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Chapter 10 Dastle Bttack

China`s top fantasy novels

By Alon LongPublished about a year ago 37 min read

Before they reached the north gate, they heard a noise that seemed to turn the ground over. Jin Qianshi shocked: "Leader, not good, seems to have been in the fight."

I listened carefully and said: "Go quickly, the queen army seems to be unable to resist."

I clapped my horse and rushed forward. My left arm is not well, but it's no longer sore. I think it's all right.

We have rushed to the north gate, but see the door of the sea of people, I do not know how many soldiers are crowded into the mess. Some of the soldiers were thrown to the ground, but the people behind them, who cared nothing about that, rushed in, and the people on the ground screamed with pain as they were trampled on, but behind them they seemed deaf and deaf, pushing in as hard as they could, and among them were a few ragged townspeople. It was getting dark, and the lights of the torches were covered with wooden planks, making people's faces flicker and dim.

What the hell is going on out there?

Just then a little officer pushed his way through the crowd and ran towards me. "Stand," I said to him.

He stood still and looked up at me. "Who are you?" I asked.

The little officer unconsciously stood still, way: "After the army small school Wu Wanling, have seen the general."

I said, "What's the matter? And General Luo Jingwei?"

Wu Wanling said, "General Luo has barricaded his camp outside the city and was arranging for the transport camp to set off. Suddenly, a great number of snake-men came from all over the mountains. We turned back to the city.

"At any rate," I shouted, "discipline must be restored before chaos. Who has the highest rank at the gate?"

Wu Wanling said: "We are after the fifth battalion, two Wanfu in General Luo side, never into the city."

I said, "Give the order first. Order all the troops at the gate not to panic, let the city people advance, and then enter the city one by one. Any more violators will be executed."

I say this with a little trepidation. The rear army is not my place to command, if the soldiers still do not listen, I can not really kill a few heroes. But Wu Wanling collected himself, turned around and shouted: "The soldiers at the gate listen and enter the city in order. If anyone dares to break the rules, he will be executed without pardon."

His voice, however, was as loud as the thunder drum. At this cry, the door became calm like a flood that had been drained. Wu Wanling shouted: "Stand still! When the people of the city entered the city, each branch entered the city in turn."

The soldiers at the gate of the city were leaderless, but Wu Wanling gave the order and was in good order. He did not need to kill several people.

When there is order, the entry into the city is much faster. At the gate, there were about two or three thousand routed soldiers and hundreds of townspeople. The hundreds of townspeople must have left the city through the east gate and wanted to go north. However, they were stopped by the snake people, knowing that it was poison to quench their thirst. As soon as the hundreds of townspeople entered the city, the soldiers took them aside and shut them up in a broken archery at the end of the city. Fortunately, only a few hundred people crowded into an archery, and a dozen people were enough to guard the exit. They, too, perhaps numbed by the confinement, did not say much, but walked in one by one. As they passed me, I saw that the crowd consisted mostly of women, children, and very few young people. Most of them were carrying a parcel, probably of food and clothing, which they could not carry out of the city. One old man even had a pipa in his arms.

Seeing the pipa, I felt my eyes dim for a moment.

I don't know. How is she? Could she have known that a junior officer who had only met her a little could feel that way about her?

At this time, Wu Wanling high voice: "Fast, don't dawdle, in order to come in." I looked at the gate and saw that all the townspeople had come in. Now the army was entering the city.

As soon as the people entered the city, the rest of the army moved in one after another.

By this time the forward battalion had arrived. Lu Gong said, "General Chu, where is General Luo?"

The gate was now open, and I said, "General Rowe is still fighting. What do we do?"

I'm a little lost at this point. The Longscale and Vanguard battalions together numbered only two thousand men. The Rear army itself had twenty thousand men. Two thousand were taken out of the South Gate, leaving eighteen thousand. Even though the Queen Army is not strong, it still outnumbers us. In the field, even with our two thousand men, there is nothing to do.

Lu Gong said, "Stay at the gate and keep your troops steady while I go and get General Luo."

As he spoke, the forward battalions rushed out the door. I said, "General Lu, how about that?" He did not answer me. The horse was out of the gate, and the wind rushed across the drawbridge. Several of my former colleagues had gone out of town, and they nodded as they passed me. Qillie saluted me on his horse and they rushed out.

Jin Qianshi said: "General Chu, how to do?"

I looked at it and said, "Uptown."

Several thousand men had retreated to the gate, but Luo Jingwei had no more than fifteen thousand under his command. I do not know how many Serpents there are, but it is not easy for him to win both the baggages and the battles.

As soon as we reached the head of the city, we saw the dust billowing out of the town, and one of the troops withdrew. I looked and saw that this army was mixed with a large number of wagons, perhaps the baggage battalion. "General King," I said, "you put a few men on the bridge. Be careful."

