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Cat In The Mirror 2

Pete Meets The Dragon Cat

By Mariann CarrollPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
Cat In The Mirror 2
Photo by Nika Benedictova on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn’t my own.

Pete was surrounded by darkness, and he saw scary creatures appearing and disappearing in front of him.

He saw his friend Ben with red eyes accusing him of

Stealing. He saw his professors telling him to quit, he is no good. He saw his car completely torn apart and rusty. He hear the thunder laughter of glee. Someone is laughing at his misfortune.

The cat started to meow again, and images disappeared as the cat’s bright eye lit a pathway. Pete wondered if he should follow the cat or find a way to get out of the mirror? It was too dark for him to see. He had no choice but to follow the cat.

He saw the light area; he turned towards it and ignored the cat meowing. He did not trust the cat. He was at the threshold of the light area. It was looked inviting. It was just clouds. He took a step and fell in an endless pit of darkness again. He was not sure if he would have a soft or hard landing. He tried to scream but no sound came out.

He landed very hard and one of his legs made a cracking noise. It was painful. It was very dim and cold. He noticed his injured left leg separated from his body and blood was everywhere. He was very weak and in great pain.


Pete woke up intact and painless next to the cat lying next to him. The cat did not meow but spoke to him.

“Always follow me. You can lose your life here if you make the wrong turn. I am trying to save you before the curse consumes you. I will tell you everything when we get to a safer plain in this prison.

Pete was thinking how there can be a safe plain. “How did I get here and how can a cat talk?” he asked the cat.

“I am not really a cat; I am your grandmother. I have been trapped in this mirror for years now.” his grandmother told him.

“You have been gone for five years grandma.” Pete told her.

“I have been gone for only five years. It felt longer than that.” his grandma told him sadly.


The Mirror is a mystery to most who enter. The only way out is if the Dragon cat flies you out. You only get 9 chances in the Mirror. You become nothing and the Mirror owns your soul. Not even the Dragon cat can save you after you lose your 9 chances. You get hurt, that is one chance. Beware of the Goblins, they are invisible. They prevent anything from leaving the Mirror. They fulfill the family curses from occurring. The easy way out is to Marry the Curse Lady in the Mirror. She is not very pretty to look at. She is dripping with blood all over her body. She wears a torn dark blue dress. She has long black hair. She wears heavy makeup to cover her disfigured face. She has creepy crawlers all over her. She can remove the family curse. She does a spiritual dance that removes curses. You will have marry her in order for it to work.

The Dragon Cat looks more like a catfish with black fur and sparkling blue eyes. Dragon Cat lives in the Forbidden Water. It's dark water where it foams glow blue lights. It has a toxic smell and no human can drink from it.

The goblins are the only one who can leave the Mirror

without any help.


Pete woke up in a strange cabin. He was wondering if he was still in the Mirror. The cat told him everything he needed to know to survive in the mirror. He need to stay away from the Forbidden Water in the mirror. The Snakes don't bite unless you move while they are on you. The Rats are the worst. They are afraid of fire and light. The cabin has candles and torches . The cat told him never to leave the cabin without them.

Pete had to find the Dragon Cat and convenience it to fly him out of the Mirror. He certainly do not want to marry the Curse lady.


Pete mom went to work without checking on Pete.

The Goblins left the Mirror and had fun damaging Cathy’s house. Cathy had spent a lot of money on repairing the house. She thought things got damaged because everything was old. The goblins are very destructive. They take parts from appliances . They break light bulbs. They put holes in the roof. They break the floors . Places things where they don't belong. Poor Cathy thinks she is getting old. She thinks she had absent minded put things in the wrong spot.


Pete left the cabin in search of the dragon cat. He met a lot of strange creatures in the mirror. He met the Curse Lady.

She looked very scary and sad. She asked Pete if he was going to marry her? She told him where to find her if he changed his mind. She lived in the Snake Tower near Death river.

Pete asked around for the dragon cat. No one would tell him where to find the dragon cat.

Pete met a map seller on his search.

“Hello, come on in my store . I have everything you need for a price.”

Pete looked at the small 3 feet rounded man with a strange looking alien face, who dragged him into his strange store.

The Building is leaning over . Strange dead animals are hanging everywhere. People’s body parts are on display in glass shelves.

“ You look new here lad. You will need a map to get around. These are no ordinary maps either. They will show you how to get to the seven realms in this Mirror. “ Granger told his new customer.

Pete got hopeful upon hearing the store owner have maps for sell. Could Pete trust this guy?

“ I need a map that will take me to the Cat Dragon.” Pete told Granger.

“ No problem but you have to give me one of your ears for a map that will take you to the dragon cat leer.” Granger said with a mischievous smile.

“ Will it be painful when you take my ear?” Pete asked.

“ Not at all, my friend. You will feel a little pitch, that's all.”

Granger assured him with a mischievous smile of his face.

Granger took his ear and blood was everywhere. It did not hurt much but Pete felt very weak.

“ You will feel better in no time ,mate” Granger assured Pete after taking his right ear away with glee.

Granger handed him a map he took from the back room of the store. There were bugs and cobwebs on the map.

Pete did not want to take it because of the bugs crawling everywhere.

“ I offer you some gloves, they cost a pinky.” Granger holding up some black cloth gloves.

“No thanks , I will just swak the map to remove the creepy crawlers.” Pete refuses the gloves.

Pete left the store and followed the map directions.

Pete ended up at the nasty smelling Forbidden Water Lake.

Just then the Dragon Cat broke out of the water surface and flew above Pete.

Forbidden Lake

Do you think the Dragon Cat will give Pete a ride out of the mirror or will Pete have to marry the curse lady that looked like a corpse?

Chapter 3 is coming soon. Thank you for reading my 2022 Halloween


Clink here for Chapter 1 of Cat in the Mirror .


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (7)

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    This was an intriguing and original concept! I can tell you put a lot of thought and work into this piece! Nicely, done!

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Stellar concept, creepy and well written!

  • Tiffany Gordon 2 years ago

    Very creative & enjoyable!

  • Absolutely brilliant concept and great writing

  • Wow what an imagination. Love this my friend

  • I loved the world you've built inside the mirror. Brilliant concept you've used for the dragon cat, goblins and the curse lady. I loved how Pete had to pay for the map. Excellence story! I loved it so much! Can't wait for the next part!

  • Wow!💕

Mariann CarrollWritten by Mariann Carroll

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