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A Short Story By George X

By 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐗Published 3 years ago • 8 min read

Over 200,000 years humans were known to evolve within this world, surrounded by a universe, a galaxy with infinite possibilities of outcomes. The very essence of our existence has been wasted upon domination of one another, until the coming of our destruction. My name is Emily, and our world needs to be saved, from ruins, destruction, cautious around the world, concentration camps surrounded by barbed wires, prisoners of all races, children, and elderly all tortured for slaughter. Survivors had to search for food, shelter, and weapons to protect themselves, souls were lost in the years of earth’s pending demise, “Badmon” a group of freedom fighters rose from the ashes of the war to freed prisoners and fought back against the forces humans couldn’t comprehend once they made it. I’m Sergeant of weaponry & attacks under the command of Badmon general Solomon Cleaver, I would die for that man, he never hesitated to do what he needed to do because he loved us so much. People who heard of Solomon thought he was for hate, a radical, and a madman when he told the people of the world, they must fight back against the forces they created by going & playing God. Solomon was right, and for that he urges us to fight back against those who follow the practices of colonization & destruction of our human race, in order to breed a new species that has no morals, no fear. “Omen” were species cloned by the very humans who wanted to seek immortality by copying their own genetic code, and for this you shall reap what you sow. We were on the brink of extinction, until we found a way to bring everything back, I just hope those will understand how much time I have left.

“Doctor Hampton is the machine ready for our jump?” questioned Solomon.

“5 minutes sir, coordinates are set” Hampton answered.

“Once the E.M.P is launched they’ll pinpoint our location” Solomon mentioned.

The whole area was made of steel, extremely cold yet that’s what happened when you are tasked for a mission like this. I’m convinced this was supposed to happen, If I shall succumb to this now deadly world, it shall be in the name of Solomon Cleaver & Badmon. If only my mother could see me now, she would be proud of her daughter taking upon this responsibility, she would die once the war started. Solomon gave me a heart shaped locket of his wife and a little girl, in hopes of equipment would function well enough for myself to change the outcome of the people’s actions. So many of our conscience would weigh heavy as our soldiers were sent every day to their demise fighting those cannibals, I grew up believing certain coincidences, yet they would turn out to be destiny. But there was no time for me to lament any longer, we prepared for years for the fall of the Omens, victory was so close...yet its sweet taste eluded me. Taunting me to try harder to catch it as if the future didn’t want to be decided by man...or inbreeds. But will we win?

“I’m proud of you soldier, have you been briefed?” questioned Solomon.

“Yes sir”

“I have a few things I need you to memorize, things that must be told to me” Solomon said.

I gazed into his eyes remembering every line, upon his face were wisdom, I felt the subtle presence of tears approach my dry eyes. He wiped them away from me, knowing that this could possibly be the last time he sees me like this.

“Did you always know I was going to go back?”

“Yes” answered Solomon.

“How did you know?”

“I’ve always known, I cheated, you told me” Solomon whispered.

“Were ready General!” Hampton shouted.

As I walked upon the staircase, I knew this could be the last time I see my peers the way they were once I sat upon the chair, the doctor hooked me up into wire within my veins, toward the back of my skull. I was like a shock of pain that stinged my entire body.

“Remember Sergeant, everybody you talk to is already dead, warn them and complete your mission” Hampton pleaded.

“Thank you, doctor.

The doctor started up the engines of old turbine, typing the keys of an old laptop computer, knowing the doctor he synchronized the data to use the power within the known area to jump start to have the feed travel in order to create a field where everything within myself shall “transcend”. The doctor started it up all I can feel was a real cold upon my whole body, everything within the room started to spin, I couldn’t make out much, I seen flashes of white lights from left to right. I hear screaming massive machine guns being fired of I believed to be the enemies; all I could hear was the noises that slowly died out as I was moving closer to my destination. Everything went black.

Then I awaken to a room, I seen two authority figures, and I see that they had sheet of paper on a clipboard, I looked upon the windows of what seemed to be an interrogation room, Doctor Hampton’s machine worked, I was here and with seemed very disturbing was I had the locket Solomon gave clutched in my had with me.

“I’m Officer Nora Simone, this is my colleague Derek Knox, we just need to know why you & your friends were shoplifting today?” spoke Simone.

“What day is it?”

“July 8th, it’s Wednesday” exclaimed Knox.

“No, the year sir”

“It’s 2015, why is that a question?” questioned Simone.

“I don’t know how long I can be here”

“You got somewhere to go? Get your lashes done?” Knox being sarcastic.

“Is my father here?”

“Waiting outside actually? You want to see him?” Simone asked.