The baggage battalion has retreated to the city. Look past, is very embarrassed. The baggage battalion is not a combat unit, although it has the duty to press prisoners, after all, it is not the same as a full assault. De Yang after the break, he is also wearing soft armour, but a hole has been broken, the body is stained with blood.

As soon as they entered the city, I cried, "Deyang! My Lord De Yang!" Deyang looked up and saw me. He said, "General Chu, you should be careful. There are tens of thousands of snake people!"

Tens of thousands!

My heart gave a sudden jump. The Serpents outside the south gate came in great numbers, but there were always only a few thousand of them. Is their real purpose to surround the city? I said, "How is General Luo?"

Deyang said, "General Lo is fighting hard. If we don't have the general to support us, we won't be able to hold them."

As if in response to my words, there was a loud "boom" in front of me, and the earth seemed to shake. About two miles to the north, a plume of smoke rose into the sky. I do not know what happened.

It was the sound of gunpowder again. Is Lu Gong Xing using gunpowder? No wonder he's so confident. At the beginning, he had said that Chang Longyou might be the key to victory. Perhaps at that time, he had already thought that the Snake man could not be defeated with swords and guns alone, so he must use the new weapon.

I can't help but admire Lu Gongxing a little. His ability to make the strikers with their eyes above the top of their heads bow to his command is certainly worthy of his name.

Jin Qianshi then took an umbrella, said: "General, umbrella."

I thought about it and took it. Now I can't move my left arm, and I can't fight with one hand, so I can only command from the head of the city. However, Lord Wu did not know how to think, why only 300 dragon Scale army sent to the north Gate?

At this time, Jin Qianshi road: "Commander, they are down."

What retreated was a motley procession, with several wagons of baggage at the head of it. As expected, the fighting strength of the rear army was not good enough. There were still more than ten thousand men who retreated in, most of them with broken helmets and armour. I felt a chill in my heart. If the rout were to block the gate of the city again, I was afraid that it would be difficult to do it again, and that even the forward battalion after the break would not be able to enter.

Before I could think too much, I heard someone at the gate Shouting, "All the soldiers outside, march into the city one by one.

It was Wu Wanling's voice. I told him to put things in order just now, and he's still there. Kim looked at me and said, "This man is quite nice."

Indeed. I thought. I think of Yuan Kexiang of the Chinese Army. Here he is. If these people can be absorbed into the Dragon Scale Army to rectify military discipline, the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Scale Army will be upgraded to a higher level.

At this time, there was a noise at the door, and I said, "What's wrong?"

Kim looked down at the top of the city and said, "It's General Na coming back. He was badly injured."

Is Luo Jingwei in? No wonder Wu Wanling can command so effectively. Jin Qianshi's words, schadenfreude is not without praise. The army is an army to look down on another army, the surface of the Chinese army no one dares to look down on, but behind is called "young soldier" and the left and right army Tongbing generals this is the same name, they all think is the first strong soldier in this war. After Lu Jing Yu left, the left army lost its confidence. But the right army since the death of Shen Xiping also very have a sense of loss, especially the Shen Xiping's direct dragon scale army, really have a sense of a lost dog. But they still look down on the rear army, think the rear army is at most a sufficient army.

When Marquis Wu set out for the army, he ordered troops to the left and right armies. He could not find any more strong soldiers, but he managed to get some men who could still see through to form a second army. Many people have such a view, the mouth is still behind the generation called Luo Jingwei "Luo Jingwei" said that after the military everything fell in the last. Now the Queen Army this bitter battle, but let the most arrogant dragon Scale army is a little impressed.

Luo Jingwei's stretcher was carried to the top of the city. I went over, handed the umbrella to the stretcher bearer, knelt down in front of the stretcher and said, "General Luo, Chu Xiuhong, commander of the Dragon Scale Army, came late to help the war, he will be condemned to death."

Luo Jingwei raised himself on the stretcher and said, "General Chu, please get up. Jingwei's defeat made General Chu feel cold."

His words were full of despair.

I don't know what to say. Luo Jingwei is with Lu Jing Yu, Shen Xiping they are the same batch of brave will, at the beginning of the peace of Han Luo thief, the same service is very great, but he has not been able to knighten. In this counterinsurgency campaign, he led the rear army, which generally only cleaned up the battlefield, but still did not do much service. Luo Jingwei heart, there must be a sense of injustice, especially Shen Xiping died in battle, land by fishing away, let him feel that he may not be out. But when it came to fighting, his ambition was tempered.

I said: "General Luo, you have a good recuperation, don't think about it."

Luo Jingwei said on the stretcher, "Hu Zhongjun."

An officer on the side knelt down and said, "Hu Shi 'an is here."

Luo Jingwei said, "Hu Zhongjun, if you help General Chu, you must defend the north gate."

Hu Shi An said, "Yes."

As he finished speaking, there was another noise outside the door. It had seemed to be two leagues away; now it was less than a mile away.

