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Chapter 2: Caught up in the crossfire

By Dumbbruce_vocalPublished about a year ago 4 min read

A couple of hours go by and the festival finishes, but as always Ezora and Corban fell asleep. They eventually wake up seeing everyone left. "The fuck what time is it." Corban says as he stretches.

"The fuck if I know let's just get back, I'm pretty sure Dads wondering where we are right known." Corban agrees with Ezora and heads back to the house and there greeted by someone that let's just say wasn't in their interest well mostly Corbans interest.

He pulls out his new gun at him. "Dad you in here?" Aurora comes out with two cups of Tea.

"Oh hey guys you meet Mr. Cleaus". Corban looks at Cleaus clearly remembering him. It was the elegant man that bought him the gun earlier that day.

"Yeah, I remember him he bought me this gun that I don't have a problem using."

Cleaus smiles. "Aurora are these the kids I remember you telling me you adopted?"

Aurora places one cup of tea on the table and sips the other. "Corban put the gun down and yes they are. The quiet one is Ezora I hope he hasn't gave you any problems and the loud one is Corban."

Cleaus nods his head. "No he hasn't in fact, this is my first time meeting him. Although he's not the reason I'm here I'm actually here for you."

Corban and Ezora look over at Aurora before Aurora puts his Tea down "Both of you guys go to your room I'll let you know when you guys can come out." Ezora without talking back goes to his room as for Corban he looks at Cleaus angrily.

"Go on now shew listen to your father." Cleaus says to Corban making him clinch his gun wanting to shoot Cleaus with all the built up anger that he had towards him.

"Corban go!" Ezora tries to pull Corban, but he nudges his arm and walks to his room slowly looking over his shoulder looking at Cleaus with Cleaus smiling back at him. Corban eventually turns his head straight and walks to his room with Ezora closing the door behind him.

"Sorry about that their handfuls but trust me they both mean well especially Corban." Cleaus sits down across the table from Aurora putting his sword on the table as he always done to show that he has no intentions of hurting him.

"Don't worry about it but, I'm going to cut straight to the point. I need you back as you know a lot has been happening from being attacked by militias, to political officials being killed, and just shit that we had to deal with back then that I thought I wouldn't have to deal with now.

Aurora gets up and walk toward the window looking outside it. "So, what if I say know cause me and you both know that I said I wasn't coming back."

Cleaus sips his tea trying to choose his words carefully. "Look I know, but I can't find Dyro so you're the best I got in fact the only one I got." Aurora listens and but doesn't say anything.

Cleaus waits before breaking the silence. "So, what is it going to be?"

Look I would be wasting both our time if I sat here any longer and, so I'm just going to be blunt. I'm not coming and that's settled I wish you the best of luck."

Cleaus finishes the rest of his tea. Well as always thank you for your time." Cleaus gets up and puts his word back in its sheath.

"But wait" Cleaus stops right before he exits the house. "How much does Corban owe you exactly?"

"Cleaus thinks for a second "950 Dites plus interest, so around 1300 Dites. Why do you ask?"

Here's what I'm going to do I'm going to let you have Corban and Ezora until the Debt is paid. Both of them have been training pretty much since I got them, so they should be a good fit if not that should be your reason not to have me back.

Cleaus turns and sighs "Just because I like you, I'll allow it, but you know me well enough I don't like dead weight especially now."

" Thank you and trust me I got faith in them."

"If you say so. In that case tell them to be ready early in the morning. I'll provide transportation and other basic needs when they get there."

"Think you Cleaus they won't let you down."

Cleaus smiles before walking out heading to his Motel for the night all while all that conspired Corban and Ezora were listening the whole time huddled up toward the door.

"The hell, why you let him buy you that gun?"

"I didn't know that didn't know he was going to tell dad, besides this could be good for us."

Ezora hits corban upside the head. "I couldn't recognize his voice at first but I know. He's leader of the roaring crimson the 3rd largest mercenary faction in the country. Him and dad worked together a long time ago."

Corban rubs his head. "Actually, I do remember Dad Telling me stories about a group he use to run with when he was younger you think he was one of them."

"Maybe, he never used names in his stories."

As Corban and Ezora go back and forth before they hear Aurora knock on their bedroom door making them quickly scramble back to their bed and fake as they were sleeping the whole time. Aurora comes and smirks "Ok both you start packing you guys got to be up in a couple of hours you're going Las Haven with a friend of mine to work as temps for his factions until that debt you accumulated Corban.

Corban and Ezora open their eyes. "Wait, so why do I got to go?" Ezora looks at Aurora with mixed emotions.

"Cause it'll give you guys something to do this summer plus I deserve to be alone for once. Well, thats all I needed to tell you guys I'll see you in the morning night guys." Ezora walks out and heads to his bedroom for the night.

Corban looks up at the ceiling. "Ezora."

"Yes Corban?"

"We done fucked up."

"Nah, you done fucked up I'm just caught in the crossfire."


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Just an average person trying to make something of himself.

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    Dumbbruce_vocalWritten by Dumbbruce_vocal

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