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Chronicles of a Forgotten Warrior

Through the Dark Mirror

By Leona ValentinePublished about a year ago 18 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own.

I blinked, trying to convince myself that what I saw was simply a trick of the light, or perhaps a hallucination brought on by exhaustion. But when I opened my eyes, the image remained. Standing before me was a tall, slender woman with a regal bearing and piercing, stormy gray eyes. She was clad in a flowing gown, the color of the midnight sky, her dark hair cascading down her back.

I was a shy, introverted woman in my late twenties. I had a fascination with antiques and spent many weekends perusing local thrift shops in search of hidden treasures.

A few days earlier…

It was on one such outing that I stumbled upon the mirror - an ornate, full-length monstrosity, framed in intricately carved wood. I was drawn to it, so I bought it immediately. After dragging the heavy mirror home, I propped it up in my bedroom, marveling at how it seemed to simultaneously complement and dominate the room.

And that's when my life took a turn for the strange.

It began subtly at first - whispers in the night and even fleeting shadows that seemed to dart just beyond the corner of my eye. I tried to ignore them, and I made myself believe that they were figments of my imagination. I assumed that they were the side effects of spending too much time alone.

But then, one fateful night, I saw her—the woman in the mirror.

"Who are you?" I stammered with fear in my voice.

Her lips curved into a knowing smile, and her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. "My name is Mari," she replied, her voice melodic and haunting. "I am a part of you, my sweet Lucy Dandridge. But I know you do not remember."

I couldn't make sense of her words, but before I could ask any more questions, she vanished, leaving me to stare at my own bewildered reflection.

In the days that followed, I began to see more than just Mari in the mirror. I saw fairies. I saw demonic-looking fairies.

They were a grotesque perversion of their light-dwelling counterparts. Their human-sized forms were a twisted mockery of beauty, with elongated limbs and gnarled, knobby fingers that ended in razor-sharp claws. Their skin was an ashen gray, sallow, and stretched tight over their skeletal frames, giving them a cadaverous appearance. Their faces were the stuff of nightmares, with sunken, hollow eyes that gleamed with a sinister, malevolent intelligence. Those eyes, black as the darkest night, seemed to swallow the light around them, making it feel as if they could pierce into one's very soul. Their mouths, full of needle-like teeth, were locked in perpetual, sinister grins, and their forked tongues flicked out with unsettling frequency as if they were constantly tasting the fear that they so enjoyed instilling in others. Their wings were tattered, leathery appendages that more closely resembled those of a bat than a butterfly. The veins within their wings pulsed with a sickly green luminescence, casting an eerie glow that only served to heighten their monstrous appearance. They moved with a sinuous grace that belied their horrific visage, slithering and skulking through the shadows, never making a sound.

They seemed to be beckoning me, inviting me to join them in a dark and sinister world beyond the mirror's surface. I tried to ignore them, to dismiss their presence as mere hallucinations, but their persistence wore me down.

As I was sleeping one night, my mind was racing with thoughts of the mirror and its strange inhabitants. It was then that I had a dream - or perhaps it was a vision - of a realm I had never seen before.

A dark, twisted fairyland called Darctasia, filled with shadows and chaos. It was a place of eternal night and a nightmarish reflection of the enchanting and vibrant world it had once been. Shrouded in the twilight, the sun never rose in Darctasia, leaving the landscape illuminated only by the sickly, pale glow of the dying moon. The atmosphere was thick and oppressive, with a palpable sense of malevolence that hung in the air like a shroud, tainting every breath. The demonic creatures roamed, seeking to spread their darkness and conquer all in their path.

Also, in my dream, I was Mari, a noble fairy warrior, leading a battle against the forces of evil. I felt the weight of my armor, the power of my wings, and the strength of my resolve. And as I fought, I felt an awakening within me - a connection to this fierce warrior I had once been.

When I awoke, I knew that what I had seen was not merely a dream. It was a glimpse of my past - a past that was now bleeding into my present. The evil fairies I saw in the mirror were real, and they were attempting to bring the darkness of Darctasia into my world.

I realized then that I couldn't ignore the problem any longer. I had to face it head-on, to embrace the warrior spirit that still lived within me. I was no longer the shy, timid Lucy Dandridge - I was Mari, the fairy warrior, and I would not let my world be consumed by darkness. The transformation was both empowering but terrifying. With each passing day, I felt more connected to Mari, more in tune with the strength and courage that had once been mine. I could feel the shy, introverted part of myself slipping away, and in its place, a fierce determination took root.

