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Chrono Conquest: Altering History Without Harm

A New Tapestry of History

By Rio Vijey Published about a year ago 5 min read

The time traveler appeared out of thin air, materializing in the midst of a bustling market in Seville, Spain. She had traveled back in time to the year 1492, with one goal in mind: to prevent Christopher Columbus from ever setting foot on the shores of America.

She had been sent back by an advanced society in the distant future, one that had discovered a catastrophic consequence that would result from Columbus' arrival in the New World. The time traveler had been given a limited amount of time to alter history, but with no clear instructions on how to do so.

She quickly realized that altering history would not be an easy task. The world of 1492 was vastly different from the world she knew. Superstition and religious fervor ruled the day, and the concept of time travel was completely foreign.

She took on the guise of a local merchant, selling exotic spices and herbs from far-off lands. She spent her days wandering the streets of Seville, trying to gather information and make sense of the culture she found herself in.

It was during one of her excursions that she stumbled upon a group of men, deep in conversation at a nearby tavern. They were discussing a man named Christopher Columbus, a would-be explorer who claimed he could find a new trade route to India by sailing west.

The time traveler listened intently, taking note of the various arguments for and against Columbus' expedition. Some believed he was a visionary, while others saw him as a madman. But regardless of what they thought, one thing was clear: Columbus was about to set sail, and nothing could stop him.

Determined to alter the course of history, the time traveler set out to find Columbus. She had to act fast, before he left port and disappeared into the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.

She searched high and low, but her efforts were in vain. Columbus was nowhere to be found, and the clock was ticking. With time running out, the time traveler had no choice but to take drastic action.

She decided to take matters into her own hands, to sabotage Columbus' expedition and prevent him from ever discovering America. She made her way to the harbor, where the three ships – the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria – were docked.

As she approached the ships, she noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. It was a man, tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her. He introduced himself as Raul, a member of the Spanish Inquisition tasked with monitoring Columbus' expedition.

Raul was suspicious of the time traveler, but he listened as she explained her mission. To her surprise, he didn't scoff or dismiss her claims as the ramblings of a lunatic. Instead, he seemed intrigued by the idea of time travel and the possibility of altering history.

Together, they hatched a plan to prevent Columbus from ever setting sail. They would sneak onto the ships under the cover of darkness and disable them, making it impossible for Columbus to embark on his journey.

As they crept through the harbor, the time traveler couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. It was as if someone – or something – was watching their every move.

They reached the ships undetected, and quickly set to work. Raul knew the ships inside and out, having served as a sailor in his youth. He showed the time traveler how to disable the rudder and the sails, rendering the ships immobile.

But as they worked, they heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. It was then that they realized they were not alone. Someone – or something – was closing in on them.

The time traveler drew her weapon, a sleek and futuristic device that emitted a low hum. Raul unsheathed his sword The rustling grew louder and closer. Suddenly, a group of men emerged from the bushes, armed with swords and torches.

"Who goes there?" Raul shouted, his sword at the ready.

The leader of the group stepped forward. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man, with a bushy beard and piercing green eyes.

"I am Diego de la Vega," he said. "And I demand to know what you are doing here."

Raul explained their mission to Diego, hoping to win him over to their cause. But Diego was skeptical, and he wasn't willing to risk the success of Columbus' expedition on the word of two strangers.

"You speak of altering history," he said. "But what of the consequences? How do we know that your actions won't cause even greater harm?"

The time traveler felt a pang of guilt. She had never considered the consequences of her actions, only the end goal. But now, faced with the possibility of failure, she realized that altering history was no simple matter.

"Perhaps you are right," she said, lowering her weapon. "But we have come too far to turn back now. Columbus must not discover America."

Diego considered her words, then nodded slowly.

"I will help you," he said. "But only if we can find a way to alter history without causing harm."

Together, the three of them hatched a new plan. They would allow Columbus to set sail, but they would guide him away from America and toward a new trade route, one that would bring prosperity to Spain without the need for conquest.

It was a risky plan, but they had no other choice. They worked quickly, disabling the ships just enough to slow them down, but not enough to raise suspicion. Then, under the cover of darkness, they snuck onto the ships and steered them toward their new destination.

For weeks, they sailed across the ocean, charting a new course through uncharted waters. It was a perilous journey, but they pressed on, driven by the hope that they could alter history without causing harm.

Finally, they reached their destination: a new trade route that brought riches and prosperity to Spain, without the need for conquest or exploitation.

As they disembarked from the ships, the time traveler breathed a sigh of relief. They had done it. They had altered history without causing harm.

But as she turned to say goodbye to Raul and Diego, she noticed something strange. Their faces were familiar, almost as if she had seen them before.

And then it hit her. Raul was the ancestor of a dear friend from the future, and Diego was none other than Zorro, the legendary masked hero of California.

She realized that her actions had not only altered history, but had created a new one, one where the heroes of the past and the future came together to shape the course of events.

And for the time traveler, that was a mystery worth unraveling.

Sci FiHistoricalAdventure

About the Creator

Rio Vijey

As a lifelong lover of storytelling, I am thrilled to begin my journey as a writer. I have a vivid imagination and a passion for exploring the depths of the human experience through fiction.

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  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    What a conundrum is this time travel thing, Interesting story.

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