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Chance, Fate & Chocolate Cake

When adventure calls, don't hesitate.

By Jessie WaddellPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read
Top Story - July 2021
Chance, Fate & Chocolate Cake
Photo by BRUNO EMMANUELLE on Unsplash

London was everything Sophie dreamt it would be. After a long day of sightseeing, she was exhausted yet satisfied. She had one last stop on her tour before she could finally retire to her hotel room for the night. Although she was seriously considering skipping the last stop and sneaking away to her luxurious hotel bed early, she knew she'd regret it tomorrow.

She decided sugar was the only solution. She stared longingly through the patisserie window and tapped her bottom lip with her index finger, eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated the very serious choice between the slice of chocolate cake or the lemon tart.

"You have no idea, do you?"

"Excuse me?"

Sophie looked up to see a curious looking red-haired man staring at her with an appreciative smirk on his face. He wasn't handsome in a conventional way, but she immediately noticed his blue eyes and the hint of mischief in his expression.

"You have no idea how distracting you are. Here I am, taking the same walk I take every day. About to walk into my favourite cake shop, when suddenly I notice the most peculiar creature perusing the selection from the shop window."

Unsure of what to say or what he meant by peculiar, she found herself staring back at the stranger with a dumbfounded expression.

"Come..." he held out his hand, "Let me buy you that slice of chocolate cake you were so fixated on."

She hesitantly placed her hand in his and let him lead her into the store. This was fine, she thought. It was a busy, public place. Surely no harm could come from a slice of cake... She cringed inwardly at how "famous last words" that thought process seemed.

"How did you know I'd pick the chocolate cake?" She asked shyly as he handed her the cute little takeaway box that held the single slice of cake.

"Oh... well. I guess I just knew you weren't a lemon tart kinda lass..."

He smiled awkwardly. His charm and confidence seeming a little less dominant now. He was a Scot, she decided, at first, she might have guessed Irish, but the slight roll to his r's and the melodic way he spoke indicated that he was definitely not from Ireland. As an Australian in London, she was slowly beginning to understand the mix of accents she frequently encountered, and she'd only been here a week.

"What about me told you that?"

"Ha. Well, at risk of coming across as a total slice of cheese.... you looked too sweet."

Sophie erupted with laughter.

"Is this your thing? Picking up tourists and wooing them with cake and cheesy pick-up lines?"

"Well, that all depends. Is it working?"

They laughed together for a time before settling into a comfortable silence. They'd taken a seat on a bench in the park across from the patisserie and were watching some ducks on the small pond.

"Sophie..." she finally said, breaking the silence and extended her hand for a handshake.

"Callum." he smiled warmly and took her hand in his.

Sophie studied his face closely. She felt comfortable with him, even though they'd just met. He was warm and seemed genuine, and despite her teasing, she didn't believe he made a habit of picking up strange girls on street corners. She looked away from him and stared thoughtfully at the pond.

She'd taken the plunge to make this trip solo. Having finally broken free from her dead-end job and her stagnant relationship. She was 27, single and travelling abroad. When she boarded the plane in Sydney she told herself that she wanted a real adventure, and should the opportunity present itself; she wouldn't hesitate.

Callum looked like an adventure.

"You live here in the city?"

"Temporarily. For the duration of my current job. Then home to Scotland. And you?"

"Visiting. My first time."

She contemplated whether she should let him know she was travelling alone. She'd seen the movies after all...

"My friends and I took different tours today..." she lied, feeling a little guilty, but she needed to play it safe. "So, I have time to kill, if you're not busy?"

His face lit up at her suggestion.

"Tell me where you want to go, Sophie...."

She popped the last piece of cake in her mouth and savoured the delicious, chocolatey taste. She turned to Callum with a glint in her eye,

"I don't mind. But make it an adventure."

"Wait here. I'll be right back."

Before she could stop him, Callum darted down the street. After about ten minutes had passed, she was still sitting on the bench, and she had begun to wonder if he had deserted her. The roar of the motorcycle engine caused her to look up, and she saw Callum pulling up to the curb. Her stomach did a little flip at the sight of him on the bike. She took back what she thought about him not being conventionally handsome. Sitting there on the motorcycle with his form-fitting leather jacket and blue jeans, he was giving off some serious James Dean vibes.

He didn't say a word and simply held out a helmet and jacket for her, which she wasted no time in putting on before jumping on the back of the bike, wrapping her arms around his waist. She knew if she hesitated, she'd lose her nerve, and she was determined not to let her head get in the way of this.

She relished in the scenery as they made their way out of the city. She had no idea where they were headed, but they rode for roughly an hour before Callum pulled the bike to a stop outside a beautiful, old building nestled in the side of the hill. "The Duke of Cumberland Arms", she read on the sign as she dismounted the bike and removed her helmet.

"A pub?" She looked at Callum quizzically. She asked for an adventure, and Australia was full of pubs. A pub was hardly an adventure.

