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Berganashio - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Introducing the Totters

By Rowan Finley Published 5 months ago Updated about a month ago 4 min read
Photo taken by Frank Cone - For more of his work visit

Once upon a time, there was a family of tiny otters. This breed of otters were affectionately called totters. There was a terrible storm that blew apart their home. They rebuilt a new home, but it just wasn't the same. Life for the family did not feel as happy as it used to be. They did not play like they used to. The river felt colder and uninviting. Papa totter didn’t smoke his pipe anymore. Momma totter didn’t like to sew anymore. Sister totter didn’t play with her dolls anymore. Brother totter didn’t like his trains very much anymore. Momma otter started to leave on some nights. She would go on long walks, but no one knew where to. Then one night she never came back. Papa totter, cried and cried. His heart was broken more than ever before. Brother totter thought it was all his fault. Sister totter thought it was her fault.

One day, Papa totter said, “it’s time for us to move.” The three totters packed their few items on their backs and started walking and walking. They discovered another river that they had never seen before. There was a nearby, partially decaying-log, and the three of them pushed it into the river. They jumped aboard as if it were a boat. It was a good thing that they were tiny and didn’t weigh very much. They hung on for dear life. Little did they know that there was a waterfall coming up ahead. The water flowed fiercely! Adrenaline coursed through their bodies. “Help,” they all yelled. They expected that their lives were surely soon to be over.

Then, the wildest of miracles happened. It felt as if they were flying above the water. They looked down, indeed, they were rising above the waterfall, higher and higher. The wings of hummingbirds fluttered wildly. The totters had been caught in the gentle, but firm clutches of three hummingbirds who came to their rescue just in time. They flew high into the tops of trees. Plopping the tiny totters into a beautiful matrix-of-a-nest, they flew away without a word. These hummingbirds were apparently not the talking kind or perchance they were just especially quiet that day. The totters were extremely surprised by everything. The three of them took a deep breath in unison.

The nest that they were in was breathtakingly beautiful. There were vines that were braided and that made archways and hand rails. All throughout the nest, and unique vines, were fireflies. The fireflies were very still and rarely flew around like one would expect. Some of them had more of a blue tint in their coloration. They were surreal and magical. The totters had never seen a more picturesque scene in all their lives. They could only sit there in awe and bewilderment from the adventurous day.

On the other side of the nest, they looked and saw a procession of fairies walking towards them. The female fairies had crowns that were covered with fireflies. The male fairies were covered in chain mail that was as light as feathers. There were no fairy children in sight. The tiny otters felt rather plebeian and underdressed. Even through totters don’t wear clothes, they felt like they should be in this setting after seeing the fairy procession walk towards them.

What appeared to be the queen of the fairies was in the back of the line and she had quite a serious expression on her face. The fairies made a circle around the three totters. The queen fairy spoke slowly. “Why were you traveling down the river with a waterfall that could have killed you? Do totters of your stature have any sense, or brains at all?”

Papa totter blinked and started to speak but before he could utter a word, fiery arrows starting flying toward the fairy vine village. All of the sudden, in response to the attack, all the fireflies that were so still previously, flew and formed a forcefield of sorts all around the fairies and the totters. Even the fireflies who were on the crowns of the fairies left the crowns in order to defend everyone present. Before long there was a tunnel of fireflies who had all linked together in order to deflect all the fiery arrows that were trying to destroy the vine village. It was both horrifying and beautiful all at once. The fairies seemed unfazed, but the totters were terrified as they had never seen anything like this. Papa totter looked at the fairy queen in amazement. She stared at him and said, "You were about to answer my question, when we were slightly interrupted..." She tapped her foot impatiently.

Paper totter closed his mouth which was still gaping from surprise. "Um...yes...I didn't know there was a dangerous waterfall when we started down the river. We are very grateful for the hummingbirds who saved our lives."

"The hummingbirds work for us and you're welcome. Since we have saved your lives, how do you plan on repaying us?”

Papa totter's mind raced. "I hadn't thought that far ahead yet." He stuttered, "Fish... Do you eat fish?"

"Yes. That'll do. You'll be our fishermen." She glanced behind her and told her servants to show the totters to their new living quarters.

Papa totter bowed slightly, "Thank you for your kindness...and what is your name?"

"Finyellë." She turned around and motioned for her procession to follow her with a quick nod.

"I'm Jovie... I'll take you to where you'll stay." She was the only fairy who stayed behind with the totters. She giggled a little under her breath. "Queen Finyellë can be a tad bit short sometimes... I think she's got a lot on her mind... she's always planning something."

"Hi Jovie," sister totter said as she smiled for the first time in a very long time. "I love your eyes and your wings are so pretty!"

"Oh, thanks sweetie and what shall I call you?"

"Just sister totter and he's brother totter and he's Papa totter," she stated, as she pointed at her two family members.

Jovie giggled again. "Simple enough...I think you'll like it here. Come this way." They followed her to their new home within the fairy vine village.

Find chapter 2 via this link:

FantasyYoung AdultfamilyExcerptAdventure

About the Creator

Rowan Finley

Father. Academic Advisor. Musician. Writer. Aspiring licensed mental health counselor. My real name is Jesse Balogh.

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (1)

  • Colleen Walters5 months ago

    Really love this!

Rowan Finley Written by Rowan Finley

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