However, I knew I couldn't confront the darkness that the mirror unleashed alone, so I began to research everything I could about the dark realm of Darctasia and its inhabitants. I scoured ancient texts and consulted with local folklore experts.

Eventually, my research led me to the help of a kind-hearted witch. Her name was Selara. She was a woman of great age and wisdom. She had lived on the outskirts of the town for longer than anyone could remember, and her existence was shrouded in a veil of mystery and secrecy. Despite her advanced years, her posture was still straight, and her movements were graceful, betraying an underlying strength that belied her fragile appearance. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back, framing a face that was a testament to a life of hardships and triumphs. Her skin was lined with wrinkles and creases, each a testament to the knowledge and wisdom she had accumulated over the years. Her eyes, a deep, piercing green, seemed to hold the secrets of the universe within them. She was dressed in flowing robes of deep, ocean blue, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that seemed to shimmer and shift with every movement. These robes were fastened at the waist by a simple, yet elegant, silver belt, from which hung a multitude of small, carefully crafted talismans and charms, each imbued with its own unique magical properties. Around her neck, she wore a pendant made from a polished, crescent-shaped moonstone, which seemed to glow with an ethereal, silvery light. This amulet was said to be the source of her incredible powers, a conduit through which she could channel the ancient energies of the earth and the cosmos.

In her secluded cottage, surrounded by a lush, enchanted garden, Selara spent her days studying the ancient arts of magic and alchemy. She had an extensive collection of rare and powerful tomes, scrolls, and artifacts, each carefully preserved and protected from the ravages of time. She was an expert in the healing arts, brewing powerful potions and remedies that could cure even the most seemingly incurable ailments.

Though she was feared by many in the town, Selara was not a malevolent person. She was a guardian of knowledge, a protector of the natural world, and a staunch ally to those who sought her aid in combating the forces of darkness. She was a beacon of hope in a world that was slowly being consumed by shadows, and her guidance and support would prove invaluable to me in my quest to save my world from the evil fairies of Darctasia.

Selara recognized the strength and potential that lay hidden within me. She became my guide and mentor, imparting her vast knowledge and expertise in order to prepare me for the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. She taught me spells of protection and enchantments to strengthen my spirit. And as my journey unfolded, the bond between us grew stronger.

However, she also warned me of the dangers I would face.

"You are playing with powerful forces, Lucy," Selara cautioned, her eyes full of concern. "There is no turning back. Are you certain you are prepared for what lies ahead?"

"I have to be," I replied, my voice steady and unwavering. "If I don't stop the darkness from spreading, who will?"

Selara nodded solemnly, and I knew she understood the gravity of my decision.

As the days turned into weeks, my earthly world began to change. The dark energies that had been contained within the mirror were seeping into my world, warping and corrupting everything they touched. Shadows seemed to linger in the corners, and the air itself felt heavy and oppressive.

One of the first signs of the encroaching darkness was the sudden disappearance of the sun, plunging the world into an eternal night that was neither day nor true darkness. The sky was an unnerving shade of crimson, casting an eerie and sickly glow upon the land. As this unending twilight persisted, the natural rhythms of the world were disrupted, causing widespread panic and confusion among both humans and animals alike.

The landscape itself began to change, as once-lush forests and verdant meadows withered and decayed, their vibrant hues fading to sickly shades of brown and gray. The trees twisted and contorted, their branches becoming gnarled and thorny, creating an ominous labyrinth that seemed to pulse with malevolence. In place of the sweet songs of birds, the air was filled with an unnerving cacophony of unsettling whispers and discordant, otherworldly melodies that seemed to emanate from the very shadows themselves.

As the dark energies continued to spread, the very laws of nature seemed to break down, giving rise to bizarre and terrifying phenomena that defied all logic and reason. People reported witnessing inanimate objects seemingly coming to life, their movements erratic and unnatural as if controlled by some unseen and malevolent force. Time seemed to flow erratically, with days stretching into weeks, and weeks collapsing into mere moments, leaving people disoriented and unsure of their own place in the world. The darkness had a profound impact on the minds of the people, as well. As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, a pervasive sense of dread and despair began to settle over the world like a suffocating blanket. Nightmares plagued the dreams of the people, their minds filled with twisted and horrifying visions that left them on the brink of madness.

