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Companionship is lethal

By Katelyn Published 23 days ago 3 min read
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Tokyo, Japan - May 1, 2018

It was around 9:30 p.m. The night sky was filled with rain clouds pouring very rapidly. I was preparing to close up for the night after working all day at a local cafe; which was very popular among college students and international tourists.

I had not eaten anything throughout the day, except for maybe a small cheese bagel with melted butter this morning. My morning routine was slowly becoming off-balanced as I began to study nonstop for the upcoming final exams. Every chance I could get, I studied. No matter the time or place, it was always optimal to study, especially when I study astrophysics.

The time and effort I would put into studying, one could say, I was obsessive. However, that is most definitely not true. In fact, I hate the idea of even attending school just to obtain a degree. Seriously, who wants to waste four years of their life to graduate with a piece of paper? Yeah, I'll admit the parties are okay, but it is nothing compared to traveling. That is why I transferred to the University of Tokyo last year during my sophomore year.

The scenery here is beyond beautiful. It feels like a dream of some sort.

I threw away the last of the coffee grinds in the compost box that provides fertilizer for our small garden outside. I went back to the store to gather my things and end the day quietly. Typically, I only bring my backpack, a water bottle, and a pocket umbrella for days like this one. However, I rushed out of the house that morning to not be late for work. So I had to prepare myself mentally to be drenched in the cold, muggy water.

I began walking in the rain.

The air was crisp but also eerie. The rain poured but the night was dark.

The feeling of knowing that something is off but not being able to pinpoint the source is the most climatic-inducing. Second, to feeling like you missed the rapture. However, there was this feeling which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and then the inner ego inside of my brain said, "Turn around".

A silhouette of a tall, dark man with long jet-black hair and piercing hazel eyes standing on the corner of the building I just walked past.

I couldn’t make out his face, but I could see his eyes. I turned around quickly. In this instance, I wanted to avoid any possible interaction.

But, his eyes.

I didn’t see anyone there before as I was walking towards the building. It was strange to see anyone out this late at night while it was raining, especially since the man appeared to be without an umbrella similar to me. I began walking faster as I was becoming more drenched in my twenty-dollar pullover that I always carry just in case. I decided to give it one more look to see if the silhouette was still on that corner.

It was gone.

Just a reminder to self, the world is not always kind to those who don’t address it. Being naïve is one thing, but merely disassociating from the world with knowledge of its power is complete disrespect.

I feel that at this moment I should prepare for the worst.

Should I run? Eh. I don’t think that would be wise.

In this moment I need reassurance to make it down this street alive. I don’t know anyone who would care if I disappeared tonight, but I do know while studying in a foreign country I may be the precursor to a unformidable tale.

Glancing back one more time, the silhouette had vanished, but as I turned back around to continue walking, he stood before me, his piercing hazel eyes meeting mine.

SeriesYoung AdultLoveFantasytravelliterature

About the Creator



I started writing out of curiosity after I finished college in December 2023 and had a gap semester. I am just writing my a creative and curious nature. I am a huge romance and fantasy nerd so, I hope you all enjoy!

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    Katelyn Written by Katelyn

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