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a story of awful truths

By Josey PickeringPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

I should have known from the beginning. She had sunk her claws into me, and it was too late. There were so many signs and bright red flags that I blatantly decided to ignore. Those signs led me to this path and now my final destination because I couldn't bother to trust in my gut instincts. The green flags apparently were too vibrant for me to focus on any of the red flags glowing next to them.

She was a horrible sleeper. No in the tossing and turning sense, I just never saw her sleep. She never seemed as if she didn't sleep either, she always seemed energetic and lively. Her skin was soft yet pale, and she blamed her lack of any melanin whatsoever on a vitamin D deficiency...I should have known better!

Our first date was perfect...and I think that's why I ignore half of the things that should have clued me in right away. She asked for no garlic in her food and claimed she had a very serious allergy. I just joked that it meant her kisses wouldn't be stinky, and apologized for assuming I'd get kissed in the first place. The thought of kissing totally distracted me from the garlic allergy and she gave me a cute, quick peck on the lips that only furthered that distraction. I was so distracted that I didn't even realize she barely touched her food before asking for it to be boxed up to go.

On our second date, she invited me to her place so that she could cook for me. She had hyped herself up on the first date and promised her cooking was something rather "old world"? Whatever that meant. The food was fantastic, and I remember wanting more when I popped the very last scallop in my mouth. When I excused myself to her bathroom later, I found it odd that she didn't have a mirror over her sink. I'm not one to judge though, you never know sometimes story. I wondered for a moment if she was struggling with some sort of self esteem thing, and I wished she could see how beautiful she was if so. I shrugged off the missing mirror and chuckled over a little bowl of seashell shaped soaps which reminded me of my grandma. She seemed to be into retro things, so it didn't bother me in the moment. Looking back, all of these things should have bothered me!

We spent the night together watching the stars for a bit and I fell asleep before her and apparently after her. The moments I woke up in the night next to her, she tossed and turned and it never seemed like she was ACTUALLY asleep. I however am a sloth who can sleep most places, but her shifting was even shaking my slumber.

We went to the movies for our next date, and she couldn't get into it. She wasn't much for the special effects and surround sound. She admitted she actually prefered movies by Valentino. The man died in 1926! I was still trying not to judge, and thought it was just part of her overall vintage vibe.

It was the end for me when I invited her to my place. My final straw. She had complete control and now I was there, on my couch, having my blood drained by a vampire. I thought about all the things I had left to do, and in having all sorts of unfinished business....would I be a ghost? It was then she broke from her bite to ask me a question.

"Do you want to live forever with me?"

I had to think for a moment, though the blood loss made things rather woozy. In this economy? In these tense times? I did have all that unfinished business though, and things to do. I nodded with the last bit of energy I had...

And that's how I also became a terrible sleeper who is allergic to garlic. I guess in 100 years, people will judge me for being so obsessed with Pedro Pascal.

The words in bold are the first three words I found in a word hunt, part of the Vocal Word Hunt Challenge


About the Creator

Josey Pickering

Autistic, non-binary, queer horror nerd with a lot to say.

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  • Jackie Teeple11 months ago

    Spooky!!!! Where did you get the inspo for this???

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