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Broken Mirrors

Fictional Story

By Delaney CarlsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Broken Mirrors
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Broken Mirrors

She is different.

She is special.

Everything ____ _____ touches seems to fall to ruin; from relationships to mirrors, she destroys it all.

It began when she tuned 7, oddly enough.

She could never look at herself in a mirror for they began to mysteriously crack or fall to the floor. People are automatically inclined to hate her; some sort of weird psychological thing holds them back.

There is a candle in a church which has burnt on for centuries. No matter how much anyone blows on it or throws things on it; it has never gone out.

It was made by a boy in the village where the candle is still kept years and years ago, much longer before _____ was born. It was the first candle he made and was lit in the church at his first ceremony of the _(?)_.

The priest has organized to meet with this girl, hoping he can help her. The candle sits in the middle of the largest part of the church, where there is a large structure upon which he speaks to the hall of people. The seats are currently empty and he is currently in the room behind the altar where the candle sits.

She steps up and quickly walks past the candle. It flickers.

“Keep going!” The usherer quickly pushed her on to the room at the back, where the priest is sitting behind his desk.

“Good morning sir, Miss ____ is here to see you!” The usherer smiled and quickly scampered away, closing the door swiftly behind him.

“What is troubling you, dear?” The man asked the girl, motioning for her to sit.

“Well sir, I am afraid that God has made me wrong.” She spoke with the softest of voices, except with every note he repulsed her and wished to stop the noise right away. He bit his tongue, knowing this must just be incorrect judgement.

“Why is that so, dear?” He asked kindly, his eyes sparking with it.

In response the girl stood and walked over to a mirror set on the wall.

“Do you care for this?” She asked.

“Not really, my cousin gave it to me at his-” Smash! He looked up, horrified that she had smashed his mirror. But she stood a couple paces back, having avoided the falling glass luckily. Neither of her hands showed having just been at the mirror, and neither showed marks from impact, so he knew what must have happened.

“That's not just it, sir.” She said.

“I'm sure there's more, tell me after you come with me for a moment.” At first she was hesitant, but he smiled warmly at her and she hastened to follow. They left the office and stepped back to the candle. ____ stayed away from it. “I think I could solve your issue. Come now, step up here dear.” She was reluctant from stepping up near the candle, and wished she shouldn't have to, but she did as she was told.

“What must I do?” The girl asked, wanting to be fixed more than anything. Suddenly the candle flickered, flickered, and flickered once more. Then it stood tall and proud, before dying out for good.

The priest stood in utter shock.

“N-no..” He was so confused, he looked about in wonder and shock. He looked as though he was having a stroke of some sort.

“I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean-I..I-I di-di-” But the priest cut her off.

“THE DEVIL HAS ENTERED MY CHURCH! Leave now, LEAVE!! Silly child, your issues are of no problem to me!!! You have destroyed-” But the usherer was back and he quickly removed her from the church.

~Reasons Why~

She wears a necklace, given to her by her birth mother who died of an undiagnosed disease when she was very very little. But she made her daughter the necklace, and ____ has never removed it from her neck. It has a strange magnet in it which reacts to the things in the mirrors, causing them to smash outwards.

She is a very intricate, challenged person. That is very overpowering and she deals with a lot. Her spirit basically overwhelms people.

Short Story

About the Creator

Delaney Carlson

I’m a cringy author uploading stories I wrote when I was like 10, so please enjoy the depressed weirdness.

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    DCWritten by Delaney Carlson

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