That's the way to go, fight and retreat. Not more than two thousand, alone against the Serpent, even with the power of gunpowder, the road is worthy of the name of the general. I can't help admiring Lu Gongxing.

With Chang Longyou in the shogunate, of course, he can be more meritorious.

At that moment there was a noise outside the door, and as far as I could see, the north gate was full of people half way, and an army horse was retreating quickly in front of it.

In the heavy rain, the sound of horses' hooves is still like the beating of drums. Listening to the sound, every time it came nearer, my heart grew heavier.

Road Gong line forward camp also added some personnel, after this war, I do not know how much to lose.

Although I am no longer a member of the Forward Battalion, deep down, I still care about this unit.

By this time the retired vanguard battalion was drawing near. Looking over, their armour glistened wet from the rain.

How can they use gunpowder in this rain? There was no time to think any more. A knight rushed to the fore and shouted, "Be careful, the Snake Man is coming."

It was Xing Tiefeng, the centurion of the sixteenth Vanguard Battalion. He is the son of Qing Kuan Bo Xing Li, Xing Li is a civil official, official worship ministry of the book, Xing Tiefeng is his third son, but since childhood good martial, 19 years old military academy graduation into the Wuhou army. He was also a member of the Bouillon Party, and I did not like him very much, but when I saw him, I felt only a burst of joy.

Gold Qianshi has been to the drawbridge, only forward camp into the city will pull up the drawbridge.

The vanguard battalion rushed into the city like the wind. To my partial relief, it seems that the Forward camp has not lost many men. They were not more than twenty or thirty feet behind them when a group of snake men followed them. I could not see clearly in the night rain, but I felt that these snake people were in good order, vaguely different from the snakes before.

This is the first night attack by the snake Man. A snake man at night is a hundred times more dangerous than by day.

Such as forward battalion into the city, I raised a hand, Gold Qianshi and a few soldiers desperately pull the drawbridge.

The drawbridge is only halfway up, and the Serpents are in the lead. The snake-men formed a square formation, the first of which was at the edge of the moat, a long snake-man with his upper body resting on the drawbridge. With a dagger in his hand, he plunged the knife into the board of the drawbridge. His lower body shrank and his body lay on the drawbridge. With so much weight on the bridge, the pulling speed slowed down.

If it were to cut the ropes of the drawbridge, it would be difficult. As I was about to cry out, suddenly an arrow flew out of the army of the dragon and struck the snake man.

The arrow was as powerful as thunder, even if I had shot it with my sunbow. I was surprised that there were such talents in the Dragon Scale Army!

Before I can marvel, the arrow has arrived. The snake man was swaying on the deck of the drawbridge, ready to straighten himself up, when the arrow reached him. Its action is very fast, the knife flat a block "when" a sound, the arrow actually stabbed into the blade, the white arrow plume is still trembling.

Before the snake-man could do anything more, another arrow had arrived. This arrow came almost immediately after the previous one. The snake man, who was already unsteady on the drawbridge, could not stop it. When the arrow hit his head, he threw himself back and fell down the bridge. While the bridge was light, Jin Qianshi had already shaken the pulley and pulled it up.

The Serpents outside the city are standing firm. Looking down on the top of the city, it was so dark that I did not know how many there were. De Yang said tens of thousands, it seems no exaggeration, it seems, at least twenty or thirty thousand.

Before the Serpents attacked the South gate, there were only five or six thousand of them. The Lord had fifty thousand men guarding the South Gate, but now there were less than twenty thousand remaining at the north Gate. I am afraid that less than half of them were still able to fight. Can they still defend it?

Fear crept into my heart.

At this time, only heard the road Gong Xing: "General Chu! General Chu!"

I looked back. Lu Gongxing had come up the city with his vanguard battalion. I saluted and said, "General Lu."

He looked at me and said, "This snake man is very different. Be careful."

That was all he said, and he said no more to me. The vanguard battalions were assigned over the city. Forward Battalion is now 1,800, 800 men, and he's done a much better job of reorganizing it than I have. I don't know what he means, but the Dragon Scale is between the fourth and fifth battalions. Perhaps it is to let me and Qilied take care of some.

At the end of the garrison, Qi Lie came over and gave me a salute, saying, "General Chu."

He became a centurion and grew up a lot. I smiled and said, "Be careful."

He said, "General, you must be careful too."

"He said and turned away. I don't know why, but I always thought he meant something.

Is there anyone in Vanguard who wants to harm me? I glanced around. The men of the Forward Battalion were watching the city with rapt attention. Gate this section by the forward camp and the dragon scale army guard, Luo Jingwei back after the army heart has been set, Hu Shi 'an is touring around.

That's just me being paranoid. I shook my head. The Serpents were gathered in the dark beneath the city.

The biggest difference between these snake people and their predecessors is their strict discipline. In the old days, the Serpents fought on their own. In the field, they fought like wind and rain, but they fought against each other. But now these serpents looked like a well-trained army.

