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Hidden World

By R.R.HannamanPublished 2 years ago 20 min read

Avaboya; a former refuge for the spell casters, shifters, and fae type beings. Once reachable from earth through a portal, up to the early seventeen-hundreds when the portals’ abilities waned and became inoperable from either side. Separated into seven major kingdoms, Ambrias, the Elven Kingdom.

Its reigning Queen, Melodious, sits in her office. Papers sprawl out and books propped open; dipping quill in ink writes in fine script plans of a municipal project; her dark eyes roaming the words as she writes. Her raven hair pulled from her face in a half up-do, some tendrils frame her face. As she does so, Kanda, a spell caster and an agentt of her Court, provides aid. Looking over the volumes lining her bookshelf on her desk. While telling anecdotes from her recent travels with her ward, Karma. Currently lays sprawl on a settee across the room. She placed her boots underneath the settee and her feet up on the rest. Her robe draped over the back of the small settee, just long enough to lie on with her long blueish-grey hair fan out. Her grey eyes roam the patterns on the ceiling. Soon her gaze fixates on the globe in the corner of the room.

Sneaking over to the globe and double checking the two are occupied takes out her runic stones. Taking in a long breath and drags out an exhale feels an energy course from her heart and mind. Concentrated energies, magenta and green flows to her hands, charging the runic stones. Slowly, the globe turns and soon she adds the stones to float about the globe.

"Karma." Stones clatter and the globe slows to a screeching halt.

"Karma," Reprimands her mentor, "do not play with your magic that way, it is not a toy."

"Yes ma'am." She replies, conjuring her stones back into her bag. "I couldn't help it, I'm bored."

Kanda dismisses the excuse, "Well, find something else to do then. Review your elemental spells or something."

"Um, if I may make a suggestion," said Melodious, "If you would like something to do you could feed the birds. I have a tin on the sill."

"Yes, I mean thank you, your majesty." A stain glass opens to a wide sil, and a tin is already in place. Setting out the seeds and settling on the window seats becomes entertained by the small birds.

Kanda continues her earlier points of notes. "Now, as for the gala, it is our turn next year and could be a good way to gain some more rapport among other kingdoms. Although this will be difficult; it’s not our first gala, but it will be the first since the upheaval… ” She drags out the last part.

Her nib pauses over the ‘I’ “Yes, this gala will be most difficult for us.” She solemnly says, looking at an old picture of her younger self in a fancy gala dress. Sat next to her was a princess her age from the original goblin kingdom of Kor’Tunik. Taken over by the Amviar and Or'launde clans years ago. Kanda places a hand on her shoulder. “I never get used to not seeing faces of friends, long lost.”

The air is thick with morbid reminisces at least for two of them in the room. Kanda places a hand on her shoulder. "It was tragic what happened."

"I sometimes feel like I could have done more."

"Do not put that on yourself again. There was nothing that could have been done." Placing the picture back, Melodious solemnly reminisces. "But it’s hard not to feel like we should have suspected something. The turbulence with the Kar’ Lorikes and the Or' Laundes has always been evident.”

“But we must leave an unforeseen foresight in the past. Speaking of which, this will be an opportunity to regain a long-needed rapport with the Ka’Lunic Republic. Lord Ma’Kune is a distant relative; I’m sure that night still haunts them as well. While we have helped them establish a new kingdom, they are still shaky on their feet. This is the point of the Unification Gala to celebrate the Unification of the Seven Kingdoms.”

"Your majesty," a small voice spoke, an apprentice messenger, Julia standing in the doorway. "I have a message from Jino."

"Yes, please come in."

"Jino, he is in dire straits about something. He only says he needs you in the crystal room right away."


Jino, Melodious' friend and assistant, paces around a giant orb sitting on a pedestal in the middle of a small room. A soft blue-green glow emits from the center of the orb signally for the first time in years of a portal opening. Periodically, he hiccups triggered by stress. Nervously, he combs his fingers through his hair. It was minutes ago that he saw a soft glow as he passed by and prayed it wasn't what he thought it was, but it was.

'Why? Why now, after all these years?' He hiccups again just when he hears footsteps approaching. Jino turns to see Melodious, Kanda, and Karma.

"Jino," asks his friend, an expression of disbelief, "… is one really open?”

“As the light shows, but we would need someone to see for sure where it has happened.”

“I could,” Karma volunteers. “I specialize in divination arts and sights.”

