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Broken Mirror

V+ Challenge

By Arbinne DentonPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Broken Mirror
Photo by Erik Eastman on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. At first, I dismissed it as a trick of the light or a momentary lapse in my vision. But the longer I stared into the glass, the more convinced I became that something was off. The face staring back at me was familiar, yet different in subtle ways. The eyes were darker, the lips thinner, the cheekbones more pronounced. It was as if I were seeing myself in an alternate reality.

As the days went by, I found myself drawn back to the mirror again and again. Each time, the reflection seemed to shift and change, revealing glimpses of a world that was both familiar and alien. I saw myself living in a different house, with different friends and a different job. I saw myself happy, successful, and loved. And yet, there was always a sense of unease, a feeling that something was not quite right.

One night, as I was staring into the mirror, I heard a faint whispering sound. At first, I thought it was my imagination, but then the words became clearer. "Come closer," the voice said. "See for yourself."

Against my better judgment, I leaned in closer to the glass. And that was when the world around me began to change. The room grew colder, the air thick with the scent of rotting flesh. The mirror itself seemed to warp and twist, as if it were a portal to another dimension. And through the glass, I saw a figure emerging from the shadows.

It was a woman, or at least it had once been a woman. Now, it was little more than a twisted, mangled corpse, with rotting flesh and empty eye sockets. It reached out a bony hand and beckoned me closer, its voice a low, guttural moan.

As I backed away in terror, the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces. And yet, even as the shards clattered to the floor, I could still hear the voice whispering in my ear, promising me a world of horror and madness beyond my wildest nightmares.

From that day on, I knew that the mirror had opened a gateway to a realm of darkness and death. And though I tried to forget what I had seen, the memories lingered in my mind, slowly driving me mad. And as I looked around at the world that I once knew, I realized with a sinking feeling that it was slowly beginning to bleed into the world that lay beyond the mirror.

As time went on, I couldn't shake the feeling that the alternate reality shown in the mirror was becoming more real by the day. Strange occurrences began happening in my own world that seemed to mirror what I had seen in the mirror. Objects would move on their own, strange whispers would fill the air when I was alone, and shadows would move across the walls with no apparent source.

But it wasn't just the physical manifestations of the mirror's influence that were affecting me. My own thoughts and emotions were being twisted and warped by the alternate reality. I found myself becoming more aggressive, more paranoid, more willing to do whatever it took to protect myself from the horrors that lurked just beyond my sight.

It wasn't until I began having vivid nightmares that I realized the true extent of the mirror's power. In these dreams, I was living in the alternate reality, and the horrors that had once been glimpsed in the mirror were now a constant presence in my life. I saw myself killing, torturing, and betraying those closest to me, all in the name of survival. And yet, even as I committed these unspeakable acts, I knew that I was not in control of my own mind.

It was then that I realized that the mirror was not just a window into another world, but a doorway. A doorway that could be opened from either side, allowing the creatures of the other world to cross over into my own.

Desperate to escape the mirror's influence, I began researching its history. I learned that it had once belonged to a wealthy family who had all died under mysterious circumstances. The mirror had been the only object left untouched by whatever dark force had claimed their lives. It had been passed down through the generations, until it had ended up in the hands of a reclusive artist who had used it to create some of his most disturbing works.

Armed with this knowledge, I decided to destroy the mirror once and for all. But as I approached it with a hammer in hand, I heard the voice once again, whispering in my ear. "You cannot escape me," it said. "I am a part of you now."

And as I swung the hammer, I realized with horror that I was not just destroying the mirror, but a part of myself as well. A part that had been tainted by the darkness that lay beyond the glass.

In the end, I was left with nothing but the memories of what I had seen, and the knowledge that I would never be truly free of the mirror's influence. For even now, as I sit in the silence of my empty home, I can feel its presence, lurking just beyond my sight. And I know that, no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to fully escape the horrors that it has unleashed upon my world.

Short StoryHorrorFan Fiction

About the Creator

Arbinne Denton

My aim is to help individuals achieve their belly fat loss goals by sharing valuable tips on the subject. These include workout plans, meal plans, recipes, and tracking tools that can help users monitor their progress and stay on track.

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