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Bull Ring

An unexpected find

By DianaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Bull Ring
Photo by Jay Cai on Unsplash

"The damn bull has gotten out again!" Grandpa exclaimed as he slammed the door behind him and stomped over to the kitchen table. Slumping into a chair, he slammed his palm onto the table, rattling the dishes I had been setting out for lunch.

He was immediately contrite.

"I'm sorry John, "he said, looking down at the floor. “It's been a rough time, and I shouldn't take it out on you.”

"It's alright Grandpa. After we eat, I'll go looking for him."

He started to protest, but I reminded him that the carpenter was coming to fix the very gate the bull kept using to escape and he needed to stay home to be here when the carpenter arrived. He agreed and seemed to withdraw into his own world as we ate mostly in silence.

It had been a very hard year for my grandfather. After 43 years of marriage, Grandma had passed away. We all told him he should retire now, sell the farm. But he and Grandma had built the farm together, gotten it going from nothing, and he insisted he would carry on with it as long as he could. It was what he had left of her, and he wasn't ready to let go yet. Then, just last week, Grandpa had been walking the fences and somewhere along the way, lost his wedding ring. Another piece of Grandma was gone, and he was devastated. I was home for a long weekend from college in hopes of cheering him up a bit, but it was rough going so far.

"You better get out there and start looking," Grandpa said, breaking into my thoughts. "The last thing I need is for him to manage to clear a fence. It's one thing if he gets my whole herd pregnant, but it's entirely another if he gets to a neighbor's cow. I'll stay here and clean up."

I nodded and prepared to go. Just as I reached the door, he turned to me and said, "Thank you, John. I really do appreciate you being here." He cleared his throat gruffly.

"I know Grandpa," I said, offering him a smile. "I love you."

I stepped out and sighed once the door closed behind me. I was happy to be there with him, but it was hard to see him like this. I wished there was something I could do to really help. Sighing again, I set off down along the fence.

The miles of walking were soothing and tiring all at once. It was quiet here, and soon all my worries started to fade. My concerns over my biology lab grade, and whether Christina would ever text me back, and what to do about my roommate leaving his dirty dishes lying around everywhere, none of that seemed important here. It was just me and the sound of my footsteps.

I had practically forgotten why I was out there when I saw the hulking shape of the bull ahead of me, calmly standing by the fence as if waiting for me. I quickened my pace before slowing again. I didn't want him to run off.

As I got closer, something caught the sunlight near him. A trick of the light, or the sun bouncing off his bull ring. But that wasn't quite right. The shimmering was coming from near his feet.

"No way," I said to myself, picking up my pace again. And there it was! Just feet away from him was my grandfather's ring. I picked it up, my mouth slightly open in shock. Grandpa wouldn't believe it! It would be just the thing to cheer him up.

I looked up at the bull as if expecting an explanation. Without me even trying to guide him back to the barn, his head dipped briefly as if nodding to acknowledge me. Then he turned and began the journey home.


About the Creator


I fancy myself a writer.

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