Stepping up to the orb extends her arm; hands on either side of her. Breathing deeply, Karma incites, "As I focus my mind's eye let me expand beyond my physical sight. Allow me far sight to where this portal be. Let me see where this portal connects our old home, earth."

As she repeats the lines with clear intent, the magic once again swirls around her arms and within the orb. The lights of the orb mix with her magic and up her arms. Her vision changes from the white light of the orb's center to the forests of Ambrias, then over fields, hills, and other kingdoms. All those sights lead to the Willow's grove; a small glen of willow trees that is a common perch for a black bird slightly bigger than a raven, red eyes, and long black tail feathers. A large, circular portal with a soft blue light opens. Most fly away, but one flies into it.

"Oh, my… this is bad."

"What is it?"

"Um, well, a portal opened," Karma finds the best wording. "It is closed though. " She looks at each person ‌. All leaning forward, eager to hear her news. All is silent until Jino hiccups once more. She deeply breathes in and on the exhale says, "but not before a red-eyed bird flew into it."

Hic, "What, oh no that is worse." Cup.

"Your trusty assistant has worried himself into hiccups again."

"Jino," Melodious said, "I need you to inform the rest of the counsel of an emergency meeting today by twelve bells." -Hic- "Yes ma'am." After he leaves, she turns her attention to the two spell casters. "Would you two please have someone watch this; I would like updates whenever a new one opens if one does. If you could find someone to provide more information about them, that would be helpful."

They respond in unison. "Yes, your majesty."

"One more thing, until further notice. We might not need to tell anyone else right now unless you find one."



In another world, a light grows to fifteen feet in diameter, letting the bird fly out. Exploring its new surroundings will take flight for miles. Further away at the edge of the woods and the outskirts of town are a few cabins. The bird makes its way to the banister of a man’s porch. The man rocking on his chair nearly tips it over flabbergasted to the large black bird which casually perched in front of him. Bigger than a crow, more so in length and its long tail feathers which curve upwards and the tips touching his back. Its red-eyes with no pupil are the most startling feature. The man now back a way observing the bird's relaxed perch takes an opportunity to take his phone out. The shutter effect of his phone’s camera startles the bird.


Jino does a fast walk-through winding corridor. He knows which Court Agent to head to first. After another hiccup he knocks on the door of his apartment. An elder elf answers the call; He stands tall and strong, but his fine lines reveal a long life and his grey eyes reflect years of learning. The elf wore a smock over plain clothes and goggles on his forehead. His thin lips widen to a grin as he greets the Queen's assistant.

"Mornin lad, what brought you so early?" He beckons him inside, softly closing the door. The man's eyes roam his visitor, frowning he asks, "Jino what is the matter? Come, Sit, have some tea. I just brewed a pot of furgular root tea." He motions to the group of chairs in the center. Jino grimaces at the smell of the bitter tea which sits before him. "Come now Jino, not the face today. I know it is not your favorite but Furgular root has relaxing properties." He sits across from him taking a generous sip of his tea.

Jino declines, "I am sorry Felix but I have no time for tea today. I have a message for you."

"A message huh, must be important for you to be as shaky as you are; surprised your hiccups are in check." On cue a loud -HICCUP- With a chuckle he nudges the tea cup forward, "Drink, the news can wait a bit." Jino resigns and begins to sip his bitter tea. Over the rim of his cup sees Felix pouring a third cup. In the vacant chair a small portal appears; from there came out a man. Whose coloring is mostly red and black perches on the sofa. His long duo-colored hair curtains his face. The newcomer's origins and abilities are a mystery. Suffering from severe amnesia on bits of his past is known. His name is Ben, given by Felix who is like a father to him and to Felix a son. He slightly tilts his head towards Jino and nods, Jino nods in turn. Gingerly Ben picks up the cup with his hands cradling the tea cup. His long nails softly clink the porcelain.

One tea cup later Felix and Ben stare at Jino, his head lolled back, eyes glaze over, and a calm over his face. Even his hiccups are quiet.

"Well Ben," Felix goes around to nudge their guest, "Seems like Jino finally calmed down some. Hmm, I suppose I may have made the tea too strong." He nudges Jino more. "Lad, snap out of it." He said pulling a vial out of an inner pocket. Briefly it passed under his nostrils. Jino perks up and wrinkles his nose.

Felix returns to his seat, "Now is time for the news." Ben leans towards Jino eager to hear more.

