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Emotional Heart Touching love story between Bodyguard and Beautiful Princess

By Rasheek RasoolPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a beautiful princess named Isabella. She was the most elegant and charming princess in the kingdom. However, she was not allowed to leave the palace because her father, the king, was afraid that something would happen to her. Therefore, she was always surrounded by her bodyguard, Greg.

Greg was a big man, with broad shoulders and an imposing presence. He was the perfect bouncer and defender for the princess. However, he was more than just a bodyguard to her. She had developed an emotional love affair with him, which she tried to keep hidden from her father and the rest of the kingdom.

One night, while Isabella and Greg were dancing together, they heard a loud noise coming from outside the palace walls. Greg knew that something was wrong, so he told the princess to stay inside while he went to investigate. He left the palace and saw that the kingdom was in chaos. The people were screaming and running, and there were ruins and destruction everywhere.

As Greg was trying to make his way back to the palace, he encountered an inhuman creature that looked like it came straight out of a fantasy book. It was a dead soul, brought back to life by some mystic power. Greg fought the creature with all his might, but it was too powerful for him. Just when he thought it was over, the creature struck him with a fatal blow.

As he lay dying, Greg's last thought was of Isabella. He hoped that she was safe and that she would be able to carry on without him. He had given his life for hers, and that was all that mattered.

When Isabella found out what had happened to Greg, she was heartbroken. She cried for days and could not stop thinking about him. She knew that he had died saving her, and she felt guilty for not being able to save him in return.

Months went by, and the kingdom slowly returned to some form of order. Isabella tried to carry on with her life, but she could not forget about Greg. She missed him every day and wished that he were still alive.

One day, while Isabella was walking in the palace gardens, she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned around and saw Greg standing in front of her. She could not believe her eyes. It was like he had come back from the dead.

Greg explained that he had been brought back to life by some unreal engine of magic, but he was not the same as he used to be. He had been turned into a gargantuan creature, part human, part dead soul. Isabella was horrified at first, but then she realized that he was still the same Greg that she loved.

They spent the next few weeks together, but Isabella soon realized that Greg was not the same person he used to be. He was more inhuman and less emotional. He was like a shell of the man he once was.

One night, while they were dancing together, Greg suddenly turned on Isabella. He grabbed her by the throat and started choking her. She begged him to stop, but he was like a wild animal, out of control.

Just when Isabella thought it was over, Greg suddenly stopped and collapsed on the ground. She looked at him and saw that he had tears in his eyes. He had somehow regained his humanity, if only for a brief moment.

Isabella knew then that she had to do something to save Greg. She decided to use her own magic to try and reverse the spell that had turned him into a dead soul. It was a risky move, but she was willing to do anything to save him.

She spent days researching and practicing the magic, until she was finally ready to perform the spell. She stood over

Greg's body and started chanting the incantation. As she did so, she felt a surge of power flowing through her body, and she knew that the spell was working.

Suddenly, there was a bright light, and a loud explosion shook the palace. When Isabella opened her eyes, she saw that Greg's body was gone. In his place was a small crystal, pulsating with a faint light.

Isabella picked up the crystal and felt a strange warmth emanating from it. She knew that it was Greg's soul, and that he was finally at peace.

Isabella spent the rest of her days trying to find a way to bring Greg back to life, but she knew deep down that it was impossible. She had learned that sometimes, even the most powerful magic cannot bring back the dead.

Despite her grief, Isabella knew that she had to move on with her life. She continued to rule the kingdom with grace and elegance, but she never forgot about Greg. She would visit his grave every year and lay flowers on it, as a tribute to the man who had given his life for her.

Years went by, and Isabella grew old and frail. She knew that her time was coming to an end, and she was at peace with that. One night, as she was lying in her bed, she saw a faint light in the corner of her room.

She looked at the light and saw that it was the same crystal that had once held Greg's soul. As she watched, the crystal started to glow brighter and brighter, until it filled the room with a warm light.

Isabella smiled, knowing that it was time for her to go. She closed her eyes and felt a familiar warmth enveloping her body. She knew that Greg's soul was there with her, and that they would be together for eternity.

As her spirit left her body, Isabella whispered a final goodbye to the kingdom she had loved so much. She knew that her legacy would live on, and that her love for Greg would never die.

As the light of Isabella's spirit faded away, the crystal that had once held Greg's soul began to pulsate once more. Slowly, the crystal began to crack, and a bright light shone through the fractures.

With a sudden burst, the crystal shattered into a million tiny pieces, and the room was filled with a dazzling light. As the light faded away, a figure began to take shape in the center of the room.

It was Greg, his body restored and his soul finally at peace. He looked at the empty bed where Isabella had once lain, and he knew that she was gone. But he also knew that she was finally free from the pain and sorrow that had plagued her since his death.

Greg knew that he had a purpose now. He would take up the mantle of the kingdom's protector, just as he had once done in life. But this time, he would do it not just for Isabella, but for all those who needed protection.

And as he walked out of the palace and into the bright sunlight, he knew that his heart would always be filled with the memory of the princess he had loved so deeply. But he also knew that his duty to the kingdom would always come first, and that he would always be ready to lay down his life for the ones he loved.

Young AdultMysteryLoveHorrorHistoricalFantasyfamilyAdventure

About the Creator

Rasheek Rasool

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    Rasheek RasoolWritten by Rasheek Rasool

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