The rain came down and my hair was wet and my face was covered with rain. I pulled my hand and said, "General King."

Jin Qianshi came to the way: "Leader, how?"

I said, "Who was the man who shot the arrow? Ask him to come."

Jin Qianshi said, "His name is Jiang Zaixuan. He is the best archer in the Dragon Scale Army, and probably also the best archer in the whole army."

First in the army? I couldn't help laughing a little. They did not know Tan Qing, and Tan Qing certainly had archery skills like his. But Tan Qing told me that he had once competed with a junior officer under Marquis Wen in the army to shoot at a target at 500 paces, and he usually hit eighty-five and six of 100 arrows, while that man could hit at least ninety. It is possible to say "one hundred arrows hit one hundred targets". Although the Dragon Scale Army could not be said to be the strongest, it could be said to be the most conceit. I said nothing. "Invite him."

Jin Qianshi shouted: "Jiang Zaixuan, Jiang Zaixuan!"

A short young man came up to me and knelt down before me. "Jiang is kowtowing to the governor."

I said: "General Jiang please rise."

I had only my right hand to move, so I reached out one hand to help him up. Jiang Zaixuan is only in his early twenties. Although he is not tall, he is very strong. He carried a short bow at his back, only an elbow long.

Can such a short bow shoot arrows with such strength? I used to use the Guan Ri bow, Tan Qing once told me that the bow force is too strong, the aim is very difficult to grasp, improper force, but not as effective as the soft bow. But I was so used to such a hard bow that it was hard for me to make any further advances in the art of shooting. Jiang Zaixuan may be as capable as Tan Qing.

Make the best use of one's talents. Military instructors in the military academy, including Lu Jingyu who also taught me, almost all said so. This is also the true meaning of the way of general.

I said, "General Jiang, your archery is very strong. Is there anyone else in the Dragon Scale Army who can match you?"

"Five or six," Jiang said.

I said, "Gather them together in one place and stand guard behind them. If the Serpents attack the city, crush them with arrows."

Jiang in Xuan raised his head, face a little excited color, way: "Report to command, Xuan is willing to fight to the death."

I smiled, said: "Can not die, or not die good."

The Dragon Scale Army is accustomed to charge. In the past, a master archer like him could not show his strength in charge. Therefore, the Dragon Scale Army had such a master archer, but he had to be an ordinary soldier. As I watched him walk up the archery with six men, I felt a pang of sadness.

What do soldiers like us do, other than kill?

Then the serpents beneath the city let out a great roar. Snakes didn't seem to be able to bark, but these snake men roared loudly, much louder than I, though not as loud as a thunder drum.

The Serpents are about to attack.

"Be careful," I shouted. "Don't let the snake man climb the top of the city!"

The Queen army had not yet engaged the Serpents, and the soldiers who had retreated into the city were already disorganized. If the vanguard and the Dragon Scale were not to bear the brunt, I am afraid that the whole army would collapse immediately, and Hu Shi 'an would not be able to stop them at all.

The Longscale soldiers were lined up at the wall, and I moved to the edge and stared down.

The serpents under the city were lined up in neat rows, each with a large shield in the first row. Their shields were not boards like those used in the siege of the mountain capital at the south gate, but real shields, each nearly twice the size of our usual ones, and the Serpents in the first row were hidden behind them, so tight and weatherless that we could not shoot them with arrows. If they move in this way, it's hard to resist.

On my right was Qillie's fifth vanguard battalion. Now there are more than seventy people in the fifth battalion. Qi Lie is standing on the far left of the fifth battalion, only a step away from me. When he was my guard, he was like a big boy. Now he stood still and stood upright, with the air of a general. I was careful: "Xiao Lie, are you sure?"

Qi Lie turned his head, smiled and said: "General, don't worry, we have Mr. Zhang do fire thunder bomb, I am afraid he does not attack."

Fire bomb? I then thought of the gunpowder made by Chang Longyou. Probably some kind of weapon made of gunpowder?

At that moment, the first group of snake people suddenly spread out from the center, and a group of snake people rushed in from behind, pushing a very long cart. They were really only small cars with a long plank on them.

What does that do?

I immediately thought, that's a bridge car!

The Imperial Army also had bridgecrafts for crossing rivers and gullies, but the Imperial Army's bridgecrafts looked a little different. They were lighter and lighter. The Snakermen were so clumsy that if they were pushed by human beings, it would only take dozens of people to push one.

As soon as they reached the edge of the moat, the road shouted respectfully, "All the army shoot arrows!"

Over the city, arrows rained down. An arrow rarely kills a snake man, but it doesn't waltz slowly. Fortunately, the snake man is not born to shoot, archery is still difficult to resist.