"Yes, well Melodious sent me to relay a message that there will be an emergency meeting starting at the twelfth bell of the twelfth hour today. The meeting concerns the event of a portal opening resulting in a red-eyed bird flying through and potentially exposing us. She plans to converge on possible solutions for this situation." Jino looks between the two, silence for a few beats.

Felix gives a smile, "Jino, it may look like it now, but this could lead to a good beginning. This could be a good opportunity to introduce a new invention."

"Good, we will be exposed."

"I believe,” He tries to comfort Jino, “that what is done is done." He moves to stand up. "Come lad, be off now, we have much to prepare in the few hours we have."


In the lower levels where the training rooms are. A robust man, Brunik, sets up targets for new guardian recruits. Joining in training sessions will be star pupils; Anabel, Gabriel, and Marquis. They are Senior apprentices and nicknamed Queen's Defender Trio. All the trainees are family to him and he couldn't be prouder of their progress. Today, they would tutor several new recruits in knife throwing. Which soon enters the courtyard and stands in line. Brunik instructs them about the uses and advantages of knife throwing in fights. The trio show their skills. He paces up and down the line as he speaks. Just beyond his students, he spies Jino walking over to him. His first thoughts about seeing him,

-What is he doing out here? - Brunik doesn't pay mind at the moment. As Jino paces at the edge of the court, Brunik finishes his lesson. Instructing the Seniors to take over training and excusing himself. His long strides reach the fidgeting Senior Steward, who looks up at the Captain of the Guard towering over him.

"What brings you out here?" He inquires. Jino collects himself for the moment.

"A message direct from the Queen." Jino looks past to spy on the students, looking back up at him, relays the message. Brunik's eyes widened with every word.

"Ah, a challenging predicament. I cannot wait for the meeting. Is that all, Jino?"

"Yes." Brunik turns and heads back to his class. Jino runs back inside. Fast walking through halls to complete his mission, he nearly collides with Kanda and Karma. They have their traveling robes on and satchels hung over their shoulders. His eyes shift to each of them. His spectacles nearly slip when jostled by the near collision; Jino slips them up.

His eyebrows furrow at their attire, "Wha-What, why are you dressed for departure? Aren't you..." Kanda interrupts with a raised hand.

"Melodious sent us on a mission as well. Fare not, we shall not be late; just mind your task and step aside."

With a sigh, he allows them to pass. It takes another while for him to complete his task and the meeting wouldn't start until another couple of hours. That was time for him to work with Melodious in the meantime.


Later, the bird will land on a headstone in an old graveyard. A visitor is already present. She visits often and today was the anniversary of a painful memory. Dressed in mostly black; a hat decorated with feathers and floral decal, waist coat trimmed with purple lace going past her hands, and dress pants and low boots. A bouquet‌ laid at the crook of her arm, being laid down at the door of an old church.

When she stands back up sees in the corner of her eyes a dot of red; looking directly at the bird just sees the outline of the black bird blending in the night. Bea sensed the energy surrounding the bird and a vague memory of a place she visited before; a long time ago before the portals closed what was believed to be indefinitely. Following the energy to the location where the portal is now gone.


Bells toll the eleventh hour, deep tones ring through the kingdom. Melodious breaks from her musings at the sounds of the hour. Her loose braid flows with the wind in her hair as she glides through on her Pegasus, Vatura. Her winged steed; silver which fades to purple into her mane, tail, and hooves. Her eyes are a dark purple hue with black and silver speckles in them. Her strong wings softly glide along the stream. Melodious looks down upon her 'small' kingdom, smiling down at her subjects below. The palace at this point is far away along with her problems.

As the final toll fades, she flicks her wrists to head back to the stables.


The presence inside the meeting room felt closed in comparison to the open skies. the outside separated by three floors to ceiling stained glass windows; the noon light casting a dull glow and the colors muted. In front was her throne on a raised pedestal. Ornate carvings in the back of the chair and armrest bare many floral arrangements including the Melonia flower. A type of changing flower adapted to their new coat of arms at the new age of generations past.

In her grasp holds fast to another family heirloom. A staff made of wood inlay with precious gems and metals. The gems containing an orb of light in its center facets magic properties they held. Metallic inlay which winds around the staff and carved with floral patterns including the same Melonia flower wounds its way up to the small orb on top. Within more swirls of magic glows within its center. Each glowing and pulsating essence of magic entrances her into a light meditative state. Knowing each essence of magic is of each ancestor including her mother’s, brings about the past which weighs on her mind.

