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Berganashio - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Introducing the meerbirds

By Rowan Finley Published 5 months ago Updated about a month ago 4 min read

In a very different part of the land, far from where the fairies, totters, fireflies, and hummingbirds lived, there lived a mob of meerbirds. The meerbirds were similar to meerkats, which are found in other worlds. However, they possessed beautiful, white wings. A mob of meerbirds sat in a circle around the campfire somberly. The firelight flickered on their black, beady, calm eyes. Their wings were all tucked carefully behind them out of reverence. Even the youngest of the meerbirds sat with their parents, both unusually quiet, and attentive. Keenwai stood up, while clearing his throat. His muscles felt a bit tense, but it was because he didn’t like speaking in front of crowds. He began to speak what he had been rehearsing in his mind all day since they had buried his sickly father that morning.

"Chief Hatan, my father, served this mob well. Until his last breath, he loved and cared for every single one of you. He fought many battles to protect us and defend our burrow lands. Just like my father before me, my arms are trained for war, but my paws know when to embrace peace when the season permits. He taught me the importance of respect and order. He taught me how to listen carefully and act swiftly when the need arises. Seeing him sickly for such a long time was hard on all of us. He will be missed beyond measure. Grieving his loss will prove to be unique for each of us. I want you to hold your paws out in front of you and look at your distinctive features. Just as no paw is alike another, so too is your grief. Allow yourself time over the next few days to rest well and reflect on the lasting impact Chief Hatan has had on you. There is a piece of him that each of us hold within our hearts now. He shall never be forgotten."

Keenwai paused and took a deep breath. It had felt like he hadn't taken a breath the whole time since he started speaking. His audience was still attentive.

"At this time, I would like to open it up to anyone to speak as they would desire, in memory and honor of our deceased Chief."

There was silence for what felt like an eternity, and then finally one by one the meerbirds shared heartfelt memories, some funny stories, and even some poetry was recited in his honor. The recurring theme from the mob was that Chief Hatan had been a mighty warrior. Also, it was evident that he had been a skillful shepherd over others. He had possessed a way of individualistically caring for each meerbird in a way in which each one needed it the most.

Kunya hung back, waiting to see which way Keenwai would go. The rest of the mob left to nestle in for the night. They all disappeared into their respective holes in the ground.

"I'm sure you're exhausted," Kunya stated gently.

"Yes, I am, but I'll stay up for a bit."

The fire was surprisingly still powerfully burning and crackling every few minutes or so. Kunya walked over and gracefully sat down next to Keenwai.

"You spoke well tonight."

"Thank you. The gravity of it all is hitting me slowly... I am now Chief of the mob."

"Things will change, but you will lead the mob just as well as your father did...perhaps better. At least I believe you will."

"But... what if I cannot be strong enough? This day came all too soon. I'd rather go back to school days...when we could just run free and play fly-and-seek in the treetops."

"Those were beautiful days," Kunya sighed, laying back with her hands folded under her furry head. She gazed up at the night sky and whispered something inaudible to the encouraging stars. One of the stars winked at her and she took it as a sign. Keenwai stopped fidgeting in the hard, desert sand. He laid his head down next to her, tucking his right wing under her like a warm blanket.

"It is a tad bit chilly tonight," she shivered and stretched out her tiny feet toward the fire. She leaned over and kissed him quickly and then looked back up at the stars like nothing had happened. "Do you think I'm the one for you?"

"You are one-of-a-kind, so I hope so," as he snuggled her closer. Kunya’s wings were pure white and they seemed to glisten beautifully in the moonlight. Her feathers were all impeccably placed, and she was indeed beautiful physically and mentally. She always saw the best in others, and she admired the strength and maturity that Keenwai had exhibited recently.

“Ready to hear a poem?” she asked.

“Of course… you know I love your poems,” he replied.

It was common for Meerbirds to recite poetry for practically any occasion. Commonly, they chose to recite it to one another out of admiration, friendship, or love. She closed her eyes and began to recite the words that had been on repeat in her mind the entire day.

“Though life be unsure,

Your love, I hope to procure.

Fighting by your side,

Strong, with you, may I abide?

Flying through skies, up, so high!”

“That was beautiful, Kunya…just like you.”

She smiled and blushed slightly, “Thanks.”

“Do you want to fly up to one of the tree nests and watch the stars from up there?”

“Sure," she replied without any hesitation.

The rest of the night was spent snuggling in a nest in one of the familiar trees. The stars above were extravagant and kinder than usual. The love and care that they had for one another was so strong. Their connection was as if it had existed for eternity. It was as if there was a string that tied them together even when they were apart. They contentedly fell asleep in the nest in the treetop.

Read chapter 5 via the link below:

Young AdultLoveFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Rowan Finley

Father. Academic Advisor. Musician. Writer. Aspiring licensed mental health counselor. My real name is Jesse Balogh.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (1)

  • Colleen Walters5 months ago

    Excellent writing, captivating the senses. Well done!

Rowan Finley Written by Rowan Finley

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