The serpents with their shields closed like two doors to protect the cart. Their movements were so uniform that they resembled well-trained soldiers. The arrows rained down on the shields like hedgehogs, but few were able to penetrate the crevasses of the serpents. The Longscale soldiers were a little impatient. I looked up at Lu Kung-xing, who was standing on the high ground. He looked down, his face as usual.

There must be some way to deal with it, or the Lord would not have sent only two of our two thousand men to the North Gate. I left the forward camp for a few days, these days, Chang Longyou may have made a lot of new weapons, Qi Liye said "fire thunder bomb" may be one of them.

When the bridge cart reached the edge of the moat, the snake men gave it a sudden push. Their trolley was actually a long plank of wood resting on top of two trolleys. With such a push, the cart in front was suspended over the moat, and a dozen snakes were holding down the rear end. The front end was raised like a lever. It was half a foot thick and two feet wide, and had a notch cut into it for some unknown purpose. Such a weight, in the back alone with the weight of a dozen snakes, must be something heavy at the back. It's just that it's a pretty elaborate design, and I can't believe that a human eater like a snake man could have come up with such a thing.

Then I remembered the pulley I had seen at the top of the flagpole. The pulley is also very delicate, not ordinary people can make.

Which side does the snake man belong to? If someone is behind them, who is it? What's more, the snake people's reinforcements are getting stronger and stronger. I don't believe that there will be such a big difference in the short term if only the snake people are relied on.

Was the Sandu army merely the spearhead of the Serpents' quest? However, Sandu Na's army came with great force. If 100,000 men were only in the vanguard, how many troops would follow? And when the mountain attack only five or six thousand troops, and do not know how to explain.

The Snake Man has set up two boards on the moat. At this moment, suddenly from the group of snakes issued a shout, a banner unending, behind, and a car slowly over.

Some eagle-eyed one exclaimed, "Siege chariots!"

Sure enough, it was a huge siege car. They were identical in shape to Imperial siege vehicles, which were mounted on a giant log with a pointed head and iron sheathed. Only, it was a third larger than the Imperial Army's largest siege vehicle, the Invincible. It would take two or three hundred men to propel the Invincible, and though the serpents were much stronger than men, the trolleys were crowded around the sides of the siege chariots.

It would take less than two or three blows for such a huge siege vehicle to break the gates open, even against the walls. The Snake Man brought the bridge cart first. No wonder there was a concave rail on the plank. That was for the purpose of the siege cart. Almost everyone felt a chill. I looked at the road and he was a little stunned.

The Serpents of the past could only attack the city by force. The Imperial army could not fight them alone, but in numbers, they could hold it easily. This time, however, the Serpents were disciplined and well-armored, and they had all the siege equipment and siege techniques that even the strongest troops of the Imperial army had. At first, although we were all a little worried, having held off so many Snake-man attacks, we were not too afraid. But by this time, whoever it was, confidence was shaky.

It was such a shock that the city became almost deathly silent.

At this time, the city suddenly sounded "clank" two pipa sound. Then, a series of tunes. In a heavy rain, the voice carried strangely clear, it seemed to ring in the ear.

I felt as if a basin of cold water were pouring over my head. I could hear Lu Gongxing Shouting in my ear, "Who will blow up that snake man bridge?"

The sound of the pipa became more and more urgent, but every note was in perfect harmony. One could hear the sound of a thousand iron hooves galloping along, yet one could distinguish the sound of each one pounding on the ground.

Road Gong line at this time has completely restored to just that calm, command if set. At this moment, a loud and clear song of an old man was heard from the pipa:

"On the high tide of pride,

Look up high,

Where there is a vast expanse of land,

Good man,

Be not afraid to be buried in the green hills."

The song pathos passionate, the old man's voice although old, but as if there is a great power, let everyone's blood boiling.

In the midst of this song, a man shouted, "You who have courage, follow me!" With the cry, a man dropped from a rope at the head of the city and cried, "Come, you who have courage!"

It was Lloyd!

His thirteenth battalion, which had been guarding the main gate, rushed down after him. His battalion had lost a lot of men, and though it had been replenished, it was now only fifty or so. These fifty or so men can be regarded as the elite of the Chinese army, all vigorous. There was almost no return from the lower city, but they all rushed to the edge of the moat, and by this time the siege vehicles were almost on the other side of the moat.

Suddenly a dozen of the Serpents on the other side of the river jumped and swam. Snake people were born to know how to swim. As soon as they entered the water, they did not wait for my order. Jiang Zaixuan, which was guarding the archery tower, fired their arrows. They were all expert archers. When a row of archers shot down, half of the dozen snake men were killed at once. By this time Lloyd had rushed to the two planks, and they tried to move them, but they were so heavy that they could not move them at all. "Thunderbolt!" exclaimed Lloyd.

I can finally see the firebolt!

At the same time, Lloyd and several other soldiers took from their arms a small pot the size of a fist, and struck it with a sickle of fire. But the rain was so heavy that they could not knock at all. Lu Gongheng called from the top of the city, "General Law, you put lightning bombs on that plank!"