Today, however, the present situation weighs on her heavily for a decision today will affect the future. The twelve bells tolling brings her back out of her thoughts again as the Agents of the Courts file in; Jino already at his desk by her side.

Off to one side Felix and Kanda quietly debate over several maps he pulled from the archives. On the opposite side Brunik stands proud in uniform and his sword in his scabbard studies a tapestry while waiting. He is soon joined by Lady Syrianna, an aerial siren who is a longtime friend of his. Her daughter, Arianna waits outside with Karma and Lady Am'Clara. Lord Aidon, Melodious' cousin is the last arrival at the last tolls.


"Seats everyone," says Jino. "This council meets on the 22nd day of September. Council topic is of the re-emergence of the portals. The floor is open for discussion."

Felix takes the offer first. "Kanda and I have some notes to share about the portals." He unfurls several maps, all bearing a multitude of scribbled notes on the margins. "We weren't sure what type of information to look for, but I figured diving back into how they work would be a starting point. Unfortunately, our archives hold limited information.”

"That is where I came in and offered a quick trip to my circle's eldest member." Kanda chimed in. "He is the historian and storyteller of the group. He wrote and saved many documents with maps that show the original locations they tethered them to." She explains, shuffling the maps around. "Here you see no portal tethered here. We had to use powerful spells to provide stability and security."

"Is that good news for us?"

"It is. This phenomenon is a mystery, but I have a solution to prevent it from opening again. He gave me a spell they used back then so we can prevent another breach."

"That is good news, but our secrecy is still at risk, and now there is another problem to solve. There might be a chance it won’t be a one-time thing. We can't be everywhere if more opens and we can't have our eyes everywhere. We need to inform other leaders, but we will need discretion on who should know."

Kanda agrees, "Definitely not Or'am, and we will have to inform them to keep the secret as well."

Lord Aidon voices his agreement as well; "Right, and I have ideas in mind. We Should, when this is done, arrange a delegates' meeting. They will have thoughts about this that will need to be heard. I suggest teams send a message to major leaders we trust."

Lady Syrianna offers to inform her mother, leader of the Balkarians. Lord Faurlund, their closest ally, will be contacted as well. Whom else among the group should go. 'Should Brunik go?' Aidon wanted to suggest, but Jino protests

"No, this job is for messengers. It is a diplomatic mission, not fighting."

"We shouldn't be telling too many people about this, though." Brunik argues.

"We can trust my messengers. It’s their oath not to read messages. Secrecy is their priority." Jino proudly proclaims. "Faurlund is far off into the north. We shall have a carriage sent out right after this."

"Those woods are thick and dangerous. Do your messengers know how to read a map? They will have to complete part of the mission on foot."

"Stop," Melodious calmly commands. The two arguing agents sit back in their seats. Brunik and Jino, always at odds, went head-to-head many times. She allowed them to volley a bit, only to hear out both points. Each made valid ones. "We should work together on this ‌assignment. We will pair up a messenger with a guard, but selectively. I know you two have ideas in mind of whom to trust. We need eyes everywhere, so we shall enlist a couple more. Vardimir is in the West and Gailia Gales is to the East. We cover the four corners, pulling them into the fray." Melodious declares Lady Syrianna will go as planned; We will select three teams of two to carry out the other messages. Brunik, Jino."

They both look up, a bit concerned. "I think it will be a team effort to bring the bird back. I recommend you two go."

"what?" both exclaim in unison.

"I stand by it."

"But ma’am" "Your majesty." They both stammer.

"The gala," "My post". "Working with him, impossible." -tap, tap, tap-

"Enough, my word is final."

All agreed. The meeting adjourned.


Already awaiting at the stables, Brunik turns the key in his hand; magic wasn't his forte, but from what Felix explained, it was a new tool for their task. About the length of his hand; the prongs of varying length infused with small bluish crystals. The other end held a large amber colored gem with golden light swirling inside.

"Hmm, in genius, you did well Felix."

" Thanks, but a lot of the credit goes to Kanda and Karma. The point of this key is to help with locating new portals you could close on your end if needs arise; I’m hoping we could soon use it in the future."

"In the meantime, I want to get this one over with." He says impatiently, looking around. "Where is Jino?"

"I'm ready." His voice comes from behind. They look to find him approaching them. "Sorry for the wait. The scouts took a while to find a suitable bird cage to return the bird in. I also had a hard time with packing my bags, and...and what?"

