coverage questions, and paperwork ahead. Having worked as one of the floor agents of the Cosmic Coverage GH I515 branch for five years now, it had become so routine that it was robotic, not to insult the robotics unit that calculated and organized their data. Just like everyone else who settled for a desk job in their late adulthood, this was never where Pog had seen himself ending up. His childhood had been spent like countless other children across the known galaxies looking to the endless bounds of space and wondering what worlds were yet to be discovered. As more and more ships took to exploration, the galaxies had warped around this desire for travel to include more intergalactic highways, top of the line voyage vessels, and of course, travel insurance agencies. Cosmic Coverage was possibly the largest company out there, covering nearly all 21 civilized systems and agents like Pog were there to help adventurers and thrill seekers gain the coverage they would need to explore the vastness of space. Sure more days than not, he went back to his little apartment bitter that these people were getting to go out and live the life of his dreams, but travel certainly wasn’t cheap. There were only two ways of joining an exploration crew. You could either apply and pay a substantial fee to join one of the larger more regulated commercial vessels, or you could take your chances with one of the smaller freelance ships that often turned out to be scams, or wrench heads with no experience and a death wish. Pog sat at his desk, the once ergonomic chair well worn out from days of hunching over his keypads, the small retro spaceship keychain hanging off the monitor. He gently adjusted the treasured gift from his older sister before logging in and starting the days’ long list of tasks.


Pog’s green eyes shot up from the screen, seeing the young female Yenye sitting in one of the chairs for client meetings. Her lavender skin and four orange eyes are a stark reminder of the Yenye’s toxi cyclopropane and ethylene atmosphere. Her features, exotic to the sheltered EarthDez, were in stark contrast with the white dress shirt that had an elbow tear she was clearly trying to hide. The dress pants she wore also looked a bit faded and she hadn’t even tried to hide the faded brown leather work boots. Her smile was bright and expression so chipper that Pog had to wonder what in this universe she was doing in such a dull place as this.

“Right,” Pog, said clearing his throat awkwardly, “sorry, is there something I can help you with…er….” he paused waiting for her to introduce herself.

“Raphina, Raphina Esmere, or rather Captain Esmere now I guess, but honestly just call me Raphi, everyone does.” she replied quickly and Pog was feeling rather uncomfortable with such enthusiasm this early in the morning.

“Okay then, Captain Esmere,” Pog continued, trying to remain as professional as possible, “what can I do for you today.”

“Umm, I had an appointment...for 8:30…I know I was a little early but the secretary said I could go ahead and wait in your office.”

Internally panicking, Pog quickly shuffled through his electronic appointments, before landing on the day’s date and seeing right there, plain as day, a coverage consultation with one Captain Raphina Esmere. He quickly smiled, hoping not to appear as embarrassed as he certainly felt.

“Of course, thank you for coming in today Captain Esmere. I’m your Cosmic Coverage Agent Pog….”

“Right, that’s what your email said.”

“Erm…yes, well,...ahem…”, quickly searching his memory for the company script he used nearly every day, “we here at Cosmic Coverage are so glad that you choose us to make your life here in the cold darkness of space and eternity a little more secure. What kind of policy can we outfit you with today?”

Raphi’s enthusiastic nature quickly returned as the Yenye handed him a worn out looking portfolio. “I’m here to get Travel Insurance on the next greatest exploration vessel in all the galaxies!”

Pog opened the portfolio to see a scan of one of the most tragic looking ships he had ever examined. He drew up the scan with his fingers so he could begin to take a more in-depth look.

“I take it this hasn’t always been a voyager?” Pog asked, trying to still sound a bit optimistic, though he couldn’t help but grimace at the ship’s engine schematics.

“Well, no…it used to be my parent’s produce shipper,...but I’ve got an amazing mechanic who's been making all of our modifications! And the title is fully in my name so there’s no worry there!”

Pog felt a pang of guilt as he continued to look at the “modified” produce shipper, “And I notice that the name’s been changed.”

“Yep! And if we can get this whole coverage thing settled today the Aurora Slayer will make its first launch tomorrow!”

Pog wished he could sink into a black hole right about now. This wasn’t the first time that he had to tell a hopeful voyager that there was no way the company would cover a Junker like this. He wasn’t even sure if a ship like this could make it through the intergalactic highways, let alone into unexplored space. But it always hurt to see a kindred spirit, so excited about the thought of reaching the stars of their dreams, about to be totally crushed. And even worse, he was the one who would be doing the crushing. He took a deep breath, dismissing the data,

“Captain…Raphi…have you considered looking into getting a quote from one of the smaller companies?...I hear Io I.O.U.s don’t have the worst interest…”

Raphi’s smile vanished from her face, but that determined look only sharpened in her eyes.

