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Come on, listen to me sing a song

"Come, listen to me sing a song, my song is a wonderful medicine, it will make you healthy forever."

By Kosar DavoodiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Come on, listen to me sing a song
Photo by Josh Rocklage on Unsplash

"Come, listen to me sing a song, my song is a wonderful medicine, it will make you healthy forever."

This is a song created by a little girl in our neighborhood. Every time I see that little girl, she always looks like a happy little bird. In the sweltering summer, we all like to cool off under a big tree. The canopy of the tree was so big that it was like a big hat on top of people's heads. But we people just cool off but do not bother to talk to others. It's different when the little girl comes, her singing voice is sweet, like a nursery rhyme.

This neighborhood is new, we all moved in not long ago, the first day we moved in, I noticed this little girl who can sing. She was five or six years old, with two naughty pigtails and a very cute look, and was surrounded by everyone like a little angel. I stood quietly and listened to her sing the last song before walking away. Later, I found out that the child was sick and was recuperating at home. Sometimes her mother came with her to sing under the big tree, sometimes she came alone.

Soon, everyone in the neighborhood fell in love with this little girl, and besides listening to her sing, they also liked to chat with her. She speaks with innocent childishness and is a joy to us all. For example, someone asked her who is the oldest in the family. She would say without thinking, "My father is the oldest, and my mother is the oldest in terms of rights." Coincidentally, when her father heard this, he deliberately pulled down his face and said, "If it weren't for daddy's money, how would you and mommy make ends meet?" She jumped into her father's arms and immediately changed her tone: "Mom is the boat, you are the sea, I am a small wave in the sea, we can not leave the embrace of the sea." Dad got choked up for a moment: "That's my good boy ......"

Someone saw her scratching her shoulder and asked her what was wrong. She said the wings itch. The man was amused and asked, "Where are your wings?" She said, "All angels have to surrender their wings in heaven when they return to earth." "Then will you have wings again?" She smiled happily and said, "Yes, I will have them, and sooner or later I will return to heaven."

Another person asked her what she would do with her mom and dad when she went to heaven. She suddenly stopped laughing, cried out, and said, "The first thing I will do in heaven is to get my wings back and fly back to visit my mom and dad. Mom is not well, but she still has to take care of me ......" This time we let her tears all infect as if she experienced and loved one's life and death parting that scene.

What an understanding child!

Because of this little one, the whole neighborhood is lively. She is really like an angel, constantly flapping happy wings, making a long summer full of cool.

The summer is over and the fall is getting cooler. The little one came out less and less, and people dispersed early when they couldn't wait for her. Later, the days of seeing her became fewer and fewer, people came out in the evening and turned away with a sigh when they couldn't see her. One day, we saw her again from afar standing under a big tree singing. This time, her mother accompanied her, and she said that her child had recently been hospitalized, and she had been shouting all day in the ward to come and sing to everyone, and the child said that if she didn't sing, the song would fall asleep. That time she sang many songs to make up for the days she didn't sing. When she reached the sixth song, she stumbled and her mother saw her and took her in her arms. She lay in her mother's arms and said with weak breath: "I'm tired of singing, I want to sleep. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep too.

After that day, we never saw that child again. Later I met her mother and asked about the child's condition, only to learn that the child had already passed away. When she first appeared in front of people singing, she was already in the late stages of blood cancer. This child was singing with her life, and when she knew her life was irrevocable, she did not shed tears, but left her last joy to others.

Everyone has an end-of-life day, but everyone has a different attitude toward life. Some are sent away in the heavy cries of people, while others are as light as a feather, floating unknowingly to heaven in the sound of people's happiness ......

Short Story

About the Creator

Kosar Davoodi

Beautiful and kind, I like to make friends and travel around. I'm glad to meet you all here. Follow me more.

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