Lloyd was still trying to strike the sickle of fire, when Clair shouted, "General Law, be careful! The siege chariots are coming!"

The front wheel of the great siege chariot had rolled on the rails of the wooden planks, and a great many serpents were pushing forward with all their might. Arrows were raining down over the city, and serpents with shields were protecting them. Now and then an arrow was shot through the crevasses, but the serpents were rushing back and forth, ignoring the casualties.

Both boards vibrated and clucked as the siege wagons pressed against them. Because of the rain, the cart, though heavy, was pushed faster and faster. "Quick," shouted Lloyd, "put the firebomb on it first!"

He rushed up the plank, ignoring the oncoming siege car. Another soldier mounted another piece, and the soldiers on the shore threw them into their hands. Lloyd quickly placed them in the hollow rail above, and sometimes one of them fell into the water by mistake.

In the twinkling of an eye, a dozen firebombs were piled on each board.

This name is very powerful, but it looks like a little inconspicuous fire thunder bomb on the board, like two piles of small wine cans, probably Zhang Longyou also used small wine cans modified. I did not know why, but I was half ready to laugh, when Lloyd jumped back to the shore and found another firebomb, which was flaring wildly, but there was no shade under the city, and he could not hit it. Several thunderbolts were thrown from the top of the city, but the plank, though two feet wide, was not easy to hit. A few of them hit, but didn't explode, and most of them went straight into the water without a sound.

Lu Gongxing shouted from the top of the city, "Don't waste the fire grenade, quick, use the rocket!"

He had placed a bright arrow on the string. The pines were burning. He drew his bow and shot down an arrow.

The arrow was right in the middle of the firebomb. But the rain was so heavy that the fire was put out.

City head of the soldiers like a dream square wake up, have tied the arrow Songming shot down. Torches had been put a lot of the city, before I knew the snake people fear fire, the head of the city was everywhere torches. But the rain was heavy, and though many of the arrows hit the board, they went out in one blow.

I can't shoot with my hand in a sling. The battering cart had by this time reached the firebombs, and as the great ship was about to run over them, Lloyd cried, "On the wall, give me a torch!"

Someone at the head of the city threw down a torch. Some time ago, these torches became known as snake people's fear of fire, and they were inserted all over the city. "Who's got another firebolt?" exclaimed Lloyd, taking it in his hand.

A soldier on the side handed one to Lloyd, who took it, and with a sudden leap on the board, rushed under the wheel.

He was going to blow up the board!

Across town, almost everyone was stunned. With little regard for his own life, and with little regard for the formidable force of the siege car that was bearing down upon him, Lloyd lit the firebomb on the board, and threw it at the pile.

He was only a step or two away from the wheel, and if it had not been set off, it would have broken Lloyd in half. No soldier would have the courage to die like that, though.

By this time the wheel had run over the projectiles, and I could hear the jar breaking. Almost at the same moment there was a loud noise under the wheel, almost a shock and a boom on the wall, a great cloud of smoke rose from below, the board on the left broke in two, and the great siege car went sideways and fell across the moat with a loud crash.

This time, no matter how strong the Serpents are, they won't be able to push the siege chariots any further.

There was a shout of joy at the head of the city as the siege chariots fell, and a loud roar from the Serpents. The Serpents with shields mounted the fallen siege wagons on the river and charged, mistaking them for a bridge. From the archery tower, the arrows flew down from time to time. The snake men, holding their shields, rushed at all risks.

Lu Gong Xing shouted: "Quick! Get General Law up here!" He had rushed to the edge of the city, clutching at the dangling rope. I saw then that Lloyd was lying on his side, covered in blood.

Is he hurt?

I don't know how powerful that firebolt was, and by the sound of it, it was powerful. I ran to the wall too, holding the rope with one hand. Dozens of people in the lower town were clinging to ropes and trying to climb up.

Under the city, no one would claim to be a match for the Serpents. Fortunately, the Serpents could not climb quickly on the siege cart, and the arrows from the archery stopped them even more.

After the thirteenth battalion of the forward had been brought up to the city, the road was polite: "Take General Law to the medical camp for treatment. The others prepare fire and thunder bombs. The Serpents cannot climb the walls."

But the Snake-men did not attack again. The Snake-men, who had mounted their siege vehicles, saw that the Imperial troops in the lower city had mounted again, and retreated quickly to the sound of a gong in the Snake-men's camp.

The Snakemen really look like a well-trained army.

I looked at Lu Gongxing. There was a worried look on his face. Maybe he was thinking about that, too. When the first snake appeared in the city, he had been worried about this, but the Lord was not concerned at all at that time. Now that I think of it, those snake people must have been the same kind of people, who notified us as soon as we conquered the city, which is why the snakes attacked at this moment.