“He needs to be in here so I can write down my statement”

I knew I needed to say wasn’t going to comprehend what their mind was going to process, only my father could know what I was going to say. My father is a Captain of the organization the practices self-defense called “Red Brotherhood”, though I knew already that fate had some more instore for him once the general of the organization would pass of old age, and he would take the mantle as general. Knowing these people, they wouldn’t understand what I knew, or even how I knew it, I already experienced moment of my life already, I lived through my mistakes & accomplishments. I wasn’t going to endure these moments again for I had a mission I needed to be succeed during the strict orders of Solomon.

“Well, we can’t do that, because the person you shoplifted from is pressing charges” Knox said.

“Derek Knox, thirty-five years old, married with two children almost three if you lived long enough to see it”

“How do you know I was married? Who are you?” questioned Knox.

“Who I am is not important, what is important is you write this statement for my father, to take when I’m done”

“What is the statement?” asked Simone.

“I’m from the future”

Officer Knox started laughing, he honestly fed of what I had to say, judging by his posture and his impatient he didn’t want to be here toying with me, in fact I had no time at all each time I try to remember something, my whole head starts to be aching in excoriating pain, I knew I needed to at least explain what was needed to be said in order to finish my mission.

“Okay I’ll write down your statement, if you reveal why you were shoplifting” agreed Simone.

“You can’t be serious Simone,” laughed Knox.

“We didn’t have money, were only fifteen years old”

“Alright, tell us Emily where- I mean when you are from?” asked Simone

“I’m Twenty-two years old from the year 2022”

“But you are fifteen, how are your time traveling twenty-year-old?” Simone questioned.

“My subconscious was able to travel back not my physical form, if I were able to travel physically my body & mind would snap”

“Snap?” asked Simone

“Okay, I’m a take a break, you and Donnie Darko can continue the bullshit” Knox chuckled.

That would be the last time I would see Officer Knox, then again, I wouldn’t see him again unless it was in documents in the future of him trying to save children from the Omens. Then history will show he had the same fate no matter how excruciating it is, in order to know the timeline will change for him and everyone I needed to have Simone address the message to my father for him to have the upper hand.

“If my mind is here and I don’t get back to my own time, it will snap, and I will die”

“Including you and this younger physical body of yours?” Simone questioned.

“No, once I leave this version of myself won’t have recollection of our conversation”

“Why are you here?” questioned Simone.

“There is a war, one with humans & spawns of our demise”

“What happens in the future?” Simone questioned.

“It was an invasion, these evolved humans called “Omens” saw our fate which was extermination”

“what’s that in your hand?” asked Simone.

“a locket, can you give to the man that will come and get me”

“Yes, but what can I do in order to help you?” Simone questioned.

“You already have, just by this one act”

All I think was the aching pain I was having, and I couldn’t stay for so long. I had to stay focused enough to find my way back, where I belonged before I killed myself. My thoughts were racing into a wave of electricity coursing through my mind, my entire heart was beating so fast and all I could see is those flashes of light.

“Emily? Emily what’s wrong?” Simone asked.

“What happened?”

“Do you have a headache?” Simone questioned.

“Where’s my dad, I want to talk to my dad”

“How old are you, Emily?” questioned Simone.

“Fifteen years old”

“Simone, a Solomon Cleaver came to pick up his time traveling daughter,” said Knox.

“Right, I need to speak with him before he leaves” Simone insisted.

Simone made her way toward the hallway to see Solomon, who was waiting for his daughter to be released. He is approached by Simone with a piece a paper of Emily’s statement, and a possession of a old piece sort of heart shaped locket.

“When will my daughter be released?” questioned Solomon.

“Now, though she wanted me to give this statement she made” Simone insisted.

“What did she say to you?” Solomon asked.

“The truth, yet there’s things on that paper I would be worried about for your daughter” advised Simone.

“Thank you, officer Simone,” spoke Solomon.

“The owner of the store wants to press charges” remined Simone.

“Don’t worry will work something out” Solomon acknowledged.

“Alright, if you have any questions that’s my number, and the precinct number” Simone mentioned.

“She also had this with her, she told me to give to you” Simone mentioned.

Simone gave the locket to Solomon, he looked upon this rusted locket to see his wife & Emily, quickly reaching into his pocket a brand-new locket his wife gave to him before leaving the house that same morning. The two lockets started to spark against each other, Solomon tossed the old locket away, and held the new one closely unto his palms.

“What was that?” asked Simone.

“Fate...” answered Solomon.

Young Adult

About the Creator

𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐗

George X is a young African-American writer, following his bachelor's degree in creative writing at New England College. Growing, developing his craft within the writing world.

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    𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐗Written by 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐗

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