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Her beauty was mesmerizing, enough to make even the coldest of hearts skip a beat.

By Kindred SoulPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Once upon a time, a beautiful woman named Anya lived in a dense forest. Her beauty was mesmerizing, enough to make even the coldest of hearts skip a beat. But her beauty also came with a price.

The villagers banished her from their homes out of jealousy and fear that their husbands would be tempted.

Anya struggled with sadness, despair, and loneliness at first. She wandered through forests while sobbing into the morning dew. However, as the days turned into weeks, she began to adjust to her unfamiliar surroundings.

Anya found peace by making her own house underneath the towering branches and embracing the true beauty of nature's tranquility. The thoughts of those people who were concerned with appearances no longer mattered to her.

Her days in the forest were filled with a sense of peace and freedom, wandering the beauty of the woods and conversing with animals just like talking to a neighbor. On some gloomy day, she felt some times when she felt lonely and wished for someone to see her for who she indeed was on the inside rather than what she appeared from the outside.

Anya began talking to an old oak tree while sitting under it on a sad yet sunny day. She spoke the tree about her life, including her hopes, dreams, fears, and sorrows.

She was comfortably determined that the tree was listening to her because it moved its branches gently as if knowing or rustling its leaves in response.

Anya and the tree became great friends over time, and she thought it was a match made in heaven. She came to the tree daily to talk to it, and it always listened as if it were an actual human being. Anya felt that the tree understood her better than anyone else in the entire universe.

One gloomy day, lured by rumors of Anya's exquisite beauty, a group of men traveled into the deep forest, eager and ready to claim her for themselves, and came to Anya's house. They pounded and pounded on Anya’s door, trying to break it down, their voices booming through the silence of the woods.

Anya cowered in the corner of her room, afraid, her pulse thumping in her chest. The old tree came to her aid just when everything looked hopeless. Its branches spread out and formed a protective barrier around her house.

Enraged by the tree’s interference, the angry men unexpectedly set fire to the tree. But the ancient magic-infused tree stayed strong, sheltering Anya from the flames.

Anya gave the tree a deep hug, her heart filled with overwhelming gratefulness. And it was then that she realized she had found her true love, not in the arms of a mortal man, but in the embrace of a friendly tree spirit.

She resolved to take her own life and searched for a rope to hang herself because she believed she had lost her only friend. But just as she was about to execute it, she was interrupted by a voice in her ear.

"Do not be sad, my dear Anya; I am still here for you," the tree spirit whispered in her ear, its voice rich and deep and it resonated in Anya’s heart.

"Anya, my beloved, I have always loved you, not for your beauty, but for the purity of your heart. Will you stay with me forever?"

Anya turned her head around to see that the old oak tree was standing behind her, still alive and solid. It had used its magic to keep itself and her safe from the flames.

Anya was happy with tears to see the tree standing tall and untouched by the scorching flames. She tightly hugged the tree, sobbing, and its branches embraced her back.

"I have always loved you, my dear," whispered the tree. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever known, not because of your looks, but because of your kindness and courage. You have given me hope and happiness in this dark world. Will you stay with me forever?"

"Yes, I will stay with you forever," Anya smiled. "You are my true friend and real true love."

So, Anya and the old oak tree remained happily in the forest, far away from the wickedness and hatred of the ordinary people.

To be continued...


About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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