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Blood Moon Offering

The Woods Always Take

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

The air in the Whispering Woods wasn't air, not truly. It was a living tapestry woven from whispers – secrets the ancient trees exchanged in a language older than stars. Elara, a young cartographer with eyes the color of moss and hair like spun moonlight, had never ventured this deep. Her map, meticulously drawn from legends and hushed tavern tales, ended abruptly at the woods' edge. Beyond, it was a terrifying blank, a void marked only with the chilling inscription: "Where the Trees Have Teeth."

The whispers began subtly – a rustle of leaves that formed a name, a creak of a branch that spoke of forgotten wars. As Elara ventured deeper, the whispers coalesced into a chorus. The trees, colossal oaks with bark like wrinkled flesh and gnarled branches like grasping claws, seemed to watch her with a chilling sentience.

She stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an unnatural twilight. In its center stood a lone willow, its weeping branches shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. This, she knew with a certainty that sent shivers down her spine, was the Heartwood, the fabled repository of the woods' deepest secrets.

As she approached, the whispers solidified into a single voice, ancient and gravelly, that reverberated through the very earth. "Child of the fleeting sun," it boomed, "why disturb the slumber of the ages?"

Elara, her voice barely a squeak, explained her quest. Her village, nestled on the fringe of the woods, was slowly withering. The once vibrant land was turning barren, and the elders spoke of a curse – a forgotten pact with the Heartwood broken generations ago.

The willow seemed to sigh, a sound like wind whistling through a graveyard. "The price of knowledge is steep, child. Are you willing to pay?"

Elara, despite the terror prickling her skin, knew there was no other option. She nodded, her heart hammering against her ribs.

The whispers intensified, weaving a horrifying tale. The curse, it turned out, was a desperate bargain. The villagers had traded their life force for a bountiful harvest in a time of famine. Now, the debt was due.

A tendril of luminous willow branch snaked towards Elara. Panic welled up, but as it touched her forehead, a surge of power coursed through her. Images flooded her mind – forgotten rituals, offerings of moonlight and earth, a song that could appease the ancient hunger.

Elara emerged from the woods a changed woman. Her eyes, once like moss, now held the glint of moonlight filtered through willow leaves. The villagers performed the forgotten ritual, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and Elara's haunting song.

The curse lifted. The land, revitalized, bloomed anew. But Elara knew the true cost. Now, she too belonged to the Whispering Woods, forever bound to the ancient trees. Sometimes, late at night, she could swear she heard a whisper on the wind, a voice that echoed with the wisdom of ages and the faintest tremor of… hunger. The pact was renewed, the debt, for now, appeased. But the Whispering Woods always remembered, and the price of knowledge, it seemed, was a soul forever entwined with the ethereal.

Years passed. Elara, revered as a savior, grew old, her moonlit eyes dimmed by time. The village prospered, oblivious to the chilling truth. Yet, Elara felt a shift in the whispers. They weren't just secrets anymore. They were pleas, tinged with a growing desperation.

One night, under a blood-red moon, the whispers reached a fever pitch. Elara, drawn by an unseen force, stumbled into the woods. The once vibrant Heartwood was now a skeletal husk, its luminous branches withered. The ancient voice, raspy and weak, echoed in her mind, "The offering... not enough... hunger... rising..."

Horror dawned on Elara. The villagers, in their zeal, had misinterpreted the ritual. The offering wasn't just life force – it was a sacrifice. A life.

Suddenly, strong arms, rough as bark, encircled her. The villagers, their faces contorted into masks of primal fear, stood behind her, brandishing sharpened branches. They had seen the change in Elara, the way the whispers clung to her like a shroud. Now, they saw their savior as the source of their impending doom.

Elara tried to explain, to scream about the true cost of their prosperity. But the whispers drowned her out, a chorus of desperate pleas from the dying Heartwood. The villagers, consumed by terror, saw only a monster possessed by the woods' malice.

As the sharpened branches descended, Elara felt a surge of power, a chilling echo of the ancient pact. But this time, the power wasn't hers to control. It was the woods, the hungry entity, lashing out in its final act of desperation.

A bloodcurdling scream tore through the night, not Elara's, but a collective shriek from the villagers. The next morning, the villagers were gone. All that remained was a single, moss-covered map, meticulously drawn, with the inscription at its center, no longer chilling, but horrifyingly real: "Where the Trees Have Teeth."

Elara, or whatever entity now inhabited her form, stood at the edge of the woods, her moonlit eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. The whispers, once secrets, were now a ravenous chorus, urging her deeper into the woods, towards a new pact, a new offering, and a village forever silenced beneath the watchful gaze of the skeletal Heartwood. The woods had their savior, and the price had finally been paid, in full.

thrillerShort StoryPsychologicalMysteryHorrorFantasy

About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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