“I know my ship doesn’t look like much…and my credit’s not all that great…”

That was certainly an understatement.

“But my crew and I are ready. My ship is ready.”

She looked him so hard in the eyes, it took every ounce of nerve the EarthDez had not to squirm away.

“We’ve already been to every other insurance company in this and every other galaxy and one way or another, we are getting on that highway and finding our own corner of space for ourselves.”

Her gaze softened a bit as she continued, “We want to do this the right way, but no one else is willing to give the Aurora Slayer a chance. You’re our last hope, Pog.”

Pog was envious of this young Yenye. She was so determined and was doing the very thing he had always been too scared to do. Briefly glancing over the profiles of the hopeful looking crew members, and seeing the ship’s scans no longer as a Junker, but a beacon of potential that it seemed each and every one of these people were willing to put everything on the line for. His eyes were unconsciously drawn to that little keychain, reminding him of the very reason he had taken this job in the first place.

“Raphi…I want to help…I really do… I just…”



Pog and Raphi shared a confused glance, nervously getting to their feet, but before either could take a look outside, two completely blacked out robots barged into the room. Pog was familiar with the concept of space pirates using robots as avatars in their robberies in order to keep their identities hidden from security and cameras. That didn’t make it any less intimidating when one of them pointed a very large force detonator at him. Garbled sounds came from the robot and both Pog and Raphi shook their heads to indicate they didn’t understand. The other robot motioned for them to adjust their language aids. After dialing around the communication device in his left ear, he began to understand.

“Alright Bacteria.” a gravely feminine voice growled at him, “We’re here for the credits. Don’t try anything stupid if you want to keep living another pathetic day.”

“Alright,” Pog said swallowing down as much fear as he could, though his fingers clearly shook across his data pad, “just stay calm and I can get you…”

“3 million credits.”

Pog turned back to the disguised avatar startled, “I’m sorry did you say…”

The other robot moved in closer, aiming its arm cannon at his head, making Pog very much want to pass out.

“3 million.” the other voice, another more nasally female voice screeched. “I heard you EarthDez’s were stupid, but I figured you knew how to count.”

‘Well,...I’m screwed.’ Pog thought to himself as he reached to point to the sign at the front of his desk which read:

“Thank you for your patronage, please note that all of our branch stations have a 50,000 credit withdrawal maximum.”

“What the…” more garbled words that Pog figured were curse words in the pirate’s home tongue that the translators did not bother translating into Basic Speech.

Oh yeah, he was definitely screwed.

“Seriously!” the nasally pirate’s avatar turned to face the other bot, “No one thought to see if they actually had the credits on site.”

“Don’t take that tone with me.” The first pirate’s voice ordered, clearly the superior of the two. “Let’s just get the others and get going before anyone shows up.”

“No way! There has to be a way that this idiot can get more credits.”

Seeing them turn towards him again, Pog quickly clarified, “I don’t have the access codes to transfer any more…”

Pog felt the air leave his lungs as he was hit in the stomach knocking him down, the barrel of the arm cannon once again in his face.

“Liar! I know you can get the credits! Stop being so useless and star…”


Both Pog and the Pirate bot turned to where Raphi had lunged the first bot with speed and agility that caught everyone in the group off guard. The Yenye’s lunge quickly allowed her to aim the force gun up into the head of the bot and set it off with the bot’s own finger. The Pirate avatar made a clunky crashing sound before shutting down entirely.

“You stupid little,” the remaining avatar turned to face Raphi, raising their own cannon.

Pog was moving before he could even process what he was doing was dangerous and stupid and was probably going to get him killed. He wrestled with the pirate’s arm cannon, hearing the shock of killer force go off into the ceiling before a second shot sounded and the second bot crumpled down to the ground, taking Pog with its massive weight. Pog quickly scrambled out from under it, running a hand nervously through his now sweaty, curly chestnut hair. He gazed at the downed bots for a moment before looking up at the rather heroic and impressive looking Captain Raphi.

“C’mon,” she said, holding out her free hand for him to take, “I’m getting us out of this.”

There were many things Pog wished he could’ve gone back and made different life choices that might have led him down a different path. But when he would look back on this moment, even a few days from now, he would never regret taking her hand, standing up, and after taking a deep only somewhat shaky breath replying,

“Alright Captain. What’s the plan?”

Sci FiAdventure

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    Meghan EWritten by Meghan E

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