If we had been ready then, or had retreated when the Serpents first attacked, we might not have come to this.

The soldiers of the Queen Army at the head of the city cheered as the Serpents retreated. They had never known the power of the Serpents, and since we had taken few casualties while defending the city, they thought we had won. However, it did not occur to them that if Lu Gongxing's vanguard battalion did not have fire and thunder bombs this time, the city would never be defended.

The snake man is much wiser.

At this time, Hu Shi 'an happily walked over and said, "Two generals, General Luo, please go over." His face was irrepressible too.

Lu Gongxing looked at me and said, "OK, we'll go right away. General Chu, let's go."

His eyes looked strange, but I didn't mind. "General Lu, please."

The stretcher of the compass was in an archery. As soon as we reached him, we knelt down and said, "The Last general came to General Luo."

Luo Jingwei tried to sit up and said, "Two generals, please rise." He spoke with difficulty, and his face flushed with his movement. We stood up. Luo Jingwei said, "General Lu and General Chu, we owe our defense of the city to the efforts of our two generals. Jingwei hereby pays tribute to the two generals."

He saluted us from the stretcher, and we stood still and saluted back. However, Luo Jingwei's eyes did not have Hu Shi 'an as happy, also some worry.

He may also know that this is not a sustainable way to defend the city. In this battle, twenty thousand commanders of the rear army were all killed, and at least five thousand soldiers were lost. No one could tell what to do next.

It is a miracle that such a ruined city has survived. If not Lord Wu, I think maybe the snake man's first attack disarray, where can support? Luo Jingwei is also a general. He cannot fail to understand this truth. But now three gates were besieged, and the eastern gate, not knowing whether there was any war, might venture out just as badly as the Northern Gate. Now that I had lost the chance to retreat, I did not know what to do next.

Lu Gong Street: "General Luo, I want to ask, how did you encounter the snake man attack?"

Luo Jingwei was about to speak, but he coughed twice. Hu Shi 'an said, "We will camp outside the city and wait for the baggage camp to leave the city. The baggage battalion was just leaving the city when its soldiers came to report it. Suddenly a large army opened up on the northern road with unclear banners. At first, we did not expect it to be Serpents. We had ordered the Serpents to stand ready. However, this army of Serpents came so fast that it was ready to attack. If General Lu had not come in time to help us, we would have been destroyed."

We all have heavy hearts. The Serpents are getting stronger, and our morale is sinking. The city may not be long in coming.

I suddenly said: "General Luo, I want to ask you to beg a man."

Luo Jingwei said, "Which one does General Chu want?" There was a certain hesitation in what he said, and my coming to him at that moment was a little like trying to steal a corner from him.

I said: "Your army five battalions small school Wu Wanling."

He breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Wanling is just a small school, probably he does not know. I heard I didn't ask him for a stalwart general in the rear army, so there's nothing to be nervous about. He said, "Well, General Chu will take him away."

Taking leave of Luo Jingwei and returning to the city head, there was some laughter and laughter above the city head, but it was all after the army. They thought they had won the battle because they had defended the city without casualties. But I don't know what happens when those snake people attack the second time.

When they returned to their quarters, they saw the rear army driving down the people from the archery. The dishevelled town-dwellers, not knowing whether the life they had just picked would have to be left here, were wandering about. Impatient, one of the soldiers of the rear army pointed his gun at them, and Lu Gong shouted: "Stop!"

The soldier looked at the road and, somewhat alarmed, put back his gun. Lu Gongxing walked over and said, "Who was playing the pipa just now?"

The old woman looked behind her and shouted, "We told the old man not to play, but he didn't listen."

At this time, an old man is coming out of the archery, the woman said: "Lao Mu, you really want to kill us!"

The road Gong line shouted: "Shut up!" He stepped forward quickly and said, "Old man, please go well."

Perhaps never since the war had an Imperial general treated Republican townspeople so politely. The woman was a little stunned, wondering what kind of medicine Lu Gongxing had taken. The old man looked at Lu Gong Xing and sighed, "I am sorry, but I will be ashamed of the Grand duke. I didn't think you beasts would understand our funeral song."

There was still a defiant tone in his voice. The old man was so angry, and the song he was singing was a Republican funeral song? As soon as he said this, the soldier beside him aimed his gun at him, and feared to stab him in the face.

Lu Gongxing just smiled and said, "Old man, the Imperial Army and the Republican Army, they are just people. Please let them go out through the east gate. Each of them will be given a piece of bread.

He gave the order and turned away.

I was a little stunned. I thought I was the only one who could be so soft-hearted, but I never thought that this stony road could say such things. If the Imperial Army and the Republican Army were both men, who was right and who was wrong in the war?

I shook my head a little worriedly. At this time, Gold Qianshi way: "Head, we go back to the order?"

"All right," I said. I'll go and say good-bye to the Governor. '

I walked up behind him and whispered, "General Lu."