"What are you wearing?" Brunik asks. Referring to his outfit; a short purple and silver robe reaching to his knees. Long sleeves and laces at the collar and sleeve hems. Long sleeve shirt and straight-line legged pants hemmed over black heeled shoes.

" What, this is my field uniform I wear on my travels."

"You travel in a cushioned carriage and throughout Avaboya. We are going to Earth and riding on the backs of Pegasi to get to the portal's location. You look ridiculous."

" Well, what about what you are wearing?” Gesturing to his black and grey outfit, long coat, heavy boots, and many knives in his belt. Felix looks between the two of them and notes that perhaps even if they have been cut off from earth they should speculate a change in fashion, but how much they can't predict.

"Perhaps I have something to remedy that, although I do not know how well it will work." He takes out several pendants. He explains that the gems have a glamor to hide certain conspicuous traits. Felix also warns that the glamor won't fool mirrors, but assures it shouldn't be a big issue either. There might be a chance that spellcasters might sense it. Although there is no certainty if that would be a problem. "Well, we will see how they work, professor. " Neighing and clomping sounds alert them of the presence of their prepared Pegasi handed over by a stable hand.

"Wait, we really are going on the backs of Pegasi?" Jino furrows his brows. "Why not a carriage?"

"There are no roads leading directly to The Willows Glen. Now you know how to ride, don't you? Get on."


At the East end of Greenville, at the same spot, the portal reopens. Jino, the first to step out, shaken. "I never want to do that again."

"Well, bad news. "replies Brunik, ‌ wary of the experience as well. "We will have to do this one more time." A slight rumble alerts his gaze skyward. "We have to find shelter, and fast." Moving onward, Jino follows close behind. Dusk is quickly turning to night and unfamiliar sights and sounds are surrounding them.

They walk some ways, the moon high and bright, casting long shadows. Brunik desperately looks for signs of shelter or a path. Night's music intensifies, Whhoo-hooo who-hooo hoo, Chiirrrp-chirp, Ribbit+croack+Ribbit, Chirp-Chirp.

"Jino, you mind?"

"Sorry," He lets go of his arm, "it startled me. Who is asking who?"

"I don't know." Brunik takes out a lantern from his satchel and from another pocket a stone which glows inside of the lantern. "It doesn't sound like a person, but perhaps a call of an animal."

"A dangerous one?"

"How am I to know?" Closing his eyes tilts his head one way and then another. "It is coming from the tree line in this general direction." He motions towards the sound. Both can see just beyond the light several eyes looking at them. One pair of eyes big and round tilts to the side and back up right. A step closer allows the light to reveal a lone barn owl.

"What kind of creature is that?"

"I do not know?"

"Look at its talons. Looks dangerous."

The owl stares back, turning his head nearly all the way around and back again. Jino cowers again, clinging to Brunik's arm; he shakes his head at his antics. The owl had a slender and angular shape to him. Nearly white feathers contrast to the dark, almost as light as the moonlight.

Suddenly, the owl focuses his gaze on the tall grass they are standing in. Following its gaze, they see where some blades move in a line. Looking back, they see the owl stretch his wings in preparation to fly. A small field mouse emerges from the grass.

"Awe, it is so..."

Squeak, all the sound it utters when the owl silently swoops down. Jino stares, slack jawed, but Brunik merely states, "Well, perhaps this one is dangerous, to small critters like that. Come on, we wasted enough time already."

They happen upon a path leading up to an overgrown graveyard with tilted and worn stones barely peeking over. The abandoned church with its roof slightly caved in the back is the best shelter to have. Inside are pews skewed all over. Music sheets litter the floor. In one wall was stained glass, the colors dimmed by a century of filth. Against the opposite wall stood a stand-up piano. Its intricate carving, long worn by weather and time, still stands. The loose keys still made a dull sound as something walked inside of it. The top creaks open and a masked face peeks out. A raccoon crawls out of the piano.

Brunik drops the bag in the middle of the floor. Their gear set up, they made their bed on the pews. Brunik, occupying one, slept soundly as if laying on the most comfortable bed. Jino laid on the hard pew for nearly an hour. His eyelids nearly closed when he saw something, the barn owl from earlier perched on the sill of an open window. It stared at the newcomers; their eyes met. Jino lays back down laying still staring at the rest of the ceiling for majority of the night, trying to ignore the constant inquiries of 'who'.


About the Creator


I have been writing a lot of stories and poems for a long time. It is nice to have a place to share it. I like to write about varying topics in my poem. I am constantly working on my world building and stories about my world Avaboya.

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