In the midst of this growing chaos, strange and malevolent creatures began to appear, preying upon the terrified and helpless populace. These creatures, twisted manifestations of the dark energies that now permeated the world, struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls, their forms a grotesque mockery of life as it had once been known. And as the line between the worlds continued to blur, the evil fairies of Darctasia began to make their presence known, their twisted and horrifying forms emerging from the shadows to terrorize and torment the people. With each passing day, the darkness grew stronger, its hold on the world tightening like a noose, and the people were left to wonder if there was any hope of salvation, or if their world was doomed to be consumed by the encroaching shadows.

I knew I was running out of time.

With each passing day, I felt the evil fairies growing stronger, their sinister influence spreading like cancer. I couldn't let them win. I couldn't let the world I knew be consumed by darkness. So, armed with the knowledge and power I had gained, I did the unthinkable.

As I stood before the looking glass of the haunted mirror, my heart pounded in my chest, but my resolve remained strong. I locked eyes with the twisted reflection of Darctasia that stared back at me, feeling the weight of the responsibility that now rested on my shoulders. I recited the incantations I had learned, feeling the power of the words resonate through my being. As I finished the spell, the mirror's surface began to ripple, like water disturbed by a stone. I knew I had to act quickly if I wanted to save my world. In a final, desperate bid to do so, I made the ultimate sacrifice. I stepped into the mirror, leaving my earthly life behind.

Immediately after I entered the mirror, the evil fairies hissed and snarled, their twisted features contorted with rage. Along with the malevolent creatures that stalked the people, they teleported to Darctasia. My natural world was slowly turning back to normal, and the dark forces were disappearing.

As I crossed the threshold into Darctasia, I felt the darkness envelop me like a shroud, chilling me to my very core. But I knew that my sacrifice was the only way to ensure that the evil fairies and their dark forces could not re-enter the earthly world.

The world of Darctasia was even more terrifying than I had imagined. However, as I looked around, memories of this world were gradually appearing in my mind. These were more vivid memories of when I was Mari in my past life.

The once-verdant forests were now gnarled and twisted, their trees entwined with sinister, thorny vines that seemed to pulse with a malevolent life of their own. The leaves, blackened and withered, rustled menacingly in the cold, unforgiving wind, casting eerie shadows that seemed to come alive, writhing and coiling like serpents. The undergrowth was a tangled labyrinth of roots and thorns, a treacherous trap for the unwary traveler.

In place of the vibrant, shimmering rivers and lakes that once graced the landscape, there were now stagnant pools of pitch-black water, their surfaces viscous and oily. These dark, murky waters seemed to drain the very light from the surroundings, leaving only an oppressive, impenetrable darkness in their wake.

The once-majestic mountains that bordered Darctasia had crumbled and eroded, their jagged peaks now twisted, dark spires that pierced the sky like the fingers of a malevolent deity. The land was scarred by deep chasms and fissures, from which sulfurous fumes and noxious vapors seeped, further corrupting the air.

The creatures that inhabited Darctasia were as twisted and monstrous as the realm itself. In addition to the evil fairies that plagued the land, there were other nightmarish beings that roamed the shadows - grotesque amalgamations of flesh and bone, shadows that whispered madness into the ears of their victims, and spectral apparitions that fed on the fear and despair that pervaded the realm.

The once-great cities and settlements of Darctasia were now crumbling ruins, their once-beautiful architecture decayed and corrupted by the dark energies that suffused the land. The remnants of these once-magnificent structures were now home to the denizens of the dark, providing them with shelter and sustenance, while also serving as a constant reminder of the realm's tragic fall from grace. And at the very heart of Darctasia, there stood a twisted palace, a monument to darkness and despair. Its once-gleaming spires were now blackened and warped, and the once-lush gardens that surrounded it were choked with thorns and brambles. It was within these tainted halls that the rulers of the dark realm held court, plotting their conquest of the world beyond the mirror.

Shadows hung heavy in the air, and the twisted laughter of evil fairies echoed all around me. I knew I was trapped in this dark realm, but I also knew that I had saved my world from a terrible fate.

As the memories of my life as Lucy Dandridge faded, I embraced my new existence as Mari, the noble fairy warrior. Though I was trapped in a world of darkness, I refused to let it consume me. I vowed to fight the forces of evil in order to protect the world I had left behind. And so, I continued to fight as a lone warrior in a realm of shadows. Though I was forever trapped in Darctasia, I knew that my sacrifice made a difference. I saved my world from darkness, and the knowledge that Selara shared with me gave me the strength to carry on.

Unexpectedly, I forged alliances with other lost souls and beings of light who, like me, had found themselves trapped in this twisted realm. Together, we fought proudly to keep the dark forces at bay, to prevent them from finding a way back into the earthly world.