He was looking at the retreating forward battalion when he heard my voice and turned. "General Chu."

I said: "I'm going back to pay the order, goodbye."

He nodded and said, "Yes, I have to go too." As I was leaving, he suddenly said, "General Chu, you must be careful these days."


Before I could understand him for a moment, he had turned back to his battalion to take the roll. I patted my head and said, "General King, let's call the roll and return the order."

The Vanguard Battalion did most of the defending, but our Longscale army did a fair bit of good by getting the rout into the city in an orderly manner, and it was even more important that the Serpents did not seize the drawbridge.

Gold Qianshi point name, way: "Report to command, the dragon scale army should be three hundred and six people, actually to three hundred and five, outpost soldiers Wu Keqing missing."

That Wookeqing was probably killed in battle, wasn't he? Every time someone goes missing, their decaying bodies are found a short time later. This time only one person lost, really nothing. But one life ended, anyway.

I can't help feeling sad. At this time, the ear heard someone said: "General Chu, Wu Wanling came to report."

I looked up. Wu Wanling was standing on the side. I smiled and said, "General Wu, you are here? Please get in the queue."

As we retreated, Luo Jingwei was carried out to salute us, and we all saluted him as we mounted our horses. The proud general, not very old though he was, was now as plain as an old man.

Back at the West Gate, the West Gate is also a mess. Fortunately, the right army was under the command of Shen Xiping and had a strong fighting force. Although there were many Snake men attacking the west Gate, they were not as well equipped as the Snake men attacking the North Gate. After a fierce battle and two thousand losses, the rightwing army secured the city gate and allowed the Serpents to leave hundreds of bodies behind. Chai Sheng-sang may be a bit of a braggart, but his fighting power is certainly worthy of his name.

I let gold Qianshi will arrange the dragon scale army, go to the order. The Dragon Scale Army has been reorganized three sentry, Wu Wanling was appointed by me after the left battalion sentry officer, to select troops into the Dragon Scale army. The Longscale sentry was the equivalent of a centurion in the Vanguard battalion, a step higher than his old junior colonel, but these were special and he had risen several ranks at once.

I rode to the Marquis's army account to pay the order. Along the way, you can see the charred ruins of the house. I don't know how Bai Wei and Purple Polygonum are doing. There is no battle report from the East Gate. Maybe they can reach the Wuyang City smoothly.

For some reason, the more people I kill, the softer my heart gets. My father was just an ordinary junior officer who dreamed that his son could become a general, so I was sent to the military academy by him when I was young. Now I am a junior officer, barely worthy of the title of "general", but in my heart, I hate war even more.

After a short walk, I suddenly heard a low voice beside me: "General."

It was the voice of Qillie. I looked at the side, saw Qi Lie a little sneaky out, behind the front several long, they are also greeting me. I laughed and cursed: "Xiao Lie, what are you doing?"

He didn't look happy. "General," he said, "Did you know you had a Wookeqing in your battalion?"

My heart moved. That's the name of the missing man Kim told me about, or I wouldn't have known. I said, "What's wrong with him?"

"He was one of the soldiers of the shogun."

He said only one word, and went back to the things.

The army of the Marquis? Qi Lilie's words have made my heart a great deal of waves. There are more than a dozen people who join the army in the shogunate, of which there are naturally the first class counsellors such as High Tie Chong, who are regarded as the stock of the Marquis, and there are also Zhang Longyou, who has just been the Marquis's green eyes and fame, but many people do not know what they are. Those who might enter the shogunate were men of real talent and learning, no matter how famous they were. What does this Wookeqing throw into the Dragon Scale Army mean?

Suddenly, my heart felt like a needle.

The Lord is doubting me!

The plan of flying into the Serpent camp with a kite and attacking it with gunpowder was foolproof, but the result was a complete failure. It occurred to me then, too, that a mole might have leaked secrets. But who in the army would tell a snake man? I couldn't imagine anyone joining the Serpents, and no one except the senior officers of the Forward Battalion and the Central Army knew about it. Marquis Wu must have thought so too. He was so eager to get his team, and he must have had the intention of forcing the traitor to reveal himself. It was a little strange that I had come back from the Serpent camp in one piece, but at that time I had been asking people for advice on Labor's strategy. It must have been reported to the Lord.

However, man is not as good as heaven. With the ability of Marquis Wu, he never expected that snake men also appeared in the west and north gates. His scheme was still a failure. That's what he wanted to watch me do, right, when he enlisted Naruke Chin in the Dragon Scale Army? No wonder Lu Gongxing also spoke to me in such a strange tone. He must have wanted to warn me. No wonder I didn't even know something as powerful as a firebomb was made.

I'm a little bored. After many battles, the Lord still doubts me. Do you always have to be suspicious when you are a general?

I beat the horse and let it go at a leisurely pace.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Alon Long

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We are the ones who make a brighter day

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