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Broken Trust: Part 3-Meetings and Partings

A Bridgerton Fanfiction

By Natasja RosePublished 6 days ago Updated 5 days ago 5 min read

Part 1: The Catalyst

Part 2: The Aftermath

The family carriage had broken a wheel, delaying their departure by some hours.

In dire need of some time to herself, Penelope and her maid departed for a walk in the nearby park.

“Excuse me, Miss Featherington?”

The caller was a young gentleman in a bath chair, Lord Remington, if Penelope recalled correctly. She curtsied politely, but a Baron’s daughter did not address a Lord without being introduced. Thankfully, he did not make her wait. “Forgive me for not having a third party to make the introductions, but I hoped to speak to you before the Ton departed for the country.”

Lord Remington was a Viscount, his estate not far from the Featheringtons. As the superior in rank, he could introduce himself to the daughter of a Baron. Penelope curtsied, “Forgive my surprise; not many people request to be introduced to me.”

He smiled sympathetically. “Nor me, despite my rank. I only wished to tell you that I heard what Mr Bridgerton said of you at the Ball, and it was very badly done of him.”

Penelope’s first instinct was to defend Colin, as she always had, but she fought it down. Even if Colin had not meant his remarks as they sounded, the words had been brash and thoughtless, and she had been hurt by them. “Thank you, my Lord. I should say that I never held any expectations of Mr Bridgerton, but he certainly could have phrased his lack of interest better.”

There was a dimple in Lord Remington’s cheek. “May I join you on your walk? We overlooked should stick together.”

Colin had never asked to walk with her, merely fallen into step with herself and Eloise. It was flattering. “I would be delighted.”

The footman attending Lord Remington began to push the chair along the gravelled path, and Penelope fell into step beside him. “I admired Lady Whistledown’s decision not to speculate, as so many gossip magazine’s do. Her pen is sharp, but she never publishes a falsehood.”

How nice it was for someone else to acknowledge that. Another reason Penelope could not have revealed herself to Queen Charlotte: she had no desire to print lies designed to make someone look good, even if that someone was the royal family. “It is only a pity that the cream of society provides her with so many scandalous truths.”

He laughed. “Indeed! I am something of a wallflower by necessity, as I cannot take to the dance floor, and I would shock you to reveal some of the things I overhear.”

Penelope doubted that she would be so very shocked as all that. Lady Whistledown did not publish even half of what Penelope Featherington overheard. “I did not realise that gentlemen could be wallflowers. Ivy, perhaps, or a trellis vine. I did not think men appreciated being compared to flowers.”
Lord Remington preened a little. “Ivy is a tenacious plant indeed. I like the comparison. A passionfruit vine, perhaps. They take years to bloom, and do so only briefly, but their fruits are worth it.”

He was an engaging conversationalist, and Penelope already regretted that she would have to return to her family soon. “They are indeed, as is your company. I regret that we were not acquainted before.”

He took her hand and bowed over it as much as he could. “My household departs for the country tomorrow. Should you find yourself at loose ends and in desire of company, you would be most welcome to call on my younger sister, though she is still in the nursery. I would be happy to keep you company until Felicity masters the art of polite conversation.”

Penelope spotted her family carriage halting at the edge of the park. “I would be delighted to call upon her, and upon you.”

For all of Eloise’s obliviousness, Anthony and Mother Violet, as the Dowager Lady Bridgerton had requested Kate call her, immediately grasped the enormity of Eloise’s transgressions. For several minutes, silence reigned, before Violet sighed. “Perhaps we presented Eloise too early, but she was going mad being limited to only family events, and it would have been unfair to Francesca, if she were forced to delay because Eloise was not ready.”

Anthony nodded in agreement. “We return to the country soon. Once we reach Aubrey Hall, Eloise will be returned to the Nursery with Hyacinth, and will go nowhere without an escort. If she wishes to be treated as an adult again, she may earn it by proving that she can act as one.”

Mother Violet frowned a little, “It will cause gossip, if she is not present next season when Francesca comes out, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Kate did not comment; it was not yet her place to decide punishments or guidance for the Bridgertons. Anthony paced a little. “We can hardly pay Penelope directly for the damage that was done… you said she had books damaged, and ruined stationary?”

Kate nodded. “I did not ask for an estimate of the price, but it was considerable. Some bedding, too, and a ballgown that will have to be dyed black if Miss Penelope is to wear it again.”

Anthony frowned, “I can open an account for Penelope at the Bookbinder in Somerton, near our estates, and take the funds out of Eloise’s pin money. He sells parchment and quills, too. We can claim that they were damaged during a Pall Mall game; most of Somerset knows how competitive the Bridgertons get.”

Mother Violet smiled a little. “I shall stop at the dressmakers and request a gown of Penelope’s choosing be made - without input from her mother on the colour or fabric. The Featheringtons were in mourning last year, so we missed Penelope’s birthday. It can be framed as a gift to make up for that.”

Penelope would look much nicer in pastels or jewel tones, Kate was quite sure. The bright citrus colours Lady Featherington insisted on were eye-catching, to be sure, but they did Penelope’s colouring no favours.

That settled, Mother Violet rose from her seat. “Before we bring Eloise down to know her punishment, did Penelope say anything of Colin?”

Kate briefly summarised what Penelope had overheard, and pained glances were exchanged. If Colin remained oblivious to Penelope’s feelings, his mother and brother certainly were not. Mother Violet covered her eyes. “The poor dear, she must have been devastated!”

Kate nodded. “She claimed to have no expectations, despite the attention Colin paid her, but yes, she was very hurt. Perhaps it is a good thing Colin will be continuing his grand tour now that the Season is over; it will give Penelope time to heal.”

Anthony rung the bell to summon a footman, “Yes. Between him and Eloise, I am not sure who Penelope will wish to see the least.”

Kate sighed, “She has a kind heart and far too little sense of her own worth; perhaps reconciliation is not out of the question, but it should be on Penelope’s terms.”

A footman appeared at the door. “My Lord, Lady Danbury sent her carriage for Miss Sharma. Do you wish to see Miss Bridgerton now?”

Kate did not particularly wish to return, but at least it removed the need for debate over whether she should be present for the upcoming lectures. Anthony took her arm. “I will escort you to the door, my dear. Please bring Eloise and Colin down, I will not be long.”

Read Part 4 here

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Natasja Rose

I've been writing since I learned how, but those have been lost and will never see daylight (I hope).

I'm an Indie Author, with 30+ books published.

I live in Sydney, Australia

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    Natasja RoseWritten by Natasja Rose

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