Over time, I became something of a legend in Darctasia and a beacon of hope in a world consumed by shadows. The evil fairies eventually feared me, and the oppressed denizens of the realm looked to me for guidance and protection.

One fateful day, I encountered an ancient sorceress named Zarganna. She was a woman of enigmatic beauty and unparalleled power. She was a figure shrouded in mystery, her origins lost to the mists of time. With her ageless appearance, it was impossible to determine her true age, yet it was clear she had existed for centuries. Her knowledge and abilities grew ever stronger with the passage of time. Her long, raven-black hair flowed like a dark river down her back, its glossy waves contrasting sharply with her alabaster skin. Her eyes were a deep, mesmerizing violet, their depths holding a swirling maelstrom of emotions that were both captivating and disconcerting. Her delicate features were both alluring and ethereal, her beauty otherworldly, as if she had stepped from the pages of a myth or legend. She dressed in elegant gowns of deep, rich purples and blues, the luxurious fabrics clinging to her slender form, accentuating her lithe and graceful figure. The gowns were adorned with intricate, shimmering patterns of silver and gold, as well as countless precious gemstones that seemed to hold a magic of their own. Around her neck, she wore a choker made of obsidian, the polished black stone carved with intricate runes that pulsed with inner power. She was a master of the arcane arts, her command over the forces of magic rivaling even that of the most powerful beings in the realms. Her abilities were vast and diverse, ranging from the manipulation of the elements to the weaving of powerful illusions and enchantments. Her most fearsome power, however, was her mastery over the forces of life and death, granting her the ability to bend the very essence of existence to her will. Though she was a force to be reckoned with, she was not an inherently evil being. Her motives were complex and often inscrutable, her actions guided by a code of ethics that was entirely her own. She was a wild card in the struggle between the forces of light and darkness, her allegiance shifting as easily as the winds that whispered through the trees.

Her lair, hidden deep within the heart of a forgotten forest, was a place of terrible beauty and dark enchantment. The trees surrounding her abode were twisted and warped, their branches forming an impenetrable barrier that few could penetrate. Within this enchanted thicket, her castle stood tall and foreboding. Its dark, obsidian walls reflected the faint, ghostly light that pervaded the forest.

The beautiful sorceress told me of a prophecy, one that spoke of a great warrior who would one day find a way to break Darctasia’s curse, freeing its inhabitants and sealing the gateway between our worlds forever.

"Could this be true? Is it safe for me to believe this?" I asked her with sincere hope in my heart.

"Yes," she replied with confidence. "Mari, it is your destiny to fulfill this prophecy."

Emboldened by her words, I renewed my efforts to fight the darkness, determined to find a way to fulfill the prophecy and end the suffering of the beings trapped in Darctasia. My journey took me to the farthest reaches of the realm, where I faced unimaginable horrors and confronted my deepest fears.

And then, one day, I discovered it - a hidden portal, a weak point in the fabric that separated our worlds. The sorceress's prophecy was true; there was a way to break the curse and seal the gateway between our worlds. But the cost was great. To close the portal and save both worlds, I had to sacrifice my own existence. The very essence of my being would be consumed, sealing the rift and preventing the darkness from ever returning to the earthly world.

With a heavy heart, I made my choice. I came too far and fought too hard to turn back now. I gathered my loyal allies and prepared for the final battle, knowing that it would be my last. As we stood before the portal, the darkness swirling around us like a living thing, I had to do what must be done. I took one last look at my friends, and my heart swelled with gratitude and love.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the din of battle. "Thank you for everything."

With that, I stepped forward, my body dissolving into pure energy as I merged with the portal. There was a blinding flash of light, and then... there was silence.

The darkness receded, and it was banished forever from both realms. Darctasia began to heal - just like the earthly world healed earlier. The twisted landscape slowly returned to its former beauty, its inhabitants freed from the curse that had bound them for so long.

And back in the earthly world, the mirror that had once been the source of so much pain and suffering shattered into a thousand pieces, forever severing the link between our worlds.

Though I was gone, my sacrifice was not forgotten. In both realms, my name became a symbol of hope and courage, a reminder of the power of love and sacrifice in the face of darkness. And as the sun rose over a world free from the shadow of Darctasia, my spirit lived on, watching over the ones I love and the world I fought so hard to protect.


About the Creator

Leona Valentine

Hi. I have been writing since I was a kid. After college, I published a poem called "Dark Heaven" in a book titled The Colors of Life. I love writing short stories, poems and more. I enjoy parenting, art, meditation, and martial arts.

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  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed your story. Beautifully written, Subscribed and hearted.

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