"Never judge a book, lass", he winked at her before taking her hand and leading her into the grounds. The gesture sent the butterflies in her stomach into overdrive.

They made their way around the back, past the pub, through the beer garden and down into a glen. She could hear music, but it wasn't coming from the pub. It was coming from further down. They weaved through the glen as the music became louder. In the distance, she could see a marquee tent set up. Fairy lights were strung around, and she could see the silhouette of the bodies inside, dancing to the folk music that was blasting from within.

As they made their way to the marquee entrance, her eyes grew wide when they stepped inside.

"Callum! This is someone's wedding! We can't be here!"

"We can if we're invited." He shrugged casually before he was tackled by a group of large, rowdy men.

"Alright, alright, get off me!" He shouted playfully as he escaped their hold.

"Sorry mate! Didn't think we'd see you here!" One of them said, patting Callum in the shoulder.

"And who's this then?" The same one asked, looking approvingly at Sophie, obviously a little drunk.

"This is Sophie. My date." Callum said as he draped his arm around her shoulders. She made no move to stop him, or correct him. In fact, she quite liked the sound of being Callum's date. She placed her hand on his torso affectionately and smiled warmly at his friend.

"Nice to meet you."

"Callum? You came..."

Sophie looked past Callum's friend toward the source of the question and found herself looking at none other than the bride. She was stunning. Beyond stunning, actually. She had the most exquisite ivory lace gown that hugged her slender figure perfectly. Her brown locks were curled perfectly and pinned at one side with a small pearl and diamond clip. Her pretty face was perfectly made up to accentuate her full lips, high cheekbones and dazzling green eyes.

Sophie couldn't help but feel dreadfully inadequate.... and underdressed. She also felt Callum's grip on her tighten as he seemed to tense up at the sight of her.

"And... you brought a guest?" She said, looking me up and down, her lovely features contorting with disapproval.

"I did. This is Sophie. Sophie, Miranda. Where is Peter?"

"By the bar, I'll get him!" One of Callum's friends chimed in, oblivious to the tension of the interaction.

Peter, who Sophie had deduced to be the groom made his way swiftly to where they stood and embraced Callum in a bear hug. Complete with the firm back-patting that men seem to do when they hug. She saw the resemblance immediately. Peter had to be Callum's brother. If not for him having brown hair instead of red, and looking a little older around the eyes, they could have been twins.

Sophie stood awkwardly, listening to their exchange and putting the pieces together. Peter was in fact, Callum's older brother and this was his wedding. For some reason, Callum had declined his invitation. Something about not being able to get off work. Peter hugged Callum again, evidently glad that he could make it. Miranda's stare was fixed on Callum the entire time, which struck Sophie as odd. After the pleasantries were over and Sophie had been introduced to Peter, who she instantly liked much like how she felt about Callum, the MC called the couple to the floor for their first dance.

As they began to sway slowly to "Love you til the End" by The Pogues, a little cliche, Sophie thought to herself, Callum leant in and whispered in her ear,

"Come outside with me...."

She followed him outside and realised the sun had gone down. The area around the marquee was illuminated by a few small firepits scattered around and fairy lights strung up between trees and posts. It was stunning.

Callum grabbed her and spun her around before dipping her. She couldn't help but giggle at the move.

He pulled her back up and held her close and they gently swayed to the rhythm of the dulled tones coming from inside the tent.

"So, are you gonna explain any of this?"

Callum gave her a half-smile and continued to sway as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Miranda's not good enough for Peter...." he sighed. "And I don't like keeping secrets from my brother, but if he knew, it'd kill him."

"You don't have to tell me..."

"No. I want to. I need to tell someone. And something tells me I can trust you, Sophie."

Sophie turned her head and rested it on his shoulder as they continued their steady rhythm. Gesturing without words for Callum to continue.

"It was a mistake. I was drunk, very drunk. It's no excuse but she was sober. She knew exactly what she was doing and with who. By the next morning, when I sobered up to find her in my bed... Well, it was too late to undo what was done."

Sophie's heart hurt at Callum's admission. Somehow she knew he would never have knowingly done anything to hurt his brother, and the guilt was tearing him up.

"I wasn't going to come. But then I saw you outside the patisserie. Staring down that chocolate cake with such fierce determination. I was mesmerised. I'd never felt so instantly captivated by another person. And then, well, you let me buy you some cake and asked me for an adventure. Call me crazy but, I took it as a sign to come here."

Sophie smiled to herself at his words. The truth was she felt connected to him too.

"So what now?" She asked sweetly, pulling away to look him in the eyes.

"Well, how about we finish this dance, and then I have every intention of kissing you... After that, I suggest we go looking for our next adventure.... what do you say?"


Want more Sophie & Callum? Pt. 2 available here:


About the Creator

Jessie Waddell

I have too many thoughts. I write to clear some headspace. | Instagram: @thelittlepoet_jw |

"To die, would be an awfully big adventure"—Peter Pan | Vale Tom Brad

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    Jessie WaddellWritten